Gay sex is no longer crime in India

@suripunj (956)
New Delhi, India
September 6, 2018 1:10pm CST
Supreme Court of India in its historic judgement today decriminalized homosexuality.This brought the end of 100 year old colonial law.Now two adults can do any thing with each other within the confine of their habitat. People across different societies welcome the Judgement. Welcoming the verdict it has been said that homosexuality is quite natural. In my personal opinion, whatsoever it is but i donot believe it is natural. This is against the nature.I am not against the judgement because there is nothing wrong in being unnatural as long as it does not harm us or others. We all are little deviant in one way or other. One thing i also have noticed -correct me if i am wrong -that among homosexual couples one party has feminine characteristics whereas in other displays more the masculine behavior.If so i just don't what kind of relation it is. The other thing if the entire world turns homosexual ,will baby would be produced in factory? Then where the sperm will go? This is my personal opinion not intended to hurt any one, though i am interested to know your's on this.
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4 responses
@amadeo (111940)
• United States
6 Sep 18
that is good news there. Are they accepting gay couples and married?
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@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
7 Sep 18
i will not accept come hell and water.
@amadeo (111940)
• United States
7 Sep 18
@suripunj Not accept what.Gay marriage
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@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
8 Sep 18
@Shivram59 (33384)
• India
6 Sep 18
@strip unjust I don't think the society will accept it so easily.
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@vandana7 (99882)
• India
10 Sep 18
Unjust that homosexuality became legal, or unjust that they were suffering so far? As to society not accepting...we will see. There are vociferous supporters ...from outside LGBTQ as well. I am sure the few who want to break the fabric of our society will be reduced to minority in less than a decade.
@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
7 Sep 18
Atleast i will not.
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@Shivram59 (33384)
• India
7 Sep 18
@suripunj Nor will the society.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
9 Sep 18
Point 1. Not much space left for humans to occupy and to add more to the population is criminal (in my honest opinion) in such case. Point 2. There are plenty of orphans deserted, abandoned, exploited that need homes and parental love. Adopt them! Why be partial to your own flesh and blood?
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@vandana7 (99882)
• India
10 Sep 18
@suripunj Interesting take on parentage right..about minor orphan not being consenting party to be adopted. I disagree with that. The child has a choice...he or she can choose to be on road, without proper clothes, toys, food, bed, medical attention, education, and care like the other children who are born into a family. What would you choose say if you were two, or have your child choose in such situation? What do you honestly think the child would choose...sleep on muddy road, have no glass to drink water ..or drink from dirty ponds like the animals? As to babies, we can give them a choice once they can voice their views. .hey have a choice ...stay adopted, or go on streets...and even older children. This is what care means, and this is what will be missing. Informed decision. Yeah...let us do it...that is progress. If you want to argue for argument's sake...we can go on that road as well.
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@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
10 Sep 18
@vandana7 if you were facilitator had you given gay or lesbian couple same choice to pick baby of their preferred gender as you had given to heterosexual couple ? Would you ask or inquire any additional fact about homosexual couple you had not asked to heterosexual ,and vice versa ?
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@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
10 Sep 18
Breeding is criminal in such a case -Here what the case is ? And tell where in the world except in your mind the case is admissible minor orphan are not consenting party to be adopted.Start your fight now to get parentage right .
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@stapllotik (1933)
• India
8 Sep 18
No offence to anyone. Iam in sympathy for "born gay" and not " become gay".
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@suripunj (956)
• New Delhi, India
8 Sep 18
i agree with both your 'sympathy' and no 'sympathy'.