What do you think of the trend of Young people intentionally dying their hair gray, silver and white?

Calgary, Alberta
September 30, 2018 9:07am CST
Usually when people reach the age of mid 30's, gray, silver and white hair starts showing up. Many people hated these ashy hair colors because it is a sign of aging. So they either pluck it or dye it to more youthful colors. Recently though I notice the hair color that many older people despise is now becoming a trend. People as young as 15 to mid twenties are intentionally dying their hair the color of aging. I hate my grays, When I have budget dye them and if I have no budget I pluck them. This trend though makes me keep my grays. People wont think I am getting older, they will think I just follow this silly trend. This trend seemed to inspire some older people to embrace their grays, whites and silvers since young people are now desiring these colors.
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21 responses
@Juliaacv (52375)
• Canada
30 Sep 18
I've seen this on many people, and all that I have seen look beautiful. It depends on the individual's skin tone. I do think it looks a lot better then those gaudy amber and maroon colours that some tried to pull off a few years ago. A lot of people want what nature failed to deliver, and this is no different.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
The Ombre and Unicorn hair colors made me cringe. Especially the Unicorn onces because it looks like wig made of cotton candy.
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• United States
30 Sep 18
I'm not fond of my grays so I make sure I dye them
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
Isnt it funny that kids now wanted to have them. If I can only exchange my grays to youthful Dark brows and jet blacks.
@indexer (4852)
• Leicester, England
30 Sep 18
I am in favour of Nature taking its course. I have a few grey hairs at the temples but most of my hair still has colour at the age of 66. It has receded to give me a high forehead but there is still plenty on top - unlike my 25-year-old son who is going distinctly thin! I wonder what happened there? I know absolutely nothing about my natural father, so maybe a gene has jumped a generation! Personally I have absolutely no objection to people colouring their hair any way they like. I think properly silver hair on a young person can look stupendous!
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
I use to dye abuse my hair because I fear having the grays but I realize that I am blessed with thick healthy hair. So I do not need to fry it with chemicals. This trend made me stop dying my mane for a while. I hope this trend continues.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
30 Sep 18
It looks good on some youngsters. I haven't used hair dye of any colour at all. I am reluctant to do so. Its all chemical. But I might some day
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
If they spill on your eyes you will get blind, so yeah hair dying can be dangerous.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Sep 18
It's a funny trend because so many young people practice ageism.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
I wonder if wrinkles will become a trend soon.
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• Philippines
30 Sep 18
Ive never dyed my hair.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
Do you already have some grays growing out? Mine started growing at age 26.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
@Nickzter1331 Yeah I got some on my mid-20's and they are now aggressive on my 30'.
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• Philippines
30 Sep 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker i have a single strand of white hair. But it disappears. 26 is still too young for white hair right?
@m_audrey6788 (58472)
• Germany
30 Sep 18
Not bad..If they love it. why not?
• Germany
30 Sep 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker For me not I always go for my natural hair color chestnut brown hair color
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
@m_audrey6788 My natural hair is dark brown but I like having Jetblack. Recently I experimented with blue hair.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
Do you think gray, white and silver is a hair color you would like to try?
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• United States
30 Sep 18
I used to be like you about making sure to cover my gray hair. The older I got the more grayer it got, so I was always having to dye it. One day I said the heck with it and let it grow out to the point that I could have all the dyed hair cut off and I no longer dye it. My hair is now more gray then black, but I don't care, I think dying your hair all the time damages it in the long run.
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• United States
30 Sep 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker That was my problem, I was having to put dye in my hair about every other week, after years and years of doing this I just got tired of it.
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
@sweetashoney I heard there is now a stemcell technology being developed to cure the grays but I dont think I will afford it.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
I heard there is now a shampoo in the market that puts melanin on the grays but I am not sure it works, I saw a commercial of it on tv. dying is nice at first but after few days the roots exposes the grays. I look like a 19 year old without my grays, that's why I wanna keep them away for now.
@much2say (57292)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Oct 18
I find it funny. I don't dye my hair at all . . . but hey, with this cool hair cut I have now, my REAL grays do look super trendy cool .
@much2say (57292)
• Los Angeles, California
1 Oct 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker The thing is with the young'uns who do it, it looks so unnatural on them. Mine is the real deal - and I am lucky that it looks kinda like stripes (Pepe le Pew is an extreme example - mine isn't like his - but it's clustered similarly though I'm not that gray yet).
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• Calgary, Alberta
1 Oct 18
Seriously I wish all whippersnappers dye their hair gray so it wont be a symbol of aging anymore.
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
30 Sep 18
It's one of the reasons I shave my head. I figure, 'I'm going to lose it all & be bald anyway (although I can't think of any of my forefathers who went bald), might-as-well gent rid of it & let people get used to "bald Jay" early '
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
I don't have the balding problem because I am genetically hairy. I have issues with grays though because I got them in a young age. I only shave my head during summer.
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@Tampa_girl7 (51776)
• United States
30 Sep 18
I don't mind my sprinkle of white hair. The people in the photos above look good with their hair color.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
I think it works to some people who have a more youthful bone structure.
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@andriaperry (118393)
• Anniston, Alabama
30 Sep 18
Mine began to turn white in the front in my thirties but I am not gonna pull my hair out . About 5 years ago I went with the blonde, but I am a light brown naturally, so its not to bad. But I now have this mixture of light brown, gray and while, with the blonde hair dye. Its not what I want but what I have. I do the roots about every other month. OH I like the trend.
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• Calgary, Alberta
1 Oct 18
Months I am plucking my grays and whites to have all black hair because dying them annoys me because the roots have different colors. Now I am so sick and tired of it.
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• Calgary, Alberta
1 Oct 18
@andriaperry My hair is an aggressive grower, If I shave my head today, I will have early 2000's Prince Harry look by 2 months. So yeah I have to dye the roots every week.
@andriaperry (118393)
• Anniston, Alabama
1 Oct 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker Just do it! dye the roots!
@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
30 Sep 18
I think it is nice. I am trendy myself, my hair is similar salt and pepper color.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
I have a feeling yours are natural and not a trend.
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
@Courage7 No need for expensive products to follow the latest trend.
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@Courage7 (19633)
• United States
30 Sep 18
@praetyo (36)
• Malang, Indonesia
30 Sep 18
I really like the gray ash color they use especially for 15 year olds. But I won't paint my hair gray because of the regulations in my area
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
Is that a religion thing? Because I had seen some pink haired Indonesians in Bali before.
• Malang, Indonesia
1 Oct 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker no, that is customs in my area
@youless (112851)
• Guangzhou, China
1 Oct 18
I just think it is a waste for the young people to dye their hair the color of aging. They already have beautiful hair and it is natural.
• Calgary, Alberta
1 Oct 18
I guess they just cant wait to get those grays, whites and silvers when they will have that eventually.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
30 Sep 18
Actually, I can't wait and it's taking forever to go gray. Doesn't bother me a bit.
• Calgary, Alberta
1 Oct 18
months ago I am plucking my grays since they are still a minority.
@LadyDuck (472506)
• Switzerland
30 Sep 18
Well, I did not know it is trendy, but I am glad to know that my silver hair are trendy. As I do not show my age, people always ask me if I dyed my hair because they love the color so much.
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Sep 18
On a recent celebrity red carpet, Almost every single celebrity on the party have this hair color. I actually wanted this trend to continue because it gives older people a favor.
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@LadyDuck (472506)
• Switzerland
30 Sep 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker Exactly, I do not dye my hair because it's true that it's a nice silver and dyes are not very good for the hair.
• Northampton, England
1 Oct 18
my hair is greying now
• Calgary, Alberta
1 Oct 18
I have grays too but currently I dyed my hair blue.
• Philippines
1 Oct 18
I want to dye my hair with ash gray but I don't think I can pull it off.
• Calgary, Alberta
1 Oct 18
A person have to look Youthful to pull it off because it will make you look old.
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@frenki (1693)
• Serbia
30 Sep 18
I just see it as any other color. Like if they would dye it green , purple, whatever, all same to me. I dont conect it to aging coz its looking different when its natural gray, you can tell which is which.
• Calgary, Alberta
1 Oct 18
Natural grays usually have a salt and pepper effect since they are a minority but very visible
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@frenki (1693)
• Serbia
1 Oct 18
@CaptAlbertWhisker Yes, thats a way to explain it