Good Samaritans assist a shopper who was being assaulted by a man

The sign to welcome people in Huntsville
@Deepizzaguy (100525)
Lake Charles, Louisiana
November 2, 2018 7:22pm CST
Due to the sensitive nature of the crime, the names of the assault victim and the Good Samaritans who saved her from being assaulted refused to give out their last name. Kriston who was shopping inside a discount store in Huntsville Texas was attacked by Alexis Lugo, 22, who allegedly touched her in an inappropriate manner inside a Dollar Tree. When Kriston screamed at her attacker, Alexis ran away from her and tried to flee the scene when Patrick who refused to give out his last name was able to use his handgun to stop Alexis to do more physical harm to what would have been his next victim until the Huntsville Police arrived to take him into custody on assault charges. Bailey Fugate also assisted Patrick and his wife Tabitha to point him out that he was stalking females inside the discount store on Friday. Kriston is thankful that there are some concerned citizens who were watching her back from being harmed.
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4 responses
@franxav (13758)
• India
3 Nov 18
These people who are ready to help make a great difference in our life.
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@Deepizzaguy (100525)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
3 Nov 18
That is true since none of us are islands.
@RasmaSandra (78332)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Nov 18
Good to know there are people like that out there.
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@Deepizzaguy (100525)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
3 Nov 18
That is true since united we stand, divided we fall.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
3 Nov 18
There are still people who could be a good help, there are always good people around. Kinda reminds me of some one who took a chicken from a kiosk.
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@Deepizzaguy (100525)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
3 Nov 18
Why America is a great nation despite what the media likes to report about the evils going on today.
@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Nov 18
They stepped in at the right time.