I Would Normally Say Vote For The Best Candidate Running, But Not This Time

Mojave, California
November 5, 2018 11:48am CST
For One very simple reason because Republicans no matter who they are refuse or are just to scared for whatever reason to hold this President accountable. I am not normally like my sister where she is so mad at Republicans, she votes nothing but Democrats way on everything. I normally still try to listen to both sides and see who the better candidate is, and that still leaves me voting for Democrats 95 percent of the time and Republicans 5 percent normally. It is because there is not much good I am seeing from that party as a whole. They sold out and make it clear they are corrupted and proud of it because in their eyes they are winning. I know I live in liberal California, but tell you what. Republicans here are just as crazy as everywhere else in the country. There are not many moderate Republicans here either. 95 percent of them are just as hard right as the rest of Republicans in the country from what I have observed. I get most Democrats are not much better usually, but they are the lesser evil 95 percent of the time from what I see with these eyes. So, where I would normally vote for a good Republican is just not happening this time because they would fall into the abyss of that evil layer that is blanketing our countries current leadership. They would not do a damn thing about that goon of a President running our country because they would be to scared. From their base, from him, from corporate hacks who paid for that Republicans candidacy. Someone, needs to start holding the evil man accountable and sadly Democrats are expected to do that or their ass will get tossed out the next time. Only way for me to go and sorry America, you deserve much better than what we have become. I read an article about how many thought Nixon was a bad Corrupted President, but Trump, he is just evil. I have to say, that is exactly the way I feel and will only be voting for Democrats this time. Thanks for making me into a partisan hack like the rest Republican Party.
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4 responses
@spiderdust (14759)
• San Jose, California
5 Nov 18
It's sad that we have to vote based on who we don't want to win as opposed to who we do want to win, but that's how things currently stand. I hope it won't always be like that.
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• Mojave, California
5 Nov 18
Indeed, about the sickest feeling in the world to be forced to do something you hate. These days I seem to have to do a lot of things I hate and wonder what it will take to get back to the old days when I thought those days were so bad. It really is amazing how things just seem to keep getting worse and how we are going the wrong way to create a more perfect union. I am still wondering what these people are truly after and pretty sure it is nothing good.
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@spiderdust (14759)
• San Jose, California
5 Nov 18
@crossbones27 At least we're still voting the way our conscience dictates, even if we don't like how we have to do it.
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• Mojave, California
5 Nov 18
@spiderdust Indeed, there is still that at least, but hopefully it is not one of those deals like corporate America likes to do. Just give them the illusion we are improving their lives when really we making it that much harder. It seems to be what most in this country are doing. Oh well, here is to better days. I wish I was one of those Naive people who could not see it, but I do. Ignorance is really bliss.
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
5 Nov 18
your right they are scared.They are afraid of Trump He is the biggest bully there.
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• Mojave, California
5 Nov 18
A big bully leading a mob of more bullies.
• Mojave, California
5 Nov 18
@amadeo I am good my man, can't say the country is but I am. How are you?
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
5 Nov 18
@crossbones27 yes and little bullies also.How are you my man.
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@LaDeBoheme (2004)
• United States
5 Nov 18
We, as Americans, have the inalienable right to make our voices heard; it is very important we vote. Whether we go with our gut instinct or party affiliation, every vote DOES count! That being said, I still believe the United States is the greatest country in the world and I definitely have a problem with a buffoon that tries to tell me it isn't, but that he will make it great again. What he wants to do is make us ALONE again. I have no use for divisiveness and fear-mongering. I have no use for 'celebrity presidents' or their lackeys and I will put in my 2ยข tomorrow at the polls, not only because is it my right, it is my duty.
• Mojave, California
5 Nov 18
Amen, all we can do for now and hope what we are doing now is not the way they really want this country to be like moving forward because I know I do not want to live in that world. Have to wait and see what tomorrow may bring though, literally this time.
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• United States
5 Nov 18
I'm like you, voting for the person that I normally feel would be the best person for the job. This time I feel that the Republicans would be run like little toy trucks by the self righteous person in the Whitehouse. I can't even stand to watch him speak with the volume off. As my Mom used to say, you can tell a lot about a person by watching them talk and not listening to them speak. Watching this self righteous goon speak says volumes about his thinking process and what he thinks about himself, if you can stand to listen to his speech process it says even more about him. What he is doing isn't for the good of the country but for the good of Trump. I look at pictures of him and get the same shivers down my spine that I get when I look at the head of WWII Germany. I haven't sent in my absentee ballot yet, but it will be filled in for all Democrats too. There is one thing creeping through my mind as the "President" is making his campaign tour of America, trying to get everyone to vote for Republicans. Who is paying for his trip? It's got to be awfully expensive with the presidential jet and the armored limo and all the guards. Who is watching the country?
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• Mojave, California
5 Nov 18
Oh yeah, someone made a point the other day he is using the playbook Hitler used, but made it clear that they were not comparing Trump to Hitler. I always say Hitler was much smarter than Trump but either way, as Trump says his base loves that playbook and loves when he does it. if I was a Democrat and running, I think I could win on the debt alone. Where are the fiscal conservatives now? Always complaining how Democrats spend money like Drunken sailors, but this administration has exploded our debt and our debt already blew up a long time ago. All of his trips to Mar a Lago and really this whole administration does stuff like that at the tax payers expense. Not to mention the huge tax cut the rich got when they clearly more wealthy than ever and did not need it. The man even bragged. You guys should be happy, I just made you all much more rich. Its sickening, but remember still better than voting for a Democrat.
• Mojave, California
5 Nov 18
@spiderdust Yep, poor children getting shafted again years down the road from now when they are going to have to find solutions to pay this money back.
@spiderdust (14759)
• San Jose, California
5 Nov 18
You know who is paying for those trips. It's you and me. What are we getting out of this? Nothing, and possibly even worse. Our future has been gutted.
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