November 15, 2018 8:09am CST
I started seeking for an online job exactly a year ago. My mom even supported me and bought me my own laptop. I kept on searching on every sites, but it just lead me to some kind of online jobs that you needed to pay for a fee. It really disappoint me a lot. One of the reasons I am looking for an online job is to earn to have money. I actually don't have that kind of amount to pay for that fee. Well, I still have this bit patient and hope in me that I am going to get my desired online job. Please pray for me.
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4 responses
@Icydoll (36716)
• India
15 Nov 18
Good luck in finding one that suits you . Have you tried forum coin ?
1 person likes this
15 Nov 18
Not yet. Can you share me something about it?
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@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
10 Jan 19
I hope you will find good online job.
@youless (112710)
• Guangzhou, China
16 Nov 18
In fact it is not easy to find an online job that offers a good paid, unless you are very professional or have special skills.
@NJChicaa (121287)
• United States
15 Nov 18
So get a regular job then