Black Friday. Could be the most sad day of year.

@ziutso (130)
November 22, 2018 6:50pm CST
Almost all of us know about [Black-friday](). Everybody of us enjoy this day... From businessman to customer, Grandpa to grandchild everyone. Wait wait.... Do we know the story behind #black-Friday?? May b somebody knows and majority don't know. I Think we should celebrate this day as a #crying day. But It is a matter of sorrow all of us enjoy this day every year and many of us wait for this day. I am a little creature I don't understand many thing But I understand as a human being we should avoid this day and protest against this system. Just think once some people frauds with some innocent muslim and killed them entering them in a mosque assuming that in the mean time nobody will harm them. They can prayer themselves. And after that breaking words killed innocent muslims lighting fire all over the mosque so that nobody stay alive. Is this their God teach them...??? I personally never heard about such God who said to kill people saying lie. This real story should be sorrowful day of the world. But we celebrate this day as a most hype of opportunities and wait for #Black-friday. Shame shame to this human community. If someone hurted for my speech Then forgive mw. I juat express my opinion. Sorry. If anybody interested to know the full history behind Black-friday please search in google and read once. please.
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1 response
@DWDavis (25805)
• United States
23 Nov 18
I'm not familiar with the story of Black Friday you related. Here in the US, Black Friday is the day after our Thanksgiving Day and is called Black Friday because it is the point at which retailers begin to move out of the red (losing money) for the year into the black (making a profit).
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@ziutso (130)
23 Nov 18
Check online and realize please @DWDavis
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