Catnip for my cat

December 19, 2018 8:06am CST
Why do cats LOVE catnip? "The leaves and stems of the catnip plant contain an oil called "nepetalactone." When cats smell nepetalactone, it stimulates special receptors that sense chemicals called "pheromones." The result is a kind of chemical reaction that gives the cat a sense of euphoria or overwhelming happiness." I planted plenty of catnip in my garden, and its fun to see my cat playing with those leaves and after a while he is going crazy, and it seems like he sniff a marijuana, he jumping, running and playing with us, and chasing us.
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8 responses
@nawala123 (20871)
• Indonesia
19 Dec 18
happy weeding cat
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@nawala123 (20871)
• Indonesia
20 Dec 18
@Loriejane22 the cat seems enjoy it so much
• Bekasi, Indonesia
19 Dec 18
Your cat looks very smart once
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• Bekasi, Indonesia
20 Dec 18
19 Dec 18
Yes he is.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
19 Dec 18
oohhh so this is catnip. thanks this is very informative
1 person likes this
19 Dec 18
They also says that this can be take by human as a tea to relieve pain and also use as mosquito repellant.
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@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
20 Dec 18
@Loriejane22 wow.. good idea... maybe it is kratom.
@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
19 Dec 18
Stoned kitty!
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19 Dec 18
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Dec 18
I had a big pot of catnip planted just outside my house and Petey my Ginger Tabby would curl up and sleep in it. I can just imagine his dreams! He also would chew on it in passing. I also would snip off stems and leaves for my inside cats and scatter them on the family room floor for them to roll around on. Even the dog would join in. I have a couple of envelopes of catnip seed to plant again this year for Petey so he can have the enjoyment of the catnip. Unfortunately I lost the other cats to the fire that burned down my home but if I'm able to get another Siamese kitten I'll introduce it to the joys of fresh catnip which is much better than the stale dry stuff you buy in the store. (You don't get as wonderful a reaction from your cat with the catnip toys and packaged catnip you buy in the store as it's been around for months waiting for you to purchase it and the oil has gone rancid in it.) I should add that catnip is also good for humans. I often use it in my tea for when I need a pick-me-up. In some books you read about people drinking catnip tea, it's for real. I will often drink it for my head aches and other pains as it does help a lot. Give it a try, it won't hurt you any.
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• United States
20 Dec 18
@Loriejane22 Garlic is wonderful mosquito repellent. I learned that while I lived in Thailand. I take garlic tablets here in the U.S. and haven't been bothered by mosquitoes at all. Plus taking garlic in tablet form you don't have the problem of garlic breath.
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19 Dec 18
Sorry for your lost cat. Thanks for some information about catnip, i usually attack by migraine and always taking over the counter medicine, since i discovered something new that this can really help to ease pain, i will try to make some tea. I also heard that the catnip use as mosquito repellant, isnt it?
@Moon24 (22396)
• Serbia
19 Dec 18
Looks like your cat have fun.
1 person likes this
19 Dec 18
Even i have fun looking at them too.
@hereandthere (45645)
• Philippines
19 Dec 18
so that's how the catnip plant looks like. what's your cat's name?
1 person likes this
19 Dec 18
My cats name is Thomas Catnip is like a thin heart shape
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@leny34 (8506)
• Sidoarjo, Indonesia
19 Dec 18
wow that's very good knowledge, I didn't care for it before Thank you for sharing it here
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