Economy and Bussiness
By Vasyl
@WallStre (6)
February 10, 2019 5:52am CST
North Stream -2 a weapon in Putin hands or commercial project?
A answer on this guestion can be found in a different massmedia. But important thing is to analyse all the ivents.Let us consider below the next guestions!
1.What project is it?
2. Has this project a future?
3.Can it really be effective of economic paint of few!
4.How does it enfluence U. S economy!
1. North Stream- 2 is a natural gas tranzit pipeline way from Russia to EU. Financed by Gasprom(70%) and EU countries Governments(30%). Was projected and addapted by sides in 2009. Oficial the task is to provide Europe with high deposits of natural gas.
2. If to take into consideration the positions of a different countries one can say no! For example Germany lobby this project . But such a countries like a France, Poland, Baltic state are against this progect!
3.Economic effect can be considered from two sides:
The price of natural gas will never be a market price. Because Russia is always using oil and gas as a weapon to provide there interests! Example Ukraine used to have such a problems in 2005; 2007-2009 years because the president Youshcenko and his team proclaimed course of Ukraine to NATO and EU! Politics and bussiness are not separated in Russia.
Development of alternative energy in EU( special in Germany) and devercefication of oil import ( import from U.S and Arabic countries). If EU will adapt this project thay will dipend from Russia in political ways that can have enfluence on economy! Because EU will not have there own economic course. Russia will destroy economy of Europe throu corrupted politics and bussinessmans who will provide there interest throu politics! Theu easylly can bring oligarhs to power.Even if Nord Stream -2 will be adapted it will be not fully procesed!
For U. S economy it will have no enfluence seriosly! Because american economy is deverceficated and doesn't depend from oil and gas!(1% of all economy) . But if Nord Stream-2 will be not adapted America can make a little benefits but not seriosly. For USA it is political thing! For them priority is security of EU as mostly all of them belong to NATO. That is why Trump promised to stop this project.
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