Do you correct your mistakes?

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United Kingdom
February 11, 2019 4:06pm CST
We all make mistakes (God knows I have). In real life or online mistakes are a fact of life. I'm sure we'd all rather have it otherwise and would all wish to be perfect but no-one is. Mistakes can be trivial or serious and can have unexpected effects on our lifes. What's the worst mistake you've made and did you do your best to correct it?
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13 responses
11 Feb 19
but the important thing to remember is that without the evil in the world, the good would be bland, and it would be just as good or bad as anything else. We are able to comprehend the positive BECAUSE of the negative
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
11 Feb 19
I am not sure if I could justify evil like that, that evil has to be around for good to be around, or at least noticed. If God exists, and if his existence is one perfection, how can we believe this about good and evil, surely we comprehend everything through love, not through either the positive, or the negative. And yet God sits at the top of every pile, but he exists in the bottom of every pile too. The pile's top could be called positive, its bottom negative, but really they are just two points on the same line, which God draws for man to walk upon, and to balance his life from, with love all around him. When man sees that really he need not walk that line, all he sees then is love all around, as does God.
• United Kingdom
11 Feb 19
@GuitarWizard011235 Yeah, I get you, it's just a pity that it can be a tough lesson to swallow though
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11 Feb 19
@innertalks YES! that is what i wanted to hear!! thank you for this.
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@Nana49 (3399)
• United States
11 Feb 19
The worst mistakes i ever made was marrying my 2 ex husbands and i divorced them both the first was 5 years he cheated on me the 2nd husband was 10 years he was abusive .. I learned to be really picky now about who i date and decided i will not settle that's why im still single but happily divorced..
• United Kingdom
11 Feb 19
@Nana49 I have a feeling that most peoples' 'worst mistakes' will involve ex-partners - like you, mine did!
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
11 Feb 19
I didn’t know! Good suggestion I wouldn’t know what was my worst mistake not something I keep track off. Yes everyone makes mistakes and as my kids say we use thst to learn.
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@ShyBear88 (59347)
• Sterling, Virginia
12 Feb 19
@ThreeTeddies some times you got keep messing up before you see the mess up.
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• United Kingdom
11 Feb 19
@ShyBear88 Hopefully we do learn from our mistakes but not everyone seems to and keep doing it again
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
11 Feb 19
Yes I correct if I know I have done something, absolutely. As for my worst, not sure. Being misunderstood perhaps.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
11 Feb 19
@ThreeTeddies You know, as I was typing those words I realized that I have been blaming myself for something that was never my fault over the years. Thank you for this post, you have made a huge difference in my worries. Isn't it funny how something begins to make sense when you start reading and writing about it. We have free therapy here!
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• United Kingdom
12 Feb 19
@CarolDM And we get paid - a win-win situation!
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• United Kingdom
11 Feb 19
@CarolDM Being misunderstood isn't your mistake. Someone has gotten the wrong idea about you through no fault of your own
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@WiseGhots (14606)
11 Feb 19
I always do that as much as I can (if it's necessary).
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• United Kingdom
11 Feb 19
@WiseGhots Correcting mistakes is always necessary but not always easy or possible
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@WiseGhots (14606)
11 Feb 19
@ThreeTeddies Yeah. Sometimes it's pretty hard to do that.
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@JWMILLER (3275)
• Westmoreland, Tennessee
11 Feb 19
I do not object to your question t all, but I do object to waying my answer.
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11 Feb 19
the worst mistake that i've ever made was choosing not to care about school in 9th/10th grade. also, i tried my absolute BEST to correct it, and i did everything that i could. I made straight A's for my remaining two years of high school; however, since i did so terrible during the first two years, it made it to where i couldnt get into the college i wanted to. Oh well, im still chugin
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• United Kingdom
11 Feb 19
@GuitarWizard011235 Bummer! I did pretty much the same and left school with poor grades but I made it my business to educate myself. I ain't 'Brain of Britain' but I think I'm doing OK
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@Hate2Iron (15727)
• Canada
12 Feb 19
I've done a few things... and yes, I definitely tried to correct it! You learn from your mistakes!
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• United Kingdom
12 Feb 19
@Hate2Iron Pity we couldn't learn before our mistakes
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@wolfgirl569 (112915)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Feb 19
If I know about it yes.
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@JudyEv (348065)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Feb 19
Sorry, don't want to go there. I do try to correct mistakes now. I think I've learnt a few things over the years.
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• United Kingdom
11 Feb 19
@JudyEv Gotcha! I can read between the lines
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
11 Feb 19
Who is to know what is a mistake or what is a new way of seeing something?
A mistake in some ways is mainly about our taking a different route to that which we would have liked to have taken in hindsight, and yet, in reality, we might often mistake the mistake for being a mistake, when we actually learned a lot from it. For example, I bombed out of Uni. Was it a mistake, or not? The leftoverness of this happenstance brought me a life much different than what I would have had if I had stayed at Uni, and yet who’s to know if staying there would have been the real mistake. In a lot of ways then, there are no real mistakes, only those that we see in bad light, so label them that way. It's probably far better, just to see it as another experience, not an error that we should feel guilty about, and we should try to learn something from it, then just move on. Photo Credit: The photo used here was freely sourced from the free media site: Who is to know what is a mistake, or what is a new way of seeing something?
• United Kingdom
11 Feb 19
@innertalks I contend that their are real mistakes. I know 'coz I've made them. A decision which takes your life down an unexpected path isn't necessarily a mistake but one which ultimately takes you far away from a desired destination is a real mistake. Sometimes there is no going back. I know this from personal experience
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
11 Feb 19
@ThreeTeddies Yes, but if you say that your life was just one big mistake, it certainly gives one a depressing feeling. I myself have done nothing ever right in my life. Everything has been a mistake, in the sense that nothing I have ever done, I am happy about, or convinced that it was right for me to have done. I do not really know what would have been right. I don't know who I am, or what I want. Given this starting point, then how can I know if I have really made mistakes, or not. I believe in a lot of ways, we are ultimately not in control of our lives. Some outside force, perhaps, our higher self, is sort of pushing, manipulating twisting us into shape for its own purposes. I just go along with life, watching it curiously, trying to see where it takes me too, or how it might unfold, for me. In this sense, I just mainly accept things, rather than feel guilty/getting depressed about my not knowing what I want, and thinking that everything has been a mistake.
• Agra, India
6 Mar 19
I used to argue with the fools. Bow I have stopped doing this. I always leave them happy
@Sojourn (13835)
• India
7 Mar 19
Honestly, previously when I was a teenager I felt reluctant to admit, but now I do
• Accra, Ghana
11 Feb 19
i can't really tell which mistake was my worst because i am full of it. what hurts the most is when u repeat a mistake. and also i can't grade a mistake to be either good or bad. Because i have seen and been in situation were mistakes have caused real damage and others saved situations believe it or not. what ever your case is just repent especially when it comes to saving lives and be grateful for a second chance, forgive yourself and others and keep moving forward.
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• United Kingdom
12 Feb 19
@chrisaloys2341 Most of us will repeat minor mistakes but, hopefully, we will never repeat that huge mistake we made!
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• Accra, Ghana
12 Feb 19
@ThreeTeddies hopely lol, yea
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