How can say that, that person likes you or loves you?

February 11, 2019 9:49pm CST
For me, I have a friend..i met him on Facebook, he's in cleaveland, Ohio right now, I'm here in Philippines... He is a Filipino.,,i never met him before.. He helps me a lot.,financial,and moral will I know if he likes me or not...should I assumed?
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4 responses
12 Feb 19
Like is easy to tell. Love takes time, sacrifice, and most importantly, patience.
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12 Feb 19
Yes, and I wish , it's just friendship , I don't want to break the kind of relationship that we have...
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12 Feb 19
1 person likes this
12 Feb 19
@dolceMiamore just make it that way. Do not cross the line of friendship.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
12 Feb 19
Never assume anything. Or you can end up being hurt. Only person who can answer that question is the person who it is intended for. Ask him and you;; find your answers.
1 person likes this
12 Feb 19
Thank you
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
12 Feb 19
Its hard to assume because you might be embarrassed in the end. Much better that it will come from the person himself.
1 person likes this
12 Feb 19
Thanks for your advice ??
@Nana49 (3399)
• United States
12 Feb 19
You could talk to him about your feelings and see what he says and go from there ..
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12 Feb 19
Thank you..,,my feelings for him is just a friend , base on his actions , I'm afraid that he is expecting more than friends