The Biggest Snake I Ever Saw.

February 24, 2019 4:00pm CST
First I must say I am afraid of snakes...not little ones but the big ones make me think twice... A few years ago I went with friends to an event for the communty. It was a fun place with all sorts of animals shown off and if you want to you can pet them. I liked the animals with fur that were there and the birds ( owls, hawks) and the hair on my head about stood up when I saw the snake. There were cages with small animals and because it was an event for kids most of the animals were brought out of their cages so you can see them face to face. It was a fun day. Until I saw the snake. I really don't like snakes. My mother was always afraid of snakes and I caugaht it from her. You can see the snake in my photos. It was huge and in the first photo the owner of the snake was leaning over the back of a wheel chair so the child in the chair could see the snake up close and touch it. It give me the creeps but I did watch and that young child did like seeing it and touching it. I took a picture of the man ....because the tail of his snake was around his made me laugh. I got another photo of the man holding the snake and it still to this day gives me the creeps. I am no sissy and I do like the Rat Snakes because they catch the rats.... and I like little snakes – the harmless ones... How about you...
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18 responses
• United States
24 Feb 19
You're braver than I am for getting close enough to take a picture. I do not like snakes at all!!!!
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• Canada
26 Feb 19
The older I get the less fear I have... Its OK, I don't like them either but that man and the snake was too funny to ignore.
@1creekgirl (42637)
• United States
24 Feb 19
Oh my goodness! I see the snakes now!
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• Canada
24 Feb 19
Thanks for letting me know. I could see them on my computer so I just tried my IPad and saw you comment and the photos...
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
25 Feb 19
I would have not even took photos, I have a phobia of snakes, many times the small ones are the most dangerous.
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
26 Feb 19
@PainsOnSlate Some little ones are beautiful and poisonous. I know we have to watch the eye to know if they are poisonous. I am not brave enough to get close enough. A viper is only 30 cm long, but it kills.
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• Canada
26 Feb 19
My daughter taught me to not be afraid of the little ones, I can actually hold them now and pet them. The big ones still give me the creeps.
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• Canada
26 Feb 19
@LadyDuck I would not touch one unless my daughter was testing me...I don't think we have vipers - i will go look that up. The only snake that is dangerous in Ontario is the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake. Reading about them, it seems they are more afraid of us than we are afraid them.
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• United States
24 Feb 19
i've a deep respect fer snakes, don't fear 'em though do get a tad cranky when i find 'em where they ought not be (they've other thoughts, like lookin' fer food/'r shelter). i've snake catchers all o'er the place so's i can tend to 'em quickly (aka: take 'em out to the very back barns which aint'n use). ne'er'd the desire to pet one 'n surely'd not like one 'f those ya show'n the pic crawlin' me 'n squeezin'. 's fer wee snakes? 'round here, they're more deadly'n their parents, that'd be how so many rattlers survive. oh, those rat snakes? dangerous if'n ya get bitten by 'em coz 'f all the bacteria'n their fangs. best jest to stay clear 'f 'em all if'n possible. i got a good giggle o'er yer 1st pic, too :)
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• United States
26 Feb 19
@PainsOnSlate such 'tis true. the thingy bein' that a non-poisonous snake 's teeth. they grow bacteria from all they kill 'n consume (dang 'em, they ferget to floss!) 'n thus their bites can be jest 's dangerous.
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• Canada
26 Feb 19
I really miss you and am so happy when you stop by to say HI! I've been away for a while and will have to check and see if you are writing again...I looked it up today and the only dangerous snake in Ontario is the rattlesnake. But it said (as I read it) that the snake would probably run away instead of biting us...The rat snakes here in Ontario just go for rats. All farmers love them for keeping snakes out of the barns and yards. I had a video of my daughter and a bunch of friends having a bon fire and a rat snake went through the whole crew trying to get (according to my daughter) warm and get closer to the fire... I laughed when I saw that snake in that place too.... @crazyhorseladycx
• Canada
26 Feb 19
@crazyhorseladycx I looked it up and this is what I found...Firstly snakes are not Poisonous,they are Venomous. ... Rat snakes usually hunt and kill mice by biting with their teeth and suffocate them by constriction of it's own body. They are not deadly to humans, being actually benefitial to humans, about the control of rodent population. Is Rat Snake Poisonous? - Quora
QuoraSign In Venomous Snakes Reptiles Toxicology Snakes AnimalsUpdateCancelaqdqGP cbVTyXG ucWGaKUinOmqPksgFysiiETnWbKOulXiUyAJKAIs Amazon actually giving you the best price?This tool looks for lower prices at other stores while you shop on Amazon and tells
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@1creekgirl (42637)
• United States
24 Feb 19
I don't see any photos. But I hate snakes of all sizes.
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• Canada
24 Feb 19
I see the photos, I hope you can too, I might have to send it again....Thanks for letting me know.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
24 Feb 19
According to my wife...small beans...
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• Canada
24 Feb 19
My daughter was never afraid of snakes and intradusced me to every one of them at her place...i’m Better now. I don’t want to carry one but I don’t scream any more..
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• Canada
26 Feb 19
@porwest me too, I'd rather not see them too.
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@porwest (96814)
• United States
24 Feb 19
@PainsOnSlate I personally still loathe snakes. Ugh. Don't want to be near them.
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
8 Mar 19
Seeing the snake wrapped around the man's butt that way would have made me laugh as well. I have seen a snake like that at a local events as well. It was named cheesecake.
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@shaggin (73975)
• United States
8 Mar 19
@PainsOnSlate yes they get very big something like 12 feet long
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• Canada
8 Mar 19
I didn't hang around to find out this one's name but it was huge... and yellow.
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@BelleStarr (61297)
• United States
4 Mar 19
I hate snakes, ughhhhh I hope to never see one up close and personal.
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• Canada
5 Mar 19
I know how you feel, they give me the creeps too...
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
27 Feb 19
I don't like snakes either but fortunately have never had anything to do with them.
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• Canada
28 Feb 19
Me too, I took these photos at an event that happened to be in my town. I see snakes once in a while but the little ones, they don't bother me...
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
5 Apr 19
I don't like any kind of snake. They really scare me. There is no way I would have been that close.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
7 Apr 19
@PainsOnSlate Snakes and lizards I don't like at all.
• Canada
7 Apr 19
I didn't like the big ones either, the little ones used to scare me but not anymore.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
25 Feb 19
@PainsOnSlate I do not like snakes either.
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• Canada
2 Mar 19
me too....
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
3 Mar 19
@PainsOnSlate I do not want to be near them at all.
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• United States
27 Feb 19
I'm not a big snake person either. I live in the country and so there are quite a few in the area. But I don't kill them if I can get around them without killing them. They are very beneficial to the balance of nature with their catching rodents and eating them. I believe that there are certain insects that they also consume so they are very busy earning their keep. I just don't want them in the long as they observe that one rule I'm fine with snakes. We had one in the house way back in 1985 and Mom had to get a neighbor to come remove it from the kitchen. Other than that we haven't had any problems with snakes. I've had friends that have made pets out of snakes, but I just can't do that. I appreciate them as members of the community of nature, but I don't want to be close friends with one.
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• Canada
28 Feb 19
Snakes can't get in my house thankfully...I would not be happy with one in the house.
• Canada
1 Mar 19
@BearArtistLady thanks for the laugh. I have never picked one up because they give me the creeps.
@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
28 Feb 19
Yikes, I prefer not being around snakes.
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• Canada
2 Mar 19
me too actually, I happened to go to a event and the snake was there so I took it photo...
@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
24 Feb 19
WoooowwwI'm not afraid of a snake, but I do not know if I would hug her.
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• Canada
26 Feb 19
There would be no hugging if it was me....
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• Canada
28 Feb 19
@Nevena83 yes I am afraid.
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
27 Feb 19
@PainsOnSlate Are you afraid of a snake?
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@Hate2Iron (15727)
• Canada
24 Feb 19
The only snake that I was kind of okay with was a baby snake. That is pretty much it. Once they start to grow... that's it! They creep me out. Maybe if they had feet and didn't slither...
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• Canada
26 Feb 19
I don't like them either, they scare me but i try to act like they are not so I run away from them....My mother was afraid of them and that is where i got my dislike too.
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
24 Feb 19
I will pass on this.
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• Canada
3 Mar 19
I usually pass on this but had no idea the snake was going to be there..since I was there I had to take the photos...
@Fleura (31120)
• United Kingdom
24 Feb 19
I'm interested in snakes but my partner doesn't like them at all. We just went to an animal park yesterday and they had some interesting and beautiful snakes and a man gave a little talk - one young boy in the audience was obviously really keen because he knew the longest snake (reticulated python), the largest snake (anaconda). I learned some interesting facts such as why they have forked tongues... fascinating animals. Of course we only have small snakes in this country and only one of those is venomous so that helps!
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• Canada
3 Mar 19
i love to see a kid interest in science. Snakes give me the creeps but I did enjoy seeing this one at this event. So many kids wanted to touch it - not me....
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@JudyEv (347385)
• Rockingham, Australia
25 Feb 19
I don't like the big snakes like this one. I can cope with smaller ones.
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• Canada
28 Feb 19
It was a show, so a lot of people saw it and its the biggest I've ever seen and I don't want to ever see one that big again....
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