Lightning and Thunder: Are you afraid of them?

@WiseGhots (14606)
March 3, 2019 8:55pm CST
The fear some people have of lightning and thunder sometimes comes from childhood, while other people develop it in adult life (for different reasons). However, the fact is that millions of people (more than we can imagine) are afraid of it, whether in a high or low degree. In some cases, it's really scary for some people to deal with it. Would be one of them?
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10 responses
@shebullet (287)
• Philippines
4 Mar 19
I am not afraid of lighting and thunder but my dog is very afraid of the them.
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@WiseGhots (14606)
4 Mar 19
Usually, some animals (like cats and dogs) are afraid of it.
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@WiseGhots (14606)
4 Mar 19
• Philippines
4 Mar 19
@WiseGhots yeah this is what I observed too in my pet
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@jobelbojel (35101)
• Philippines
4 Mar 19
When I was a child I was very scared of both. I am still afraid of ligthning though.
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@jobelbojel (35101)
• Philippines
4 Mar 19
@WiseGhots Now? No
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@WiseGhots (14606)
4 Mar 19
But is it too high?
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@WiseGhots (14606)
4 Mar 19
@jobelbojel Okay. That''s good.
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@sofssu (23662)
4 Mar 19
I had responded to a similar question before I guess. I love thunder and lightning. I love to go out and photograph them if hubs would only let me.
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@sofssu (23662)
4 Mar 19
@WiseGhots Its very difficult. you've got to balance too many things.
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@WiseGhots (14606)
4 Mar 19
To get the perfect photo from it is quite impressive.
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@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Mar 19
If I was standing out in the open then lightning would be a concern.
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@WiseGhots (14606)
4 Mar 19
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• New Baltimore, Michigan
4 Mar 19
No, not at all. But my dogs were both terrified, and then they’d start looking at each other and getting even MORE terrified (feeding off each other’s energy)... and it would get even worse during fireworks/4th of July. I miss my 2 goofballs.
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• New Baltimore, Michigan
5 Mar 19
@WiseGhots Yeahhh...but they're ok now. Resting on the Other Side, together. Waiting for me.
@WiseGhots (14606)
4 Mar 19
Poor dogs.
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• Rupert, Idaho
4 Mar 19
I am not really scared of them....but I don't like them
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• Rupert, Idaho
4 Mar 19
@WiseGhots Just don'
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@WiseGhots (14606)
4 Mar 19
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• Philippines
4 Mar 19
I was scared of lightning you never know if you can make it back alive if it hits you.
@wolfgirl569 (99135)
• Marion, Ohio
4 Mar 19
I love a good thunderstorm.
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@RasmaSandra (75853)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Mar 19
I used to be but now I love to watch the sky light up and the lightning streaks across the dark sky
Tribute to the late Eddie Rabbitt. PLS also add me on facebook for any videos you would like me to make and ill also credit you for it. Link: http://www.face...
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@WiseGhots (14606)
4 Mar 19
Yeah. I also like to see it. I think it's "magical".
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@Sheali (7461)
• India
4 Mar 19
Yes, At my place if people are outside and the thunder strikes them, they die.. A few months ago there was a report of 12 people dying in a nearby small town.. Here it is dangerous