I'm allergic to water! Or Living with Aquagenic Pruritus.

United Kingdom
March 5, 2019 6:36am CST
Hi! So as you read in the title, I am allergic to water! Or to put more accurately my skin is. It is a rare allergy that I have struggled with since my early teen years, and its something I would like to raise more awareness about! As not many people even know it exists! So this is my story. So first lets start with symptoms, unfortunately AP does not have any visual symptoms which is incredibly frustrating as in the past I have had people thinking that I am lying about my condition. My skin reacts to any kind of water, when I bathe, when it rains or even my own sweat! (Which can be a joy at the gym) About 3 minutes after my skin is exposed to the water the itching begins, now its hard to properly explain the intensity of the itching, the only way to describe it is like a painful, burning prickly heat but with no visual abrasions on the skin, now this can last anywhere between 20 minutes and 3 hours at its worse. my itching is mostly localised to my thighs but, has been known to travel to my torso and arms if I'm having a particularly bad attack. Now the problem with this is if I actually itch the affected skin the itching intensifies and lasts longer, so I have to stick it out until it dyes down. I would wrap myself up in as much clothing as possible and then further wrap myself in my bedding to stop myself from itching and to put pressure on the skin. In the past I punched and slapped the affected skin because that pain was easier to deal with then the painful itching however, this was when I was in high school and phone calls home were made to my parents as they worried I was being abused as I was constantly covered in bruises! What I have discovered more recently which works a lot better is going for a power walk immediately after my skin has been exposed to the water, as my body is constantly moving and the itching is not as bad if this is the case, also I have something to concentrate on. Since I started using these methods my walks usually last around 30-40 minutes until I feel confident that the attack has past. (And the upside is I've lost some weight since I started this method! haha) This started around the time that I hit puberty, so around the age of 13, Unfortunately before this I was a talented swimmer, I was put forward in my age category to swim for my town! however as the symptoms started to kick in I had to hang up swimming until I knew what was going on. I remember my first proper attack, it was by far the worse attack I have ever had, I didn't know then not to itch the skin so the attack was incredibly intense and very long, lasting around 4 hours. My mother was beside herself not having a clue of what was wrong or what she could do to help while I was writhing around my bed in agony and itching myself to the point of bleeding. I learned very quickly after this that it was the water causing the effects and slowly I began to figure out how I could better deal with them. It took 10 years to be diagnosed with AP. TEN YEARS. Ten years of going to the doctors week after week so frustrated with my symptoms that I was at the point of tears. I wouldn't bathe for days on end because I was so scared of the attack that would surely follow. It was a very difficult time. The doctors prescribed every type and brand of antihistamine, anti itch cream and sensitive skin body washes and shampoo you can think of. He was convinced it was not the water that was creating the symptoms but the products I was using on my skin. Even after I repeatedly told him that I get the same affect with rain and with sweat. After ten frustrating years I moved in with my boyfriend, who lived in a different city. So as one does I applied at a new doctors and during my first appointment with them I mentioned my symptoms to him, he listened and smiled. "You have Aquagenic Pruritus" He said, and I've never felt so relieved in my life, finally someone believed me and I actually had a name for my condition! I felt so validated and excited I thought that if they knew what It was they could begin to treat it! Unfortunately the doctors explained to me that not much is known about the condition as they aren't sure exactly what causes the reaction in the skin, however he directed me to plenty of websites with information about the condition, and forums of people who suffer from the same condition as me where they would share tips and tricks that they found worked for them! I rushed home and instantly began reading as much as I could about the condition and about other peoples experiences. I cried with happiness, I thought I was all alone in the world with this odd condition which stopped me from enjoying a lot of every day things, but there are thousands of people with the same condition! I tried a lot of the suggestions and found some amazing results, I still have some intense attacks from time to time, but my condition is very manageable and a lot easier to live with now! There are medical trials happening in regards to AP right now, unfortunately I could not attend due to the fact I'm in university and can not miss 7 weeks of that, however I am remaining hopeful that they will figure out a cure soon! Thank you so much for reading my story, please let me know if any of you suffer the same condition or know someone who does. I would love to know your story, if not please tell me if you had any idea this condition existed! If you have any other questions about my condition please let me know also! :)
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6 responses
@Liat_S (49)
• Israel
5 Mar 19
Wow that's crazy How can we deal with this?
1 person likes this
• United Kingdom
5 Mar 19
Thanks for your reply! I personally find that these things help me most; When bathing I turn the water as hot as I can stand it, the hotter the water the less itching occurs afterwards! However it is a little painful but easy to get used to. Also I avoid walking anywhere in the rain, and make sure to take an umbrella everywhere with me encase of an emergency, but if it is raining I will get taxis, which can be a little expensive but it is better then itching! Other then that I just avoid going swimming and doing any strenuous activities that will make me sweat.
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• United Kingdom
5 Mar 19
@Liat_S Thank you! I hope too.
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@Liat_S (49)
• Israel
5 Mar 19
@RosieGold It's crazy Feel Good
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
5 Mar 19
@RosieGold First of all I am very sorry about this. Glad you found out what it is. Is there a cure for it and does anyone else in your family have it?
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
5 Mar 19
@RosieGold I am so so sorry. You are welcome and I wish there was a cure for you and your dad.
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• United Kingdom
5 Mar 19
@Hannihar Me too! They are doing some Clinical trials at the moment so hopefully they will find a cure or at least something to make the symptoms more manageable :)
2 people like this
• United Kingdom
5 Mar 19
Thanks very much for your response! There is no known cure as they don't even know what causes the reaction in the skin! My dad has similar symptoms to me but not as intense and his is mainly in his arms where as mine is mainly in my thighs! Even though the underlining cause is not known, there is some evidence that it may be genetic! :)
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
5 Mar 19
Wow, that's quite a story! This is the first a hear of it and I'm sorry you have this condition. How do you deal with drinking water or washing your hands?
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
6 Mar 19
@RosieGold You have quite a challenge to deal with and I hope you find a way to overcome it. All the best!
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• United Kingdom
5 Mar 19
Thank you for your response! Drinking water is fine! Its my skin is allergic to the water so I'm still able to consume it, My hands never itch after washing, however if the water gets too far up my arm then that will start to itch! It can be hard to deal with and I'm still learning how to improve my symptoms. :)
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@hereandthere (45639)
• Philippines
5 Mar 19
i'm glad you found other people with the same condition. is it something you inherit and/or can pass on to your future children? is it only water, rain and sweat? how about snow? or other liquids like perfume/cologne, or when something spills like a beverage?
1 person likes this
• Philippines
5 Mar 19
@RosieGold so it's not all over your body. it's more like some areas are hypersensitive - thighs for you, arms for your dad. does it ever get so bad you miss classes? no medicine helps?
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• United Kingdom
5 Mar 19
@hereandthere It is mainly in these area's, thighs and arms however if the attack is particularly bad it can affect other parts of the body too. I have missed classes in the past due to the itching however, no I avoid taking showers in the morning and will do it the night before so I have time to itch and deal with that and I'm not rushing to leave to go anywhere. And no, no medicines have worked for me personally but different things work for different people, it depends on how bad the condition affects the person really. :)
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• United Kingdom
5 Mar 19
They has been evidence that it is inherited but so little is known about the condition that they cannot be sure, but my dad also suffers with the same symptoms but not as intense and it is mainly in his arms, where as mine is mainly in my thighs! And same kind of reaction happens with snow! And as for perfumes and beverages is depends on how water based it is, some cause minimal itching, other cause a lot so when that happens I wont use that one again. :)
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5 Mar 19
It must be somehow challenging. Both of my kids are allergic to dust and sweat on their skin. It turns red and very ichy and when they scratch their skin it bruises. That is why I hate summer
@Sojourn (13835)
• India
5 Mar 19
OMG..... feeling sorry for you.... though I don't have it, I can imagine how extremely difficult it can be
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• United Kingdom
5 Mar 19
Thank you for your response! It is difficult however, I'm coping a lot better now! :) Had you ever heard of this condition before reading this? :)
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@Sojourn (13835)
• India
5 Mar 19
@RosieGold Never...... I cannot even think in my wildest imagination that water can cause such a painful condition...... I can only hope that the Almighty ease your pain
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• United Kingdom
5 Mar 19
@Sojourn Thank you very much, I hope so too!
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