Insane In The Membrane

@andriaperry (116936)
Anniston, Alabama
March 14, 2019 11:42am CST
For reason unknown, to you, okay some of you know and some don`t, I have had this song on my mind since, hmm, about a week ago. Its an older funny song but does have a few cuss words in it so I won`t post a link, its by Cypress Hill. Insane in the brain, but the phrase "insane in the membrane is what keeps repeating itself, for different situations. I just finished a book called Black Eyed Susan`s and I was taken back, or freaked out, by the names used in this novel. There was an Angie (me) Tony`s last name for a guy, His sisters name ( his grandmother, cousin, sister and niece all have that same first name) His nephews name and my aunts name. This is "Amazing" Tony`s AFIB gone, he can breathe, not coughing every breath, he can walk to the car and back without stopping. I suggest anyone who has this to get Cardioversion. His normal heart rate with AFIB was 100 to 150, now he is rocking it at 84! With being on the go so much, I had washed several loads of laundry and I was just to tired to fold and put them away, I know that is rare for me "miss ocd with her clothes," so I piled them on the empty side of the bed, toward the foot. I got those folded or hung and put up all before coffee, okay coffee was making but I got`er done. So insane in the membrane works for me. I started with songs like " when I`m Gone, you`re gonna miss me when I`m gone..." Or " Ain`t no sunshine when she`s gone....." but I am not feeling those today, so I bring to you... drum roll..... more insanity, and it fits the day for me. Happy happy joy joy.
iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: Playlist Best of Eminem: https://goo...
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9 responses
• Rupert, Idaho
14 Mar 19
That's great to hear about his breathing being better with getting that done....that's amazing!
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@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
14 Mar 19
It is to me too, how that one problem made him think it was all his lungs.
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• Rupert, Idaho
14 Mar 19
@andriaperry Well it seems like it would be a lung thing, so I can understand....but that's good that it helped!!
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
14 Mar 19
That is really great news about Toney. I understand the song going round and round in that head of yours, it does in mind. I think they get stuck there and can't find the way out. As for the names in the book, that is just plain spooky.
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
17 Mar 19
@andriaperry You never know. Maybe turning on some music will do it.
@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
14 Mar 19
Maybe since I wrote about it the song will disappear and make room for another.
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@GardenGerty (160192)
• United States
14 Mar 19
Well, you answered my question, which was about Tony's breathing actually being his heart. Bob has afib but does not have that issue. I do not know if he avoids it because of the one med he takes, or if it is because of his pacemaker defibrillator, but that has never "gone off". Did you figure this out, or did the doctor? Of course Tony will have different problems than Bob, because he had lung cancer.
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@maezee (41988)
• United States
14 Mar 19
Haha! That song. Glad he is doing well. I never find books with characters with my first name, Alyssa. It’s always some exotic name it seems. Haha
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@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
14 Mar 19
I know, usually there is maybe one name of someone I know or as a family member but all of those?!?!
@TheHorse (216296)
• Walnut Creek, California
15 Mar 19
Eminem? Who is that? And why would his mother give him such a silly name?
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@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
15 Mar 19
She did not know how to spell M & M`s
@Deepizzaguy (101136)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
15 Mar 19
Thank you for sharing the good news today.
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@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
15 Mar 19
You are welcome.
@wolfgirl569 (103917)
• Marion, Ohio
14 Mar 19
Glad that Tony is doing so much better with that. It is great news. I love that line. I had never heard it before but I love it.
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@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
14 Mar 19
Its an old rap song that is funny.
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
14 Mar 19
Insane on the brain is a good song!
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@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
14 Mar 19
I love it too.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
14 Mar 19
I can actually relate to insane in the membrane. What a great way of saying that, and we can all take it to mean what we want. Have a good day! Sounds like Tony is having a better day with his cough.
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@andriaperry (116936)
• Anniston, Alabama
14 Mar 19
LOL, yes we can. Oh yes! its a 100% turn around.
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