Aw, look what 'twas'n the weed patch!

United States
May 16, 2019 2:12pm CST
Horned toads. The essence 'f desert livin'! This'un 'twas kind 'nough to stay put whilst I ran to fetch my camera. They eat bugs, particularly red ants, thus're a most welcomed creature to my lil patch 'f earth. 'f course, this deterred some weed pullin' fer a bit. Kinda felt a tad guilty 'fter 't'd moved'n fer destroyin' a perfect hidin' spot fer 't. Used to, ya'd see 'em all the time. Habitat destruction 'long with folks poisonin' said ants 're makin' many species 'f native lizards to be considered fer the "Endangered Species" list. Saddens my heart, how selfish 'n cruel mankind can be.
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18 responses
• Antioch, Illinois
29 May 19
Horned toad
@Corbin5 Men in the army could learn a lot about camouflage from the horned toad. @crazyhorseladycx Was it a lizard or a toad? @Poppylicious Can they really shoot blood from their eyes? @JohnRoberts Did you see many of them as a kid? @rebelann People need to think of the animals more. Sometimes we take up much of their needed space. @much2say Where do you live? I thought the horned toad was everywhere. @simone10 - Yes he sure is a cute thing. @just4him I had no idea they were endangered. @Fleura Toads are some of the most interesting creatures to look at. @acelawrites It was hard to see what it was in the photo, but it is so cute. I don't like snakes.
• United States
30 May 19
Horned toad: Horned toad, (genus Phrynosoma), any of about 14 species of lizards belonging to the family Iguanidae that are usually characterized by daggerlike head spines, or horns; a flattened oval body, pointed fringe scales along the sides of the body,
• Antioch, Illinois
30 May 19
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@crazyhorseladycx Thanks. Do you have any favorite animals?
• Antioch, Illinois
30 May 19
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@crazyhorseladycx Where can I read more about them shooting blood out of their eyes. Creepy.
@rebelann (113401)
• El Paso, Texas
17 May 19
And don't forget greedy. All mankind seems to think about is building more houses to sell at outrageious prices .... then a lot of those houses are left vacant for years.
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@rebelann (113401)
• El Paso, Texas
17 May 19
@crazyhorseladycx I agree with you. I get really ticked at all those damn churches bein built in the name of their Lord, why are they destroyin what HE/SHE created for a stupid building?
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• United States
17 May 19
@rebelann oh, we shan't get 'nto those houses 'f worship.... folks're entitled to such, ya know ;) 'mazes me how someone who led a life so simple 'n suffered so much 'd be needin' fancy things. nope, that'd be fer those that go, makes 'em somehow feel better??
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• United States
17 May 19
"what the market will allow" - that'd be what they say. 'n what they really mean's they're gonna jack the prices'p coz they know folks've a need. kinda like groceries 'n critter feed. i hear ya'n the housin' prices. sadly though, usually cost double to get'n ol' home back'p to the new codes versus jest buildin' anew. we need to work harder 't returnin' the wilds to bein' wild 'gain. teach our young'uns the importance 'f all critters'n e'ery ecosystem.
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@much2say (57337)
• Los Angeles, California
16 May 19
Ohhhh, my son likes these guys! We don't get them here (I think) but we've seen them at places like the zoo. Cool lookin' fellas! Yep - humans often don't "get" how we affect nature - everything is a chain reaction and not always in a good way .
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• United States
16 May 19
he does? dang i need 'im out here to help me find 'em, lol. jest lucked out'n this'un. e'en more so when't stayed there whilst i fetched the camera. pesticides 've killed off so many, not jest here. i refuse to use 'em 'n 'fore all these folks started movin' out here, we'd quite the variety 'f critters. i really miss the lil ground squirrels....the black footed ferret 'n many others that used to frequent the place. yup, so many jest don't seem to comprehend their actions, 'r they jest don't care's long's they get what they wish. hey! ya might've some 'f these (dunno if'n they'd be'n yer neck 'f the woods??) hidin' out'n yer weed patch!
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@much2say (57337)
• Los Angeles, California
21 May 19
@crazyhorseladycx I was rereading . . . I was thinking horned lizards - but this is a horned toad! Well the heads actually look kinda similar - I know my kids would both dig this little fella! Yah, amazing he did not scamper away! We used to have toads in the neighborhood at my parent's house . . . when I was growing up. We are still not far from there, but we have not seen toads in YEARS. Only when we go hiking near a creek - and that's a maybe. Hairy caterpillars have been missing too. Where we live now, there are hawks and such - we definitely don't want to be using pesticides - and for it to be going through the food chain. I have no hope for humans anymore . They make me sick in more ways than one. I was walking through the weeds to get to the trash cans out in back . . . and I did see a couple lizards scampering away- real fast - but it was the typical species that live out here - no horned anything.
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• United States
21 May 19
@much2say many humans aint very high'p'n the list 'f fav's fer me neither. their selfishness 'n cruelty seems to know no bounds. delighted ya got 't least some wee creatures there'n yer yard. goes to show ya that one's view 'f weeds 'tis diff'rent than that 'f others. i keep weed patches scattered all o'er the place. drives the city slickers a bit mad 's they continue to move out here'n put'n their pristine, golf course lookin' yards. all the while poisonin' the native grasses/weeds/wildflowers 'n thus the critters. such also seeps 'nto the ground (dunno why i'm badgerin' 'em, farmers 've been doin' the same fer years...). critters're like's all really. we all need food, shelter 'n water. the critters jest don't take more'n what they need.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
17 May 19
What a little cutie. He is camouflaged very well.
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@simone10 (54187)
• Louisville, Kentucky
18 May 19
@crazyhorseladycx sadly, most creatures these days have to fear humans more than their natural predators.
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• United States
18 May 19
@simone10 so true :( predators'll take what they need to survive. humans jest take en mass with lil thought 'r care.
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• United States
17 May 19
yes ma'am, most 'f our native critters blend'n purty danged good out here. got to 'nable to survive all predators, jest don't work with mankind.
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@Fleura (31277)
• United Kingdom
16 May 19
What an interesting neighbour! And so well camouflaged too!
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• United States
16 May 19
a cutie fer certain with a most 'mportant job. yup, nearly stepped'n the wee'un, e'en though i always look down when walkin' out here (rattlesnakes). this's the biggest'un i've seen'n a few years, so hopefully they're makin' a bit 'f a comeback?? 'r 't least 've found refuge here from all the poisonin' folks who've moved out this way.
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@Fleura (31277)
• United Kingdom
17 May 19
@crazyhorseladycx Do you know what they need? In terms of the sort of place to live, where to breed, what they eat? Maybe you can create a little haven for them!
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• United States
17 May 19
@Fleura they've all they need right here 'n 're safe whilst'n my property. i do no allow pesticides 'n other chemicals, not e'en fertilizer. i've a compost pile fer the later. folks don't like red ants, their stings can be painful 'n some're allergic (my son-in-law, fer instance). i don't bother 'em, e'en 've a few red ant beds (nests 'nderground) near some horse corrals 'n the horses aint bothered. humans ought've learnt long 'go how to coexist with mother natures gifts. sadly they've not fer the most part.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 May 19
That's an awesome picture. It's sad they're on the endangered list.
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• United States
17 May 19
@just4him yes ma'am :( sadly the law looked the other way, too. dunno why they bother with 'em (laws) if'n nobody 'tis gonna 'nforce 'em?
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• United States
17 May 19
thanks, i'd hoped i'd not make't made's i stuck the camera'n 'ts face. ya know, coz they shoot blood outta their eyes 's a defense mechanism. so many're 'n so many don't care. when the folks bought the place 'cross the road, they started shootin' all the jack rabbits. i told 'im they were endangered 'n protected by law. he laughed'n did't anyhow. e'en 'ncouraged his son to do the same. which sadly he did....
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
17 May 19
@crazyhorseladycx That's terrible!
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@divalounger (6182)
• United States
31 May 19
Well he is a cutie! Hope he makes his way--I am saddened and angry often at the level of destruction that we wage--and I have no answers for it other that to continue to care for my patch of earth and try to be a good steward
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• United States
31 May 19
@crazyhorseladycx sooner rather than later would be good!
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• United States
31 May 19
@divalounger half the dept 'f interior know me by name, 'long with congressmen/woman 'n senators from most states. yup, i'm that gal!
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• United States
31 May 19
:) he was waitin' fer the red ants to come by, lol. there'd be a nest 'f 'em jest outta this shot. i 'gree with ya, i do the same 'n bug the heck outta our elected officials to hopefully, one day, force change.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
17 May 19
We should be grateful to animals and help them survive in what this planet has become.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
18 May 19
@crazyhorseladycx So many animal species are extinguished and many disappear every day. We will regret this one day and it will be too late.
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• United States
17 May 19
yes ma'am, we should. sadly such's not the case though there'd be those fightin' fer such. take a look 't all the critters that've already gone 'xtinct due to mankinds meddlin'. diseases that've caused 'dverse effects'n the natives coz 'f non-natives man's brought to diff'rent lands. hopeful folks'll wake 'p 'n realize that bio-diversity 'tis what keeps this ol' earth habitable.
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@Poppylicious (11133)
17 May 19
I had to look really carefully to find him in that picture!
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• United States
17 May 19
blends'n purty good, eh?
@acelawrites (19272)
• Philippines
17 May 19
I could not figure out the horned toad; I thought it's a snake!
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• United States
17 May 19
bless yer heart, jest a wee lizard. i believe there'd be too many cats 'n what seems to be 't least 1 resident skunk fer the snakes to move'n. always'n the lookout fer 'em though, 'tis jest habit.
@NJChicaa (121874)
• United States
16 May 19
very cool
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• United States
16 May 19
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@oahuwriter (26777)
• United States
19 May 19
I agree for these little creatures make life so much safer by eating ants. Locally we have a problem with those big red fire ants. As soon as the community across the Hawaiian Island finds any they are urged to get in touch with the authorities to eradicate the problem asap! I found a large golden frog or toad in my little backyard one evening and sometimes it returns to my little backyard. I look upon it as a sign of good luck for frogs represent in my nationality, good luck and good luck returns. I have a little frog on my keys so I never loose them.
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• United States
19 May 19
oh dear, they kill 'em? i know such's common 'n the big red ants y'all've there 're quite diff'rent from the ones here. surely they've natural predators? 'r 've those all been destroyed, to? good fortunes be with ya, i'm quite the fan 'f toads 'n frogs...'n dragonflies.
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• United States
21 May 19
@oahuwriter such 'tis not native to yer lands. fer that i 'gree with their destruction.
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@oahuwriter (26777)
• United States
21 May 19
@crazyhorseladycx These red fire ants are very dangerous and cause bad things even blindness in pets, so all infestation is stopped immediately.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
16 May 19
How cool! I had to really look to see them. Destruction makes me sick to my stomach. Some people just do not care.
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• United States
17 May 19
aint 't though? i 'twas delighted to spot the lil fella/gal (who knows?) 'n then felt mighty blessed 't stayed whilst i fetched the camera. does the same fer me 'n i've been fightin' such fer years. sadly i aint made much progress, e'en with the city folk who keep movin' out here. they've no respect fer the native critters. claim such to be their land, jest coz they've got a piece 'f paper'n a mortgage.
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@didinedhia (8470)
• Algeria
17 May 19
i don't know but i find this so cuteeee
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@BelleStarr (61347)
• United States
17 May 19
Humans do cause a lot of destruction!!
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• United States
18 May 19
yes ma'am 'n seem to deny such vehemently. we're also livin' with past generations discretions. 'nstead 'f correctin' those, we continued to compound 'em.
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@JESSY3236 (20304)
• United States
17 May 19
he's cute.
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@RubyHawk (99404)
• Atlanta, Georgia
19 May 19
Hi Crazy horse lady. When I was here last you were not to be found. It's neat to see you again. I love seeing little toads but I haven't seen any in awhile. I believe they're vanishing.
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• United States
19 May 19
howdy, ms. ruby! so delighted to see ya, sweet lady! last i 'twas here, ya were nowhere to be found. i reckon the time 'twas finally correct fer's both to return? i've quite the population 'f toads 'n salamanders (they love the pond) 'n these horned toads used to be quite prolific. now, 'tis a rare treat to see 'em. folks keep poisonin' insects 'n such's 'n adverse effect'n those that prey'n insects. e'en birds 'n fish can become quite ill consumin' 'em. the 'powers that be' 're fully 'ware 'f the consequences but do nothin' to pull said products from the shelves voluntarily.
@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
30 May 19
@crazyhorseladycx Thanks for sharing that information with us.
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• United States
30 May 19
yer welcome :)
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