My Baby Boy is Growin Up

@IvySaysHi (4467)
United States
May 17, 2019 4:24pm CST
Well my son has been in head start as I was because we both share the same birthday in October meaning he wouldn't be 5 in time for kindergarten cut off. He has flourished into a social butterfly and is more advanced academically as well. I didn't expect it to be so smooth as he was basically alone and not around other children much at all growing up. I am so proud of him though and I just finished registering him in school for kindergarten this year. I still worry as it is public school and I know what these schools are like because I even attended the school. I just hope he is smart enough to do well and stay away from trouble makers at school. I am definitely going to cry taking him to his first day and I will always worry about bullies as he is going to be one of the very few white children in a predominantly hispanic/black school. How did you handle releasing your child into kindergarten? Did you worry very much? If so any advice on how to lessen the worrying at all?
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1 response
@Jefrox (322)
• Taytay, Philippines
18 May 19
We've been there because we had 2 daughters and we always look at them for any activities that may challenge them.