Just Trying to Relax

@IvySaysHi (4467)
United States
May 18, 2019 12:10pm CST
Well it is Saturday and I have no errands that need to be done. I have decided to take this weekend as a rest period and not do too much so that my back can start feeling better. I would like to do it now so that I would have 2 consecutive days to rest and not do anything that would agitate my back. I was able to sleep in and enjoyed that very much. I had to use some pain relief cream and motrin to help the pain though. I'm still a bit drowsy from the muscle relaxer i took last night though. Maybe I will finish reading up on some of my books, maybe crochet, and maybe I will finally catch up on game of thrones. The possibilities are endless but I just wanna rest and stay cool. How are you spending your weekend?
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3 responses
@betlynfrnds (4069)
• United States
18 May 19
That's a very good idea: I highly recommend rest. Hopefully your back will feel better soon. My weekend is a little bit low keyed as well.
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@IvySaysHi (4467)
• United States
18 May 19
Thank you, let us make this weekend a nice one
1 person likes this
• United States
18 May 19
@IvySaysHi What a wonderful plan. I think I'll do just that!
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
18 May 19
You have a good weekend plan.
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@IvySaysHi (4467)
• United States
18 May 19
thank you i'd like to think so lol
1 person likes this
• Santiago, Chile
18 May 19
I hope the pain in your back is finally relieved by now. Any chance to go to a doc to check up on you?