what will you do when you feel sad?

@sophie09 (34236)
June 29, 2019 8:08am CST
when i'm in a really bad mood i usually have no motivation to do anything. just lay in bed and be silent. but when i feel sad i sometime just listen to music that can make my mood better, or if i feel really really sad, i usually need someone to talk to but i'm the kind of person who never speak up about my problem, so i just need to go to pray and tell God about what make me sad. after do the prayer i feel better when you're feeling sad, what will you guys do?
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20 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jun 19
I pray and bless someone else, takes the focus off me and my problems plus it blesses others. Win win! =)
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
yeppp thats right! you go gurl
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• United States
29 Jun 19
It is rare that I feel sad more mad mostly but when I do I go for long walk or watch nice movie or listen to video.
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• United States
29 Jun 19
@sophie09 I hope you will not be sad today
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
@TiarasOceanView nope, i'm totally fine, i just wanna see mylotters' opinion on this :) anyway thanks
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
thats a good activity to make the sadness disappear
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@Bullshark (3477)
• Netherlands
30 Jun 19
I go jogging in the park. It always helps...
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@Bullshark (3477)
• Netherlands
1 Jul 19
@sophie09 It always makes me feel good...
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 19
Sounds nice activity
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
1 Jul 19
@Bullshark yeah moving your body sometimes makes everything better
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@Nakitakona (56299)
• Philippines
30 Jun 19
What you did friend is absolutely right. Talk to God in a prayer and feel His love and you're sad feeling will become glad.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 19
yep, that's right. that is the key when we're feeling sad
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@Nakitakona (56299)
• Philippines
30 Jun 19
@sophie09 Perfect. I do it too when I am down. I know God is good.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 19
@Nakitakona yes that's it. God is always good
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@Starkinds (32712)
• India
29 Jun 19
I just want to shut me in my room
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
i can never do that, my mom will be mad if i just lock myself in my room all day haha
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@Starkinds (32712)
• India
29 Jun 19
@sophie09 right me too but my mums knows I would never harm myself.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
@Starkinds yap thats right
@Kanubanu (3094)
29 Jun 19
I talk to God and cry
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@Kanubanu (3094)
29 Jun 19
@sophie09 same here.Only God can give real relief.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 19
@Kanubanu thats so true
@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
Me too. Then i feel way way better
@jobelbojel (35115)
• Philippines
29 Jun 19
I listen to praise songs and meditate on God's promises.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 19
Thats very nice of you
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• United States
29 Jun 19
if'n i feel such comin', i force myself to get movin'. either here'n the house (cleanin', re-arrangin' furniture, workin' a quilt, etc.) 'r i get outdoors 'n tend to thingies there. sometimes i jest sit'n my lil sanctuary'n let the sights'n sounds 'f nature nourish my soul.
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• United States
30 Jun 19
@sophie09 sometimes ya jest got'ta force yerself'n not let the sadness win. sadness usually sneaks'p, so if'n ya pay mind to the warnin' signs, ya can take action to ward 'em off.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 19
Wow thats great. I cant even move my body because too sad
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 19
@crazyhorseladycx thank you for the opinion and advice
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@VivaLaDani13 (60794)
• Perth, Australia
14 Jul 19
@sophie09 It depends what is making me sad exactly but usually cry. I also have trouble eating when I am sad.
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• Perth, Australia
15 Jul 19
@sophie09 Totally agree. It sure does help to vent out how we feel rather than keep it all in.
@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
15 Jul 19
yeah crying is a natural pain killer
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@Teekaaa (11580)
• India
29 Jun 19
Same as you,I will listen to some music or I'll pray to God..
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@Teekaaa (11580)
• India
29 Jun 19
@sophie09 yes. Even not Fully, I feel better somewhat!
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
do you feel better after all?
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• Philippines
29 Jun 19
i also listen to music and do annything just to divert my attention away from the reason why im sad.
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• Philippines
29 Jun 19
@sophie09 ywe have our own way. maybe my method is not capable to you.. :)
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 19
@Nickzter1331 yep every person has their own way
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
yep sounds easy but it's hard for me to do that
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
29 Jun 19
Oh, I cannot do music when I'm sad. It dredges up too many memories. I will get up and go do something that requires me to communicate with other people. Pretty soon, I forget my sadness and find something interesting to spend my time with.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
wow this is a great way to forget the sadness, but i can't do that :(
@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
@cperry2 wow you’ve been through a lot then, thank you for sharing your opinion
@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
29 Jun 19
@sophie09 honestly, I believe you are selling yourself short. I went through a long period where I was depressed. It was impossible sometimes to even get out of bed. I forced myself out and about. I beat the depression but I see that feeling of not wanting to move or engage as a warning sign, a red flag if you will. My wife says its because I need to be around others. Maybe that is true. It does work for me though.
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@Hajoraa (55)
• Morocco
1 Jul 19
Hey if you ever feel sad again you can text me okay? I'm a fun person ! I rarely get sad When I do I cry and let it out And then brush my hair and Put some music to dance with and then I put some make up and take selfies haha ! And I buy some chocolate or make a pizza Trust me this is helpful
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
1 Jul 19
wow, that is very nice of you! sounds fun, i'll try that next time i get sad
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
1 Jul 19
@Hajoraa thank you so much my friend. I'll always remember you
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• Morocco
1 Jul 19
@sophie09 I will be always here
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@IamKYLE (2279)
13 Aug 19
Give my attention to work. I dont want problem affect my business
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 19
that is very good
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
If I am sad I cannot hide it.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
i can sometime
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• Preston, England
29 Jun 19
I go for walks, read books, write down my thoughts to get them out of my system
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
Thats a great activity!!
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30 Jun 19
Not everyone likes to whine about their problems. Normal humans will feel sad, happy or angry. That's just normal. When sad, cry. When happy, laugh. No one says it's wrong. Just deal with it and cry or if you are the weird kind, then laugh about it.
@a_jerobon (2304)
• Eldoret, Kenya
29 Jun 19
I am the kind of person who doesn't speak up too. Therefore, when I am sad, I like reading self help books and the bible. I feel awesome and motivated after doing that.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
WOw thats great.
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@Miss_Leafy (4296)
• Colombia
29 Jun 19
Don't be sad, dear. Or else I will also feel sad.
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@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 19
thank you so much
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@Djmedley (72)
8 Nov 19
Encourage yourself.. That's life for you. We all go through that path sometimes you know.