Frustrations Can't Kill The Fire (For Writing) In My Soul

@jnrdutton (2983)
United States
July 1, 2019 2:54am CST
There have been brief spurts of time in my life that I began to think writing was a waste. I'd get frustrated & burned out and walk away from it for a bit, but I was always drawn back, because ultimately my passion in my soul for it never fully died. As long as my writing reaches people, and as long as I have worthwhile things to share, I will keep doing it.
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10 responses
1 Jul 19
I do love writing too; and will write nonsense in my diary as I see fit. Don't give up in your writing dream. Just go for it..
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@jnrdutton (2983)
• United States
1 Jul 19
My biggest frustration is I can't call it a "real" job (in the sense that I've never actually made a living at it) but I've actually had a passion for writing for over 20 years.
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1 Jul 19
@jnrdutton Yes. Glad that your hobby pays off..
@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
1 Jul 19
I'm right there with you. I'm on one of those breaks from story creation. I have begun doing book reviews for insight into what is coming out right now and for creating a bit of a cash flow. Doesn't pay worth a darn but it keeps me doing what I love, reading and writing.
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
1 Jul 19
Keep on writing. If you do stop you will regret it later. Loving to write is a deep yearning in your soul.
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@a_jerobon (2304)
• Eldoret, Kenya
1 Jul 19
I love writing too. I feel so motivated and energized whenever I finish writing an article.
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@Nakitakona (56299)
• Philippines
1 Jul 19
If your passion is writing, nothing is impossible. You write anything from pebbles to boulders, from grass to forest, from ember to conflagration. In short, writing enhances your good or weird imagination. If you stop, everything stops too.
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@ChengGe (49)
1 Jul 19
i like reading~ :-)
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@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
1 Jul 19
Writing skill is a gift. Make use of it.
• Agra, India
1 Jul 19
Don't give up. We all face tough times.
• Rupert, Idaho
1 Jul 19
That sounds good, to keep on writing :) I'm glad to hear that
@sophie09 (34236)
• Indonesia
1 Jul 19
I love writing too, you can write what is in your head and mind oh and also heart