I can’t sleep...

@amandajay (23264)
New Zealand
July 19, 2019 5:46am CST
It’s been 4 days now. I couldn’t sleep properly. Not because any illness or anything but I don’t feel sleepy until 1-2am... I wanna sleep, but can’t. This is the horrible feeling ever. I don’t know What to do? Oh god please give me some sleep.....
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13 responses
@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
19 Jul 19
@amandajay I know how you feel but for me it has not been 4 days but for a very long time. Sometimes I fall asleep if I am very tired. I have tried many things and they do not work.
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
yes I will have to see whether I can sleep at least tonight
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
21 Jul 19
@amandajay I hope you can.
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
21 Jul 19
@Hannihar not really
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• United States
20 Jul 19
That happens to me occasionally too but lately after tired work day, I sleep well.
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• United States
22 Jul 19
@amandajay I don't like when that happens. Hope you have a better night tonight!
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
22 Jul 19
@infatuatedbby yeah hopefully, Im trying to sleep early today. oh i feel sleepy now...lol
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
21 Jul 19
Yeah this is annoying when I can't sleep properly,, last night was same
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@moffittjc (120964)
• Gainesville, Florida
20 Jul 19
Every now and then I will go through a phase like that, where I can't fall asleep at all, and it persists for several days in a row like what you are experiencing now. I don't know why this happens, as it seems to be completely random.
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@moffittjc (120964)
• Gainesville, Florida
20 Jul 19
@amandajay I think my problem when these episodes happen is that I seem to perpetuate the problem by drinking massive amounts of coffee...which then keep from getting any sleep whatsoever.
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
yeah I don;t even know why, but it's annoying when I can't sleep at night and feeling sleepy at the office
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
@moffittjc yeah may be because of coffee. I better try reduce my coffee intake
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@LindaOHio (171555)
• United States
19 Jul 19
Try not to stress about it. Eventually you will be tired enough to sleep. I'm up all night every night.
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@LindaOHio (171555)
• United States
20 Jul 19
@amandajay Do you have too many things on your mind? Do you run things over and over in your head when you should be sleeping?
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
@LindaOHio mmmm yeah sometimes... there are lot of things I think when I go to bed,,,
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
Im feeling really tired but still can't sleep and it's annoying. at the end next day I feel sleepy around 2-3pm...oh it's horrible
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@Sojourn (13837)
• India
19 Jul 19
This is because of too much exposure to bright screen before bed as I am experiencing it too.
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@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
31 Jul 19
@Sojourn, thanks for the info.
@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
oh really? I should not use the phone then
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
25 Jul 19
Drink warm milk before you go to bed, milk will calm you and you will fall asleep
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
26 Jul 19
Oh I’ll try that today for sure
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
27 Jul 19
@amandajay Try it, milk calms down, you can not be bad
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
27 Jul 19
@kepweng I do not know about that, I was thinking of ordinary milk
@GardenGerty (159850)
• United States
19 Jul 19
I have nights like that, but never more than one or two. I do better if I avoid caffeine in the afternoon, get up and get sunshine first thing in the morning, and get off my computer/tablet/phone about an hour before bed and read and listen to calming music. I also make sure I eat a small snack. Not fool proof, but helpful.
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
oh yes, I drink lot of coffee and tea during the day and evening too. I might stop this
• Bridgton, Maine
20 Jul 19
Have you ever had this lack of sleep issue before, Ama, or is this something new for you?
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
I havn't had this before...
@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
25 Jul 19
That was not good for our body is so sensitive. Maybe there was a food you ate that contradicted to your sleeping mood, like too oily and sugary foods. I always sleep at 12 midnight and wake up 5 a.m. During work in a week, I only have 4 hours sleep. It's because of the heavy traffic, so I have to wake up at four in the morning to reach work not late.
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@cacay1 (83320)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
31 Jul 19
@amandajay I'm glad you have better sleep this time. Gymming helps a lot.
@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
26 Jul 19
Yes I’m so tired because of lack of sleep. But it seems now it’s getting better once I join the gym and started working out
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@ShifaLk (17817)
• India
17 Aug 19
Oh freak. I can understand. But since I've started the job, I can sleep early
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Aug 19
have you started your new job?
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@ShifaLk (17817)
• India
26 Aug 19
@amandajay oh ya. Dear... I am working in accounts
@dya80dya (36194)
19 Jul 19
I usually fall asleep at 1-2 am.
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
But this is annoying me, feeling tired but can''t sleep and feeling tired next day around 2-3pm
@yoalldudes (35037)
• Philippines
19 Jul 19
Don't force yourself to sleep rather try to relax until you doze off. Listen to mellow music, daydream.
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
thanks for the idea, I will try this
@erictsuma (9726)
• Mombasa, Kenya
19 Jul 19
It's because you have stress and you are thinking so much. You must try to exercise maybe that will help.
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@amandajay (23264)
• New Zealand
20 Jul 19
mmm yeah may be, I should do some exercises