Recurring dreams

Barquisimeto, Venezuela
July 21, 2019 7:01pm CST
I have heard many people tell about dreams that are repeated several times and that they can not find an explanation. In my case it has also happened. In my country and in many Latin countries there are beliefs a bit superstitious about it (I do not know if in the rest of the world it is like that), but I do not believe much in that, I think it's more like a fixation in our brain and for some reason that I do not know, these are repeated again and again. There are some of these dreams that I like because they make me travel to locations that I do not know, with people I've never seen and I find it very funny. So much that I would like to make them come true. But there are others that are not so nice, but anyway, in the end they are just dreams.
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1 response
@Janet357 (75646)
22 Jul 19
some dreams look so real. i dont like.bad dreams though
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