Pretty Little Pink Mushroom
@HazySue (39264)
Gouverneur, New York
August 3, 2019 1:46pm CST
Running around the internet I found something that I have never seen. A pink mushroom. Have you ever seen one? It is something new to me. I just had to find more out about them. These are quick growing mushroom that are delicate and have a short shelf life. This pretty mushroom is a darker pink underneath and a more delicate pink on top. Are they eatable? Absolutely. Depending on the mushroom they are either thick and meaty or delicate and thin depending on how they were grown. Unfortunately they lose the pink color as they are cooked. Unfortunately they only stay fresh in the fridge a couple of days. Then they start smelling like urine. Not a very pleasant thought. These little jewels grow best in warmer climate areas. Would you try growing and eating a pink mushroom?
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8 responses
@LadyDuck (468246)
• Switzerland
4 Aug 19
The pink oyster mushrooms are pretty good, not very tasty, but good.
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@LadyDuck (468246)
• Switzerland
6 Aug 19
@HazySue Not in this season, during Autumn and Winter I add them to stews.
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
5 Aug 19
I will have to try one. Do you get them often?
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
6 Aug 19
@LadyDuck I love mushrooms.
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
3 Aug 19
They're nice to look at, but I would need to pass as I keep my mushrooms in the fridge longer than a couple of days.
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
5 Aug 19
That is the one thing that would bother me - opening up the fridge and smelling like someone peed in it.
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@just4him (317036)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
5 Aug 19
@HazySue True.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49955)
• United States
4 Aug 19
I've never had a pink mushroom before. I'd give one a try.
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
5 Aug 19
They are so pretty. I bet they would look good in a salad.
@1creekgirl (41167)
• United States
3 Aug 19
I doubt that I would try them.
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@1creekgirl (41167)
• United States
5 Aug 19
@HazySue I like fresh mushrooms in a salad, but not a big fan actually.
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
5 Aug 19
I understand they have a pretty good flavor.
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
3 Aug 19
"...depending on how they **were grown**..." --- Does that mean that these mushrooms don't grow in the woods but are cultivated?
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@MALUSE (69378)
• Germany
5 Aug 19
@HazySue Thanks for the info.
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
5 Aug 19
They do grow in the woods in shady areas up around the bottom of tree trunks. But, they are also cultivated. by those who wish to sell them.
@a_jerobon (2304)
• Eldoret, Kenya
3 Aug 19
That's amazing. I have never seen a pink mushroom before.
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
5 Aug 19
Neither have I. Pretty aren't they.
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@a_jerobon (2304)
• Eldoret, Kenya
6 Aug 19
@HazySue Yeah, they are pretty.
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• United States
4 Aug 19
very purty, but fear i'd need to pass. not jest cause 'f their short shelve lives, but i'd be 'llergic to shrooms. those 'lmost look like they 'long'n the sea, eh?
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
5 Aug 19
That was my first thought when I saw the photo. I thought it looked like frilly coral.
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@LindaOHio (172505)
• United States
3 Aug 19
I love mushrooms. I would hate them to start smelling like urine, though. Ew
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@HazySue (39264)
• Gouverneur, New York
5 Aug 19
I do too. I am afraid one time of my fridge smelling like urine would turn me off to mushrooms.
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