Where I need to be

United States
August 10, 2019 1:49am CST
I've no doubt we've all those moments'n life where's we'd like to be transported elsewhere. A place to regain our balance 'n perspective'n life. Sittin' here listenin' to the winds howl through the trees, whistlin' 'cross the rooftop, my mind's searchin' fer such a place. One'd think that'd suffice, correct? Most oft 't would, but ya see, there'd be a t.v. blarin' downstairs 'n I've gotta really strain to try'n block 't out. Fer me, the roarin' sound 'f a waterfall 'tis magical. So loud 't drowns all thoughts, yet awakens all my other senses. Climbin' from top to bottom, treadin' 'pon slippery rock 'n earth that seems to melt 'neath ones feet. Hangin' precariously from tree limbs no bigger'n my lil finger 'n hopes 'f gettin' that "perfect picture". I'm bone weary from the excursion. Chilled by the cool waters splashin' 'bout my sweated body. Mesmerized by the rock formations, the colors 'f such a camera jest can't touch. The way the waters wind their way. Not seemin' to've a plan outside 'f 'llowin' gravity to do 'ts job. This'd be my "happy place". Out'n my own, surrounded by the most precious 'f gifts. I can go there any time, jest close my eyes 'n open my soul. Do ya have a "happy place"?
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29 responses
@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Aug 19
That's a wonderful happy place. Yes, I have a happy place.
6 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 19
@just4him yes ma'am, recalled the pic ya shared earlier with 's :) looked to be the same, jest not 's close. i get lots 'f pics that way, lol. 'tis a beautiful place to go'n jest be.
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• United States
10 Aug 19
'tis beautiful, ms. valerie :) that'd be yer flock 'f geese out there'n the waters? what a treat to add to such a beautiful day!
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
10 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx Yes, that's the geese. I didn't think you'd recognize them as they're only dots on the water. I love that park.
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• Banks, Oregon
11 Aug 19
I think everyone has a truly tranquil happy place they like to escape to
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• United States
11 Aug 19
i sure like to think so 'n that they've learnt to 'find' 't when needed. from the responses though, i see such aint so fer all. saddens my heart.
4 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 19
@chrissbergstrom yes! a good book can take ya many places :)
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• Banks, Oregon
11 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx my happy place is usually a good book
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@velvet53 (22546)
• Palisade, Colorado
11 Aug 19
You have opened so many areas of my body that seeks many things. I feel the wind in the trees, the branches dancing together, the whisteling as they join together. If I was near water I could go on and on as to how it makes me feel. I don't really have a happy place out side of being with my plants.
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@velvet53 (22546)
• Palisade, Colorado
11 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx I wish I had not gotten rid of some cassettes that I had. There was some that was the sound of rain, the ocean, things like that. But when my cassette player quit I just got rid of all that stuff.
3 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 19
@velvet53 i feel ya, hon. i'd many myself, they disintegrated o'er the years - me not with the smarts to transfer 'em to cd's. thankfully, there'd be many youtube videos that provide such. aint quite the same, but sure helps when feelin' blue. i tend to listen to their waterfall sounds whilst rummagin' through my pics 'f such :)
3 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 19
there'd be many great youtube creations 'f such places. some that're jest pics 'n the sounds 'f water. most relaxin' 'n sometimes i've gotta utilize such myself 's i struggle to get to my happy place. my plants used to bring me joy. not so much this year 's 't seems i've developed a black thumb.
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@JudyEv (348065)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Aug 19
That is such a beautiful photo. I have a similar black and white one but it's on a different computer. It looks like lace festooned on the rock. This is beautifully written and I fully understand how such a place would be your 'happy place'. Thanks to Gill for suggesting this although I'm sure I would have found it too.
3 people like this
• United States
13 Aug 19
@JudyEv she did such 'gain, so reckon 'twas not a strange fluke?? i find 't quite funny actually :) she 'twas wearin' clothin' that blended 'n purty well 'n 'twas a cloudy, sprinkly sort'a day when we went. 'twas her first time 'n these parts. bein' younger'n more sure-footed, she could get loads closer'n i'd dare.
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• United States
11 Aug 19
aw, thanks, ms. judy! i bet yer photo 'tis stunnin' :) truly does look 'f lace, which jest seems to add to the "magic". thanks much fer yer humblin' words. i'll tell ya a funny. she 'suggested' such to me's well! don't reckon i knew one could do that? suggest somethin' to the author? what i've found rather interestin' 'tis nobody seems to've noticed my 'dopted daughter'n the photo, lol.
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@JudyEv (348065)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx I think I had one of my posts suggested to me once too. I can't be sure now. Do you know - I've just this minute scrolled up and found a 'human' in the photo. I was so engrossed with the beauty of the waterfall.
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@thelme55 (77378)
• Germany
10 Aug 19
That is where I want to be every now and then. Like you, I love the sounds of the waterfalls. My you tube channel has a few waterfalls videos of my travel. Enjoy your weekend.
4 people like this
• United States
10 Aug 19
perhaps one day i'll be able to video record such magic, too. jest goin' from memory though 'tis most beneficial fer me. so glad y'ave been able to travel so much 'n capture their beauty "live". thanks, hope ya 'njoy yers, too.
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@cacay1 (84464)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
11 Aug 19
@thelme55, there are many wonderful waterfalls in Surigao. My friends go there every year for a field trip. I forgot the name of that falls .
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@thelme55 (77378)
• Germany
11 Aug 19
@cacay1 Do you mean Tinuy-an Falls in Surigao del Sur? I was there before.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
10 Aug 19
Oh wow I love your happy place. This is where I would love to be as well. Cooling off!
3 people like this
• United States
10 Aug 19
back'n the hills i 'twas blessed to've many waterfalls scattered 'bout. many off the beaten path, ones that most folks'd not known e'en 'xisted. they're most large rocky bottoms, so good places to splash 'bout :)
4 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 19
@CarolDM 'tis gone dark grey here 'n the thunder booms. gonna need to get off'a this gadget'n unplug. would really dislike my puter/modem to get damaged by lightnin'. i feel fer ya, don't miss the humidity 'f the hills. sure do miss all the beauty though.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
10 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx You were indeed blessed. Just came in from taking more pics and was in the shade but still so humid out.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Aug 19
I do. My tv is the only one I can get too though and sometimes it does not drown out the crazy bf of daughters that slams doors and screams in anger over things we can do nothing about. So like you it is sometimes hard to find.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx great calm wishes for you my friend
3 people like this
• United States
10 Aug 19
ugh, that fella! actually 'tis yer daughter 's she'd be the one who 'llowed him'n her life 'n thus yers. then 'gain, i can relate, so don't think i'm passin' rude judgement, k? saddens me greatly yer 'nly comfort'd be a t.v. surely y'ave past memories ya can tap 'nto? a place to find yer calm? yes ma'am. many thingies 're easier said than done. that which seems simple can get most complicated ~
3 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 19
@bunnybon7 ditto!
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@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
10 Aug 19
I think I am about to go and live in mine so I will post a picture of it later!
2 people like this
• United States
10 Aug 19
awesome! hope such 'tis true 'n look ferward to ya sharin' such :)
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@Jackalyn (7558)
• Oxford, England
13 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx About to....
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
11 Aug 19
I am happy where I live, we have a small brook in front of the house, it comes down from the mountain and I see the little waterfall from the window of my kitchen and our office. This is a place I love, quiet, in the middle of the nature.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
13 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx I love this place, in five minutes we can reach a small city, but we are in the middle of fields and hills here, no pollution, no noises, except the sounds of the nature.
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• United States
13 Aug 19
@LadyDuck i can see why! a true slice 'f heaven fer certain. wish i could find me a place such's that.
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• United States
11 Aug 19
yer most fortunate to live where ya do, hon. so many're stuck'n dank cities these days. caught'n a life 'f concrete 'n flashin' lights, too much traffic 'n pollution. i love sittin' here, watchin' my wee waterfall 'n those that come to visit such. weather permittin', i'm most oft out'n the porch swing so's i can listen to all the wonders. evenin' 'n weekends such's most needed - to drowned out the t.v.
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@cacay1 (84464)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
11 Aug 19
That is a very captivating waterfalls. I also like to listen to its cascades that seem like to throw away our troubles in life.I been to a waterfalls far from the city , that was a faculty field trip.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 19
me, too :) sure helps to quell those demons, bein' near a waterfall. this'un 'twas flowin' purty heavy, lots 'f rains/meltin' snow 'p river. ya could hear 't from 'bout a mile 'way. 'twas spectacular followin' that sound. yer most fortunate to've one to visit.
2 people like this
• United States
12 Aug 19
@cacay1 best 'f luck to ya, hon.
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@cacay1 (84464)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx that's my plan to plant bonsai trees at end of the semester so I can take care of them.
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@arunima25 (89387)
• Bangalore, India
10 Aug 19
A few from my childhood days but I have not physically visited them in years. But of course I close my eyes and transport myself there in thoughts. I find my solace there.
2 people like this
• United States
10 Aug 19
i'm glad ya can transport yerself to such, hon. 'tis been 8 yrs since i've been myself. hopefully some day soon i'll find one closer that'll warm my heart.
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@arunima25 (89387)
• Bangalore, India
14 Aug 19
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
11 Aug 19
I like your "happy place". No, I don't have a place like that.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 19
would'ja like such a place? try this'un :) i hope ya find somethin' that makes ya feel safe, where ya can retreat when needed 'n regain yer balance.
Relaxing music with nature sounds of forest and zen waterfall for relaxation, sleeping, meditation music and yoga. Relaxing rainforest music with birds and w...
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@Nevena83 (65277)
• Serbia
11 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx Lovely music, relaxing.
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@Starkinds (32713)
• India
10 Aug 19
Yes I am happy place In My City so whenever I get chance I go there and sit
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• United States
10 Aug 19
the city provides ya peace? i reckon such's so fer lots 'f folks. fer me, i need to be 'way from folks, human generated noises. 'tis a good thingy i can most oft 'ttain such jest by closin' my eyes 'n lettin' myself go there. 't waters edge, with the roarin' sounds 'f magical waters 's they cascade o'er ancient rocks.
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@Starkinds (32713)
• India
11 Aug 19
@crazyhorseladycx yes it's perfect for me too. good morning and happy Sunday
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@Rohithee (374)
• India
12 Aug 19
In my city kuttralaam
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@Rohithee (374)
• India
13 Aug 19
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@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
11 Aug 19
I sympathize about the blaring television. I do not have a specific happy place any more. When my grandparents were alive I always told myself that if I ever needed to escape I could go to their place. I love your very detailed description of your water fall experience.
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• United States
11 Aug 19
thanks, hon. y'ave 't least the memories 'f bein' there 't'cher grands, though i know such jest aint the same. i've not been back to the hills since my dad passed. visitin' my ol' stompin' grounds sure feels needed. 'nstead, i've gotta rely'n photos i've taken 'n memory. 't times pullin' a youtube video 'f waterfalls, jest fer the sound. i'm greatly saddened y'ave not longer a happy place to 'scape, 'xcept'n yer heart. most humbled by yer kind words ~
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@BelleStarr (61347)
• United States
12 Aug 19
I don't really, I enjoy the sound and smell of the ocean but I don't go there often, these days my happy place is my new recliner lol
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• United States
12 Aug 19
'tis been years since i've been to a roarin' waterfall. since my dad passed'n 2011 actually. aint been back to the hills since.... so glad y'ave a happy place - e'en if'n such's jest yer recliner :)
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@jstory07 (142412)
• Roseburg, Oregon
11 Aug 19
I go into my office and tell my husband to leave me alone and he does.
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• United States
11 Aug 19
yer fortunate he listens. most'd not. i've got'ta have the outdoors myself. bein' cooped'n the house makes me a tad cranky.
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@LeaPea2417 (37612)
• Toccoa, Georgia
11 Aug 19
That is a nice happy place. One place I like a lot is the beach.
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• United States
11 Aug 19
i like beaches (used to, 'tis been years since i've been), 's long 's there aint folks 'round.
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@GreatMartin (23671)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
12 Aug 19
My happy place is sitting down at The Point watching the water, sky, boats--without anyone around!
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• United States
12 Aug 19
i hope y'ave such oft.
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@DocAndersen (54402)
• United States
11 Aug 19
my happy place is on a boat just wandering and fishing!
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• United States
11 Aug 19
used to do lots 'f that'n my younger days :) no place to put a boat out'n these parts.
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