Mommy and Daughter special dates:How do you nurture your relationship with your kids?

Brisbane, Australia
August 10, 2019 4:01am CST
So Friday afternoons after school are usually when my daughter and I go out to the city for our weekly mother and daughter date. We do some shopping as well as eat out. We tell each other how our day had been and plan what to do during the weekend. I think this special moments are important to nurture our relationships towards our kids, after all time flies fast and they will all grow up and they'll have their own lives and own families. And moments like these will become fewer and fewer. So what's your Friday or weekend routine with your kids or love ones? How do you bond with your special people?
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6 responses
@Starkinds (32713)
• India
10 Aug 19
This is so sweet my dear that you have a special date with your daughter I am glad to know that
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• Brisbane, Australia
10 Aug 19
@Starkinds Thank you. As much as possible rain or shine I always take her on Fridays. I know how she worked hard with on school work and always do the right thing to maintain her grades, so as to show her I appreciate her hard work and also to bond with her, we go out and have a bit of fun.
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@Starkinds (32713)
• India
10 Aug 19
@MNRFOLEY you are really a good mother
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• Brisbane, Australia
10 Aug 19
@Starkinds Thank you I try to be
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• Rupert, Idaho
15 Aug 19
That sounds like a great tradition, and way to spend time together and bond. I don't have a daughter, but I see doing something similar with my son, although maybe not shopping.
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• Brisbane, Australia
15 Aug 19
Thank you, I giving them the love that they deserve is the key to making them a loving person towards others.
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• Brisbane, Australia
15 Aug 19
@MommyOfEli2013 I don't have a son but got 2 stepsons. One of then came to stay with us for a while he was into arcade games and video games, so I used to take him and my daughter to the bowling arcade place to play Laser tag and arcade games. Its great bonding with the kids
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• Rupert, Idaho
15 Aug 19
@MNRFOLEY Oh yes, I would agree for sure!
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@JudyEv (347848)
• Rockingham, Australia
10 Aug 19
This is an excellent idea. My boys have grown and left home now but it would have been could t have done something like this with them.
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• Brisbane, Australia
10 Aug 19
Thank you @JudyEv this had been like a family tradition. My mom used to do this for me and my siblings and now I'm, doing it for my daughter and hopefully she'll carry the tradition once she's got her own kids in the future.
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@Janet357 (75646)
10 Aug 19
thats the best thing a mom can do to her child. the child will feel secured when he or she knows mom loves him or her
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• Brisbane, Australia
15 Aug 19
Yes I believe that if you show your child or any child for that matter that you love and care for them let them feel how special they are, they will grow up to be a better caring person. And that love you instil in them they will give back to others.
10 Aug 19
Mother is the greatest asset in the world
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• Brisbane, Australia
10 Aug 19
Thank you @Hopeless20, indeed they are.
10 Aug 19
@MNRFOLEY special moments to cherish forever with the ones that counts.
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• Brisbane, Australia
10 Aug 19
@evendeadimthehere always and forever.
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10 Aug 19
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