Milo or Ovaltine Which is Your Favorite?

Milo Ovaltine Hot Drink Childhood Memory at Grandmas Houses.
United States
August 10, 2019 7:19am CST
this story is gonna take me back to my childhood at my grandmothers houses. One grandma fixed me ovaltine and the other fixed me milo. I preferred the ovalting over the milo. I did not have the heart to tell my grandmother who gave me milo i hated it. I drank it because I did not want to hurt her feelings. I am still alive so it did not kill me. i was just sitting here thinking and reminising about the good old days and was thinking about the ovaltine and milo the hot drinks they used to give me. And I thought I would throw the question out there whether you like milo or ovaltine or do you have it in your country or do you have some hot drink brands in your neck of the woods.
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8 responses
@raveeen (3457)
10 Aug 19
I had them both especially when growing up but I would go for ovaltine
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@raveeen (3457)
12 Aug 19
@VoiceofTruth7 your ovaltine loves you too
• United States
10 Aug 19
I love my Ovaltine
@Starkinds (32712)
• India
10 Aug 19
My favourite Milo
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• United States
10 Aug 19
Well you can drink all mine I hate it
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@Starkinds (32712)
• India
10 Aug 19
@VoiceofTruth7 okay thanks
@May2k8 (18289)
• Indonesia
10 Aug 19
When I have to choose I choose Ovaltine because the grains are very fine.
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• United States
10 Aug 19
I love Ovaltine to its one of the best hot drinks on earth
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
7 Nov 19
@VoiceofTruth7 I know about Nestles. We have it here but what is Milo?
@Sojourn (13837)
• India
10 Aug 19
Milo as I haven't drank ovaltin
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• United States
10 Aug 19
I love my Ovaltine its deliscous
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@Janet357 (75646)
10 Aug 19
i love milo. i dont like the taste of ovaltine
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• United States
10 Aug 19
I love my Ovaltine Milo yuck to each there own
@DianneN (247186)
• United States
15 Aug 19
I’ve never heard of milo. I did like Ovaltine, but my grandmother gave me milk. Plain milk. As a treat, my mother gave us Hershey’s or Nestle’s Quik.
@florelway (23223)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
10 Aug 19
I prefer ovaltine over Milo. Milo gives me stomach sickness.