Being fully present in the moment. Present moment living.

Is it ever dangerous to be so much in the now that we do not hear the train coming towards us?
@innertalks (22422)
September 1, 2019 7:54pm CST
Being fully present in the moment. What could that ever mean? What does it mean to be fully present in the moment? Is anyone ever fully present, except for perhaps, God, and what is this mythical moment? Love is most alive in the moment, because that is where it lives, not in the past, nor the future, but always being fully alive, right now, in this moment of now. When we practice doing this too, we are being at our most loving. To be fully present is to be fully alive in love right now in this instance of now. To show empathy to another person is to try to understand their thinking, and their feeling, or in short, to be attuned to their emotional state. It is said that empathy is an emotional ability. To show love to another person, is more just being totally there for them, warmly, embracingly, whether you understand them or not, or even if you are not attuned to them. To love another, is not about developing an emotional ability. To love someone is to be kind, caring, a neighbour to others, but at its heart, it is giving them space to be themselves in our presence. Love is not a concept, nor even just a feeling, an emotion, or a thought. Love is being connected to others at a deeper level of being, coalescing them into your own soul's space, by allowing them to live in your space, which you realise is not really yours, but all souls within God, sharing his love in them all. Love is knowing that we are all in this together, and treating another the same as we would want ourselves to be treated by them. Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, Is it ever dangerous to be so much in the now that we do not hear the train coming towards us? No, because, we never lose awareness, when we are fully in this moment's moment too. Only daydreaming, spacing out, allows us to be hit by trains.
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9 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
2 Sep 19
There are some beautiful expressions in your post. I really like this one! "To show love to another person, is more just being totally there for them, warmly, embracingly, whether you understand them or not, or even if you are not attuned to them.' To do that is a real challenge!
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
4 Sep 19
@innertalks Thank you for your kind a truthful words! It is like two people on a bus ride and one is looking out the right window and the other is looking out the left one. Sometimes we see similar things and sometimes we see different things though on the same bus ride. At the end of the ride, since we are friends, we share what we saw. In the end, we both are coming away a little wiser.
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
4 Sep 19
@1hopefulman Yes, that's a very nice picture of how things might be. Sometimes, with my wife, for example, I feel that we are on different buses even, but at times we stop at the same destinations, and only then do we realise that both our arguments seemingly going in the opposite direction, were actually taking us to the same place. We were both talking about the same thing, just in different ways, not really understandable enough for the other person to initially realise that. We usually both realise this, and laugh afterwards about it. This happens partly, I think, because we, my wife and myself, are from different cultural backgrounds to each other.
@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
3 Sep 19
Thanks Felix. I appreciate your responses. You are always honest in your appraisal. Sometimes we see eye to eye, other times, we have trouble doing that. But, we always chew over the fat together, how you respond to me, fits my description above too. You are a loving person.
@RasmaSandra (83084)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Sep 19
Adorable photo. I am all alone but I rely on the Lord to get me through each day. Love is always alll around and it is great to share it with others love, kindness, and understanding.
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@RasmaSandra (83084)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
2 Sep 19
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@Shiva49 (26975)
• Singapore
2 Sep 19
@innertalks I can be alone, but never feel lonely - siva
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
2 Sep 19
@Shiva49 I also like being alone, but I always feel lonely, either alone, or in company. There is never a moment when I do not feel alone. I crave for the company of God. Every other type of company leaves me cold and lonely still, or slightly let down. Mine is a big ask, and probably I will never be satisfied, but I go on looking for answers.
• Pamplona, Spain
5 Sep 19
Being in the present moment does not take away your awareness and love the image too.
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• Pamplona, Spain
6 Sep 19
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@cacay1 (84464)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
5 Sep 19
Very nice descriptions about love-life and every moment ,the moment we deserve to give focus and pay attention to be aware of the present happenings that surround us, and someday may be worth reminiscing. This is a very impressive post.
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@cacay1 (84464)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
6 Sep 19
@innertalks , you are welcome.
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
6 Sep 19
Thanks for your compliments, and for taking the time to read my efforts here.
@Janet357 (75646)
2 Sep 19
this is a very touching message. you are correct with your definition of love. am happy because even if am not rich, i have the love of the few people like my husband and parents. your picture will make my husband sad. he is crazy over corgis. he wants to have corgi . hahaa.
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
2 Sep 19
Yes, the corgi looks blissfully happy, lost in its reverie, enjoying the moment. I am sure though, as the train comes closer, it would hopefully snap out of it, and run off the track, in time, to escape the train. Dogs can be present, and aware at the same time. They seem to know what is going on. They are full of love too, especially for their owners.
@Janet357 (75646)
5 Sep 19
@innertalks life on earth is very short yet memorable. jusy like these happy corgis? they have no idea, they can depart anytime. i showed this post to my husband and he said that it was just photoshopped. i wish too because i dont like fat cute corgi die. maybe just an illustration of your very message.
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@Janet357 (75646)
5 Sep 19
@innertalks oh you know i almost forgot this fact about animals. yes, i believe it so.because i suddenly remember the guy who.was.carrying a cagd.ful of doves. according to him, they were meant for racing. there was.a dove picking on the other. i couldnt believe it as they are known for being kind. oh so.this also happens when animals.are.dying. they hide.
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@rossmy (89)
• Canada
3 Sep 19
It is possible that love can exist only if one's state of mind is sound.
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
3 Sep 19
Yes, a sound mind would ensure that we could better connect to love, but I feel that it, love, is a part of our very makeup too. If God exists, he created us from himself, which is from love, so all we need to do, is to stay connected to that love, and we will stay connected to God then too.
@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
3 Sep 19
@rossmy You make a good point, but even my dog can comprehend love, but there are some pretty sick people in today's society too, so you might be right.
@rossmy (89)
• Canada
3 Sep 19
it is possible that a sick person may not be able to comprehend love. all talk about love may also be possible because one is healthy. therefore, health is above all.
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@Shiva49 (26975)
• Singapore
2 Sep 19
Being present in the moment enhances our feelings of love, empathy, and compassion. We then live life more fully, meaningfully, consciously. The past is well past, learn the lessons; the future is uncertain, we have to face it when it makes its presence felt; we have only the present which is the best present we get. The ghosts of the past should not haunt us but can provide guidance for the present and future. I believe when we take care of the present, the future will take care of itself - siva
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
2 Sep 19
Yes, a lot is made of our doing just this, and I would agree with all that you have said there, siva. We should not be afraid of either the past, or the future though. Both states can visit us in our nightly dreams sometimes, and it is good to take notice of what we experience there. Also, there is nothing wrong with reminiscing about the past sometimes. Remembering what has gone before, planning for what is to come. If we burn too many bridges in the present, there will be nothing left for the future. The quick "profiteer mongerers" of today, do not think about the future, they do not much care about the past. They just want all of the gravy that they can get now for their meat. They have a quick-fix mentality, an immediate gratification lust about what they do. They have lost contact with the real present, to value the wrapping of it only. It's better to keep a balanced approach to all of this. Keep our feet planted in the now, but a discerning eye out for the future too, whilst learning and valuing the past too, so that we do not destroy it all now, something like what you said in your last paragraph.
@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
2 Sep 19
@Shiva49 Yes, I also feel that we will be prevented from destroying ourselves completely, by God, if he exists. If he doesn't exist, I do not see much hope for our future here. Greed will never be overcome. Its grip is too strong. I quote again this Old Indian saying to the white man: "When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish, has been caught, and eaten, and the last stream, or river, poisoned, only then, will you will realize that you cannot eat money." By then, it will be already far too late though, to ever be able to turn things around again.
@Shiva49 (26975)
• Singapore
2 Sep 19
Yes, Steve, we need the balance - remember and learn from the past, prepare for the future even as we live in the present time. I think we all do that though the ghosts of the past haunt us especially those that hurt us emotionally. Then I look at the positive side too that they are not in vain. I think our creator will see to it that our future is taken care of, but it is up to us to find meaning! siva
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
13 Sep 19
Many wonderful points about love in your post. Very interesting comparison of love vs empathy. I think both share a commonality in that they are so powerful in their expression.
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
14 Sep 19
Thanks. Yes, l agree. Both love and empathy are powerful "tools" that we can use. Love flows on our heart strings to others, as much as we open our heart to empathetically connecting to the other person.
• United States
2 Sep 19
I wonder if I have ever really lived in the moment.
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@innertalks (22422)
• Australia
2 Sep 19
I do not think that I ever have either. It is just an ideal that we can strive for. To be more present with others, and with ourselves. There is still a time for blissful daydreaming too, I think though. We do not have to be in the moment all of the time, but it is a good idea to be not daydreaming blissfully, when a train is headed in our direction though.
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