Trump Goes Medieval

Moat with Deadly Snakes and Alligators, From Google Images
@jprtist (656)
Pueblo, Colorado
October 2, 2019 2:42am CST
Now our "genius" POTUS, is proposing a moat along the U.S. Mexico border, filled with snakes and alligators. Those who dare cross it should be shot by the military in their legs. It's crazy on it's face, but deadly snakes in a desert canal, spanning the width of our southern border with Mexico!!! It's a desert! The Colorado river is a mere trickle, the Rio Grande is better, but what about the places that the canal would be dug? It's illegal to shoot innocent people, to kill or in the legs, like nobody would get shot in the wrong place by accident. I shouldn't ever bother writing the previous paragraph, Trump is an insane idiot! How can anybody, anywhere not think this man is an insane buffoon?
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19 responses
@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
2 Oct 19
I think there are enough snakes in the Mexican Desert without the need to add more. I have read about this "project" in the main European newspapers this morning, it sounds insane.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
2 Oct 19
It is insanity if he is at all serious. Certainly it hasn't been thought out. Maybe hes just running his mouth. Most likely, but watching his actions, I really don't wish to venture a guess.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
2 Oct 19
@cperry2 Hard to believe he was serious, but also the wall is an insane project after all.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
2 Oct 19
@LadyDuck I agree it is insane. IT will not do what he is hoping to accomplish. People who are desperate will find a way to do what they want. Put up a wall, they will go around, over, under or through it. Better to look for ways to make those peoples homes safer and more inviting to stay in.
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@VivaLaDani13 (60827)
• Perth, Australia
2 Oct 19
@jprtist If this is true, and at this point it wouldn't surprise me anymore, then just wow. I can't believe how much the world is being majorly divided as of late. This man....ugh I still can not fathom that he is president. I feel like it's still a joke. I honestly do not know if he actually has done any good for America but I do know that he is a lying, selfish, womanising, narcissistic cry baby.
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@jprtist (656)
• Pueblo, Colorado
2 Oct 19
He hasn't done one good thing for America. The Evangelical types think he's wonderful, because he's nominated a bunch of reall crazy right wing judges. Of course the religious nuts and I differ in our opinions. What are they saying in Australia about Trumps desire to recruit your intelligence apparatus to exonerate the Russians from election meddling?
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• Perth, Australia
3 Oct 19
@jprtist @cperry2 Thank you for both your input of what Trump has done / hasn't done. I will take both of what you say as an answer. As I don't want this to turn into a nasty debate. Just thank you! @jprtist As for your question, I personally didn't know about this. I'm honestly not good with political stuff. I try hard to learn but it's a subject I want to learn but takes awhile to set in my brain. I'm sorry I don't have an answer because I really don't know. I mean I know OF what you're talking about but not enough to say I'm wise to the topics.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
2 Oct 19
@jprtist I disagree here just a tiny bit ... The man has managed to push the financial markets effectively for the past three years, Yes, he lucked into the situation that Obama had opened up for him, but he has managed to push things well beyond what most economists thought could be done. Of course, we are looking at major issues building and there will be a price to pay for those very same things. Most likely won't touch him though, he'll be out of office when the check comes around for paying.
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• United States
3 Oct 19
Every time he opens his mouth I can't help but think "here we go again." Yeah, I heard his statement about shooting them in the legs and I thought "Why don't we put you in a desert and make you walk for miles before letting you get almost to your destination and then shooting you in the legs?" Regardless of what a person thinks about the immigration situation, they are human and should be treated as such.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
3 Oct 19
Well said. Thank you.
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@LeaPea2417 (37612)
• Toccoa, Georgia
2 Oct 19
Do you think Hillary is going to jump back into the Race this voting Season?
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@jprtist (656)
• Pueblo, Colorado
3 Oct 19
Not a chance
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
3 Oct 19
Nope, she's out.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
2 Oct 19
Trumpenstein will not go down well in history for sure.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
3 Oct 19
Of course you are correct. He is a president the world will not soon forget. I do expect the historians will not be kind.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
2 Oct 19
Okay, I had not heard this as yet. And it seems there are numerous articles out about this piece of insanity -- some from reputable sites, so, I accept he said it. (For those of you who think it this a joke; consider for a moment who is saying it and his official position in this country. Advocating illegal action, cruel actions, and expressing such a strong bias against a certain group of people is not becoming of the office of President of the US. And none of it is a joking matter.) I have a hard time believing there are so many good honest people who are willing to throw their support behind things that make absolutely no sense. It really makes no difference who espouses an insane idea, the idea is still insane. Insane ideas from the White House: Dropping nukes on Hurricanes, snakes and alligators along the border (and by the way, this solution would be quite expensive if viable at all), locking up children who had no choice in the decision to come to this country, the mere act of taking them from their parents. I honestly do not understand how anyone can accept this stuff as okay. Over the past three years, our President has alienated our allies, has gone back on global agreements -- agreements made in good faith, and has declared trade war with multiple nations. We have in essence become the laughing stock of the world. The US's word becomes suspect because it is only good for the term of the current President. And this is all because of one man. Maybe I am just getting too old, but if this President is the new normal for the United States, I believe this country is no longer the place I want to live. It is certainly not the place I grew up in and it is no longer the country I thought it was. The fact that Congress has done little to put the man in check just shows how screwed up our system is at the moment. The whole idea behind Congress was to reach compromises, and to keep a check on the White House. That is no longer the case. It is now My Party vs Your Party. And worse, Our President is usurping his position to systematically destroy the laws that were designed to keep his office in line. He looks like he wants to be King for life (I gather this from his "jokes" about removing the two term limit for President). His obstructionist policies may be keeping him in office a bit longer, but it is also destroying the system of checks and balances that have made our country one of the greatest ever known. And worse it is destroying the confidence of the American People in our government.
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• United States
2 Oct 19
Thank you! One of the best things I ever learned years ago was "measure your words". You don't say things as a "joke" that can hurt someone. You don't run off at the mouth without thinking about what you are saying and researching what you are about to say thoroughly. I am NOT looking forward to the upcoming elections and all the comments that come with them. I used to work the polls as a head inspector but just couldn't take working this last election with everything that was going on, and I won't work this one either for the same reason. Reading through the comments in these discussions has been interesting but hard to take. We are human beings, not savages. We are taking ourselves back to the early 1800's when slavery was the norm and we treated the African Americans like they didn't matter. We're treating the Mexican's the same way They too are human beings. Just because they are different and want a better way of life and hope to find it here in America we are to set alligators, crocodiles, and snakes on them? What happened to the inscription on the Statue of Liberty? Did it get erased some time through the centuries? " Give my your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free." I am not political, I don't talk politics or try to change people's view points. I have enough problems living each day in the pain I have. I live in both extreme physical pain and then I have the emotional pain and PTSD from losing my home to fire. I just appreciate having the freedoms I have here in America and what little I do have after losing everything I own to fire. Think about what you have and what the South Americans are trying to achieve by coming to America. It isn't to over run our country, it is to obtain a better life for their families...for many of us it was our ancestors dreams when they came to this country many years ago and faced the same challenges that the Hispanics are now. They are doing jobs that most Americans don't want, doing the field work, motel maids, and other scut work that is back breaking with poor wages. I keep hearing people complain about the Hispanics taking all the jobs, yet I keep seeing "Help Wanted" signs in so many store windows. Explain that.
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• United States
2 Oct 19
@cperry2 I'll help them move it! It's been in place for a lot of years and they'll need a lot of help getting it moved.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
2 Oct 19
@BearArtistLady I've been asking that same question every since our President started his prejudicial crusade. No one seems to have an answer. Maybe France wants to take back their gift now???
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@divalounger (6182)
• United States
8 Oct 19
This man is dangerous--and it will take decades to undo the damage he has done and continues to do--and as impeachment presses closer, I suspect we will see more unhinged behavior
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• Preston, England
2 Oct 19
he is loopytunes - if the Rio Grande was good for alligators they would be there anyway - and such heavy numbers of them would threaten people living either side of the border
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• Preston, England
5 Oct 19
@jprtist cool, cheers
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@jprtist (656)
• Pueblo, Colorado
2 Oct 19
There are a few alligators in the wetlands, near the Rio Grande in southern Texas and Mexico. Alligators are not like most people think. Lots of people compare them to the lethality of crocodiles. When an alligator, attacks an adult human, the worst risk is broken limbs and infection. Of course, the above is not true for a child or small animal. Crocks eat people, of all sizes, but I don't think there are many, if any on the southern Rio Grande. Just interesting facts.
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@RasmaSandra (83084)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
4 Oct 19
I am so tired of hearing what he did, said, and most of all how he looks
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Jan 20
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
2 Oct 19
I think snakes are wonderful. You can have a snake farm there hahaha.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
2 Oct 19
I agree, snakes are cool. So are alligators for that matter, but hardly something to use as a border.
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• Dallas, Texas
6 Oct 19
Trump is acting on emotions, which are getting the best of him. He needs help, not constant condemnation. Like he could live a normal life, outside of politics, which is not his forte. His emotions were always a major factor in his decision making process. We knew it before we voted him in office. Now we have to deal with the emotional rollercoaster ride until it ends finally when his term of office is over, unless he gets re-elected in 2020 and that is not out of the question. But I will personally not let politics ruin my life. It has done damage to it but not letting it get the best of me.
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@TheHorse (224439)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Oct 19
Agreed. I can only affect (and be affected by) my immediate surroundings. I am tired of seeing Trump's face, but I try not to let him affect me. The psychologist in me would like to see him get help as well.
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@TheHorse (224439)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Oct 19
@lookatdesktop If he has a simple anxiety disorder, his prognosis is good. But people with true narcissistic personality disorder, or true sociopathy, are resistant to change.
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• Dallas, Texas
9 Oct 19
@TheHorse , I agree that Trump needs to see a psychiatrist and get some much needed cognitive behavior therapy.
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@JESSY3236 (20304)
• United States
2 Oct 19
That's crazy.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
3 Oct 19
It is indeed crazy, and even if the man were just spouting off at a frustrating situation, the comment says a lot about the mans intelligence.
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@NJChicaa (121894)
• United States
2 Oct 19
He is nuts!
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
3 Oct 19
There are few who will disagree with you on this.
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@LindaOHio (184346)
• United States
2 Oct 19
I'm with JJ. I think he was just running his mouth which he has a HUGE tendency to do.
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@LindaOHio (184346)
• United States
2 Oct 19
@cperry2 Exactly.
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@jprtist (656)
• Pueblo, Colorado
2 Oct 19
The CNN account would indicate otherwise.
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@cperry2 (5608)
• Newport, Oregon
2 Oct 19
Regardless, his running of his mouth is causing a lot of issues for him, the republican party and this country. Keeping others off balance is one thing, insulting them and mocking them for no reason other than hurt pride is very much the actions of a child, not a man who should be focused on running the country. Throwing out ideas that are silly, are not becoming of a President.
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@inertia4 (27972)
• United States
16 Feb 20
He is an f-ing moron. A true orange baby. A cry baby. He wants america to become whet Germany became in the 1940's. We are stronger than that and smarter than that. Well, at least 75 percent of Americans are. The other 25 percent is as dumb or dumber than he is. Sad really. We do not need to make America great, we need to take back America. And come November, that is what we will do, take America back and make it stronger.
• Northampton, England
10 Oct 19
Alligators no crocodiles in the moorhen hemisphere
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@florelway (23355)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
8 Oct 19
I hope there are other options.
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• United States
4 Oct 19
Really, can't we have differences without name calling? It's wrong when he does it and it's wrong when others do it.
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@Denver1 (24)
• Denver, Colorado
13 Oct 19
Are you serious, why do people insist on spreading these lies..! He is anything but insane or a buffoon, any more than you are... If you think the press is telling the truth about this, you need to do a little more research... There is a concerted effort to remove him because he is about to expose the corruption our politicians have been engaging in all around the world. That' will turn out to be the "real" story...