I had an appointment for tomorrow marked on my calendar for eleven a.m. Okay.
This afternoon after Angel's and my second walk, I saw that there was a message on the answering machine. This message was from the Health Center, telling me that I had an appointment at 9 a.m. Huh? Either someone goofed, or I have two appointments tomorrow. It's rare, but the latter happens -- actually, lately it's happened more often than it used to.

I know what the appointment I have on the calendar is for--but not the one at nine a.m. Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow morning in time...actually, instead of calling and asking, I'm going to try to check their online site to see if I can tell what this appointment is about....
*Jeopardy music plays while I look*
Oh. Okay, it's not a "doctor's" appointment I have at the health center tomorrow, it's something else. I'm still going, though.