Democrat Debate Tonight on CNN

@porwest (85486)
United States
December 19, 2019 6:36pm CST
For my liberal friends, and for those of us conservatives who like to be "in the know," there is a democrat debate tonight on CNN at 8pm ET. I think they are down to 7 candidates. I always find this sort of thing entertaining and tonight should be no different. It should be interesting to see what all these tools have to say, especially considering the Trump impeachment. It's on. You watching? This republican IS watching the democrat debate tonight. It will, I am sure, be like an episode of Saturday Night Live.
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8 responses
@TheHorse (214189)
• Walnut Creek, California
20 Dec 19
Let us know if they saw anything other than "mwa mwa mwa."
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@TheHorse (214189)
• Walnut Creek, California
22 Dec 19
@porwest I spend a lot of time scratching my head these days. On to more important matters (music), you and I should cover Okie from Muskogie and Up Against the Wall Redneck Mother, trading verses. Merle and Jerry Jeff all at once.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
I don't know what they saw, but I know what I saw. I am still scratching my head.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
22 Dec 19
@TheHorse Hmm. That could be a lot of fun. Tricky. But fun.
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• India
20 Dec 19
Trump is incredible
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@TheHorse (214189)
• Walnut Creek, California
20 Dec 19
He is a funny guy. I'm going to look into the "Lincoln Movement," or whatever it's called. I'm waxing Conservative in my old age and would like to see integrity" return to the Rupublican Party.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
@Butterfingers Despite your chagrin, we have record low unemployment across all boards, including black and Hispanics. We have seen median wages increase in all three years since he took office. The stock market has seen record highs since he took office. ISIS has all but been defeated...and the list goes on. I think India NEEDS someone like Trump to give the country back to the people and free up businesses to conduct business freely, and prosper the people.
@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
@TheHorse I still am not sure what you are looking for. I think you are too hung up on how Trump acts or his personality. I still implore you to realize and understand that personality and demeanor have NOTHING to do with a president's effectiveness. I go back to Obama and the 'decorum,' and think...what did it do for the country? Nothing. There was nothing positive about having a good orator, a refined demeanor, or even being considered "cool." None of that mattered, and it damn near destroyed the country.
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@TheHorse (214189)
• Walnut Creek, California
22 Dec 19
How did the debate itself turn out? Did anybody make any decent points, or was it the same old same old?
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@TheHorse (214189)
• Walnut Creek, California
22 Dec 19
@porwest He may be my favorite Dem, though I don't know if he can win. I'm tired of the impeachment train. Let it run its course, I say. The Senate will do its thing, and we'll be right back where we started.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
22 Dec 19
Same old, same old. Although Yang did make an interesting point that the dems needed to get off the impeachment train. I thought that was interesting. He's still a tool. But it was interesting.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
22 Dec 19
@TheHorse I don't know that I would consider him a favorite, or even a reasonably serious candidate. His freedom dividend proposal alone in my mind disqualifies him. But he's still on the stage at this point and so I have to give him at least some credit for that.
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@andriaperry (116935)
• Anniston, Alabama
20 Dec 19
No. I hate them.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
I just cannot, in good conscience, go to the voting booth without knowing exactly what I am voting for or against.
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@andriaperry (116935)
• Anniston, Alabama
21 Dec 19
@porwest I am glad there are people like you, I will listen to your 'good' advice because I did not want to vomit all night long listening to lies.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
@andriaperry It's a tough job. But someone has to do it. I took the TV into the bathroom...just in case.
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@LindaOHio (171017)
• United States
20 Dec 19
I might watch just for the entertainment factor. I'm a Democrat; but I don't find it comforting to hear people make promises they have no intention of keeping.
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@LindaOHio (171017)
• United States
21 Dec 19
@porwest Whatever floats your boat is OK with me. Yes, Trump has delivered.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
These days I am not sure why anyone would want to BE a democrat. It's certainly a far different party than it once was. AND, it should be pointed out that Trump has delivered on most of the promises he made on the campaign trail and continues to do so.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
@LindaOHio I am a republican in part because I am a big boy and I can take care of myself. I don't need any help from those guys over there on the left. Keep your free stuff. Don't want it, don't need it. I also do not want to kill my babies and let murderers live. I don't want to support the oppression of women that is the Muslim faith the dems are so in love with. I don't want to be worried about cow farts. I don't want my Big Gulp or my straws taken away... I could go on...
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@Nakitakona (56299)
• Philippines
20 Dec 19
Sorry no time for politics. Politics in our place is dirty. It's one of the most lucrative sources of income not for the poor but for the elite and the rich in our society.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
23 Dec 19
@Nakitakona Maybe one day the people will wise up and rise up. One can hope.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
And that is why things will never change. If the PEOPLE aren't there to fix it, then you pretty much suffer the consequence of being ruled instead of governed.
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@Nakitakona (56299)
• Philippines
23 Dec 19
@porwest We have experienced that.
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@1creekgirl (41077)
• United States
21 Dec 19
I just saw the highlights (or lowlights) on Fox News. The Dems have been in a rabid rush to get rid of President Trump, now they don't want to send the paperwork to the Senate. Are they worried that the nation will see how biased they are and that this whole thing has been a farce?
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
I think they ARE a bit scared. But the American people already are seeing through it. The polls are all showing that the majority of Americans do not support impeachment, and other polls show Trump's approval ratings up SINCE the now so-called impeachment, and yet other polls are showing Trump beating all top candidates by very large margins. Even CNN analysts and reporters were dumfounded by the numbers. I think the democrats have sealed their fate, and they do not have a single winning candidate. I actually think Trump may win in a landslide similar to the 49 state reelection landslide of Ronald Reagan. I also think the dems will lose the House.
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
20 Dec 19
So, was it like an episode of Saturday Night Live?
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 Dec 19
@porwest I'm sorry it was a scary Halloween episode.
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@porwest (85486)
• United States
21 Dec 19
Saturday Night Live is far funnier, and unlike the debates, is parody. The democrats are downright scary.
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