By BeachBaby
@BeachBaby (815)
United States
November 29, 2006 10:24am CST
Freinds come and go I know this but jeesh,, im soo irritated this past month because my one friend is the biggest compulsive liar ever and I finally broke and exploded on her yesterday, if its one thing I cant stand is someone who lies to me and everyone else around them and they tell so many they dont even know they lie anymore..
The girl seems to only come around when she is in need of help or advise or wants something or is so far up her mans butt she cant see straight.....all i expect is a phone call Not hard is it?? I mean Im married I understand things are differnt now and I have a life too but dont make me feel like a total peice of crap! Its a privledge to be someones friend and you shouldnt take advatage of that,,,well anyways she asked what she lies about and i named them all and she only admitted to one then refused to talk to me when I got into all the lies and signed off the computer because she is such a coward...
i mean one lie was she told my husbands friend she was pregnant and had him going for 3 months on it and simply to use him for what he had and she was pregnant but had it aborted THAT TICKED ME OFF,,,,, but I didnt say anything I try to stay out of peoples buisness, I try not to judge as long as she is good to me,, but then she says they did an autopsy on her CHILD umm hello you cant do such a thing on an aborted kid,, what is wrong with this girl does she really think anyone let alone me at 25 her at 19 to believe this crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and so on,, never listens to me when i call and want to vent and wonders why i dont want to do anything with her anymore,, I hate lying im a foward straigh honest person so I decided enough being nice,, she hurt my friend and hurt us by the things she has done, im so aggrivated, I dont even know if I should give her a 2nd chance, she is going away 1 hour from here in june so really Im debating weather its worth being annoyed by a liar and a contridictive person, to me its not worth it but I value all freindships I do have and I hate to have enemies even tho after ripping her apart Im sure she wont want to come around for awhile which is fine, none of my other friends like her and for reasons above and Ive only tried to be her true friend and not care what others think
well I guess we live and we learn right??? she dont deserve my friendship and Im glad I never trusted to tell her anything or secrets I guess theres a reason for that, I guess we can know right off the bat who we can and cant trust, let alone she always says crap about my friends and I always have to tell her to shut up because thier my freinds weather she likes it or not,,,as you can see im frustrated and just rambling today, I think I feel better now that I wrote it all out to my trusty gather friends ( my personal diary I shall call you hehe )
well everyone have a safe day
I have a long weekend ahead of me,my husband and I are having our 2nd year annual striper tournament this weekend so we have alot of work to get done before everyone starts showing up!!
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6 responses
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
30 Nov 06
Sometimes, you have to really take a moment to re-evaluate your friendships. Some of them may just be bad toxic relationships, and you are better off without them unfortunately.
Most of my dearest friends I have known since my childhood. Several of the ones I have met along my travels, have turned out to be superficial and often toxic.
Compulsive lying like what your friend does, is often a sign of a deeper problem, and I don't mean she's just trying to get attention. She may have a mental disorder, which makes it easier for her to overshadow that with the lies she creates and believes. Again, you probably just need to re-evaluate the friendship, and whether it is worth all the personal drama it creates for your own life. You may just want to consider her an acquaintance, and be amicable but don't go out of your way anymore.
@BeachBaby (815)
• United States
30 Nov 06
thanks to think about it, NO i was always there for her
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@ElusiveButterfly (45940)
• United States
10 Dec 06
Keep in mind that friends come and go. The ones that matter are the ones that are always there for you. I am glad that you have decided to kick this excess baggage to the curb. She is a loser and causes you too much anguish. You deserve better than that. Huggers to you M. : )
@vincent72 (1633)
• Australia
6 Dec 06
Soetimes it can be a trial when friends act that way , you just need to accept them for whp they are and if they decide to pick up phone then so be it , a true frind would look out for tyour feelings , not treat you that way , you have a good weekedn BeachBaby
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
30 Nov 06
So sorry to hear about your friend! I know I've been hurt deeply in the past by people I considered good friends. People I thought I could trust. They ended up stabbing a whole group of us in the back. So now I try to keep my guard up. I have a hard time trusting people sometimes. I don't know what to tell you about your situation, but maybe go with your gut. It tends to be right!
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@BeachBaby (815)
• United States
30 Nov 06
Yea thanks, I cant seem to get through her head ,an she says im putting her down , and im only doing it to point things out im only being honest with her, i hope one days she relizes what she did
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@vinod4net (628)
• India
10 Dec 06
too much emotions attached with this, well you see sometimes yoy don't have any choice but to accept the faith and this is what exactly happaened here, i hope you will find a very good friend very soooooooooooooooon