Happy 2020
By Faye
@FayeHazel (40243)
United States
January 13, 2020 2:59pm CST
Hi All! My first discussion post of 2020 :-) And 2020 is sure starting out right I'm happy to say. Normally I go ahead and talk about the previous month and goals that I accomplished around my first posting of the new month, however, seeing as we are already well in to January I think I will just include that here.
So, things have been busy, but.... good busy.
I guess the big news is that my dad is in a nursing home. It is such a blessing, I can't even explain how much of a blessing it is. Of course he is not happy, but he wasn't happy at home, either. This way, he's safe and my mom is , too. As my dad didn't understand how caring for him was effecting her. Yes. I'm thrilled and thankful.
Mom and I just got back from the Hope Lodge in Minneapolis, for her series of appointments. Dad wasn't with and it was wonderful to not have to wait on him in an already stressful situation. Mom and I enjoyed a lovely Chinese meal and visit with some of the other people staying there. You tend to meet the nicest people there. Mom will need to start chemo on the 20th this month, but her numbers are already down and this chemo will be a more gentle kind.
Holidays were nice as well. Mom and I celebrated by ourselves on the 21st, finally. Then on the 25th , Christmas we went to see Dad. He was actually in a nice enough mood, though he couldn't open his gifts even though they were just the gift in a big with tissue on top.
New Year's Eve Mom and I ended up going to one of my friend's houses. The food (potluck) was an odd combination, and the movies we watched weren't too great but the company was delightful so that's the important part. :-)
Slowly I'm getting into a routine of things.
December's Goals
Goal 12 Days // December : 10
That went fairly well, I owe most of those active days to the fact I do some cleaning and take some classes
2 New Recipes // December: 2
Alright, I even forgot what I made.
Books none - that's alright too though, I've been listening to podcasts
So, that's about it, My Lot , actually, that isn't about it but I think this post is plenty long like it is.
Photo: Pixabay
I hope you all have had lovely winter holidays and safe and happy New Year and I hope that 2020 will be lovely to you as well.
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10 responses
@MommyOfEli2013 (84685)
• Rupert, Idaho
13 Jan 20
Sounds like a pretty good month, and that is good that he is there so everyone is safe....and he's being taken care of.
Hope you will have a great 2020!
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
15 Jan 20
Thanks! So true. I have prayed for this for so long now
Same for you and yours :-)
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@MommyOfEli2013 (84685)
• Rupert, Idaho
15 Jan 20
@FayeHazel No problem :) And that is great that your prayers were finally answered.
Thank you very much!
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@Courtlynn (67091)
• United States
15 Jan 20
Okay. So now that your dad is in a home, do you think you and your mom will live together to save money on rent and bills, and gas, and so you can help her whenever she needs especially when shes doing chemo?
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@Courtlynn (67091)
• United States
16 Jan 20
@FayeHazel oh boy. My Grandmother is like that. We dreaded having to help her pack to move like 10years ago. Lol
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
16 Jan 20
@Courtlynn Oh ugh. You know what I mean then. *sigh* lol
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
15 Jan 20
That's interesting too... I've thought about that. So far she's not sure if she would stay in this house, move and if move - move to another house or sometimes she thinks on an apartment, too...
But the first thing that must happen is to declutter here. Dad was a hoarder. Not dirty/trash stuff like on tv - but every nook full of … something. anything.
B ut yes, I know, long answer to a simple question, eventually we will be living with each other or close by :-)
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@amadeo (111938)
• United States
15 Jan 20
@FayeHazel just make sure to check in and talk to him if anything going on.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
16 Jan 20
@amadeo Good point. his current room isn't too nice , but they said we can bring some things from home. He should like that. It makes me feel better that there is a nurse there who takes a shine to him, too
@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
15 Jan 20
True. Alas, he wasn't happy at home either. Another thing I keep in mind. Though I keep an eye on people who work there, some seem nicer than others. True there have been some bad stories about nursing homes, I would hope to think that they are keeping a better eye on them now

@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
15 Jan 20
Oh awesome! You made me feel so much better :-) Thanks for the kindness
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
28 Jan 20
I understand what you are saying about your dad being in a nursing home. I am so glad that the stress is gone now. I am glad you and your Mom can relax and your Mom can get better.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
30 Jan 20
You are so welcome my friend and I truly hope the stress stays away.
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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
29 Jan 20
Thanks so much my friend
it is a really truly true blessing

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@FayeHazel (40243)
• United States
15 Jan 20
I think you're right. I person can't remain difficult forever.
Hm, It seemed either weakness or confusion maybe - about how to go about it. And then other days it's better. It's really strange
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@andriaperry (118555)
• Anniston, Alabama
14 Jan 20
I am so glad you 2 are happy.
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