
@milagre (1272)
November 29, 2006 12:34pm CST
Is there anyone from Turkey? What do you think about joinning the european union and have to accept some polemic items?
2 responses
• Turkey
27 Jan 07
yes my friend im from Türkiye.i dont want Türkiye to join the union..because Türkiye realy doesn't need it. the polimics is produsing by the union.because they dont want Türkiye to join to the union ,too.
@milagre (1272)
• Portugal
28 Jan 07
so you agree with yr country's position about cyprus and human rights, and all that was made up by the european union.
• Turkey
28 Jan 07
yes i agree it.i can't understand that why the Turkish goverment wants Türkiye to join union a lot.most of the peaple dont want to enter union of europ in Türkiye. we are already pwerfull as europe and other advanced countries. the europen union wants wrong thing againts Turkish Culture.
31 Jan 07
Turkey is best left alone and in peace. Portugal is in it. You hardly ever hear anything about Portugal in the news. Turkey belongs to a nation who made history. We are better as leaders not followers. Despite all the negative propaganda, you just pick up a serious european daily newspaper -British daily the Guardian for instance a few days ago- which claims, relying on intelligence analysts' reports that Turkey has become a regional superpower. You need to seriously update your information sources. By the way: "European Union is largely living by the heritage of the Holy Roman Empire, though the great majority do not know it." --Otto Von Habsburg
@milagre (1272)
• Portugal
31 Jan 07
If you knew better the world history you knew that also Portugal had took some good part in history too. It's true we are not living the best of the times, however we are getting better, also, having our geographic position in account and our ressources we are doing our best. Otto Von Habsburg had the good quotes for the time he was living, which is not applyed for the contemporenean times. Also, i just made a question, to know your opinions about the european union subject, without any pre-conceving ideas, didnt say turkey was bad or good, i just asked, so, i dont think i have to update my information ressources, maybe you just have to read all about postings. Thank you for your reply and your minds.