Breaking News!

@garymarsh6 (23410)
United Kingdom
March 20, 2020 1:02pm CST
Well the prime minister has ordered all cafes, restaurants, clubs, pubs cinemas, theatres, swimming pools and gyms close from Midnight tonight. It seems to me that he is delaying the inevitable by following the example of Italy and France by enforced quarantining of people in their homes to reduce the risk of cross transferring the virus. They are proposing calling all retired medical staff and emergency services back into service. My boss spoke to me the other day saying that they are desperately short of staff and could really do with my expertise back on the wards. My daughter has been badgering me all day not to agree to go back to work she has been crying and saying they do not want me to put myself at risk. Currently I do not want to go back not because of the work but because of all the travelling which was the primary reason I retired in the first place. Actually at the moment being on our own it is quite pleasant pottering about the house not worrying about people coming near us. It is quite novel. How we will feel in a few weeks time. Hopefully I will not get on my wifes nerves too much. I guess it is a case of just getting on with what we have to do. We have been doing chores but without the usual urgency that we might do if we were on our way out so from that point of view we have slowed down a bit. I think mylot will be a great medium for keeping in touch with one another during this world crisis. It is important to remain positive and to do what we are asked to do by the government. Stop mixing with people putting ourselves at risk. I have noticed when people are passing our house they are looking sad and worried. I guess this is just natural. There is generally a slowing down of things at the moment. From today the schools have disbanded indefinitely. I expect by Monday most parents will be pulling their hair out with children exclaiming that they are bored! Keep safe everyone and Keep Smiling!
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26 responses
@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
20 Mar 20
I think you need to stay at home, so you are safe from the transfer of this virus. Hospitals are full of the viral infections, something you definitely don't want or need. My daughter is working like a horse, as an R.N.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
20 Mar 20
I can imagine and my heart bleeds for my colleagues but this is not the time for me to go back Kharla I have done my share as has my wife. We need to look after each other! Tell your daughter hats off to her!
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@kobesbuddy (78871)
• East Tawas, Michigan
20 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 She's a pediatrics nurse, at a Detroit children's hospital. I'm afraid for her, at this time!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
@kobesbuddy I bet she loves it there. Whilst I did not mind Paediatrics it was not an area that I would have like to work in forever. I did have great fun there though! I could not cope with children dying. It ripped my heart out. What a big softie.
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@JudyEv (347386)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Mar 20
These are strange times. A niece and her husband live in York (England, not Australia) and said near neighbours are having a huge party with dozens of guests. I hope it's not a last hurrah for some of them.
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@vandana7 (101396)
• India
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 Tell that to my father. I am unable to tell him. I have to remind him to wash hands. And even then, it is so perfunctory saying nothing will happen. He is 85. He is not supposed to go out, but he finds excuses to. Then I tell him, opt to go here, not to any crowded supermarket. Guess what, he will go to crowded supermarket, where richer folks come and buy. I do not want him going there. Kinda... rich folks invariably have relatives traveling abroad or they themselves have travel history. Nor do I want him going to shops where house helps and drivers of such folks are likely to shop. Nobody listens to me.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
@vandana7 There is very little you can do. He is not only putting himself at risk but also the possibility of bringing it home to you too not to mention spreading it around in the community! He is being highly irresponsible. Selfishly so!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
I am afraid it is nothing like the chicken pox parties/mumps measles that people had many years ago. This is not a flu virus this is a serious pneumonia virus that attacks the lungs and damages the lungs so that they are unable to breathe. It is madness that they are even contemplating doing this. Some people are just to thick to educate! I would advise your niece to keep well away!
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@jstory07 (142120)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Mar 20
Stay home do not go back to work. You are safe at home.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
20 Mar 20
I shall do. It has been ok so far. Although I did go out the other day to shop for our old friend hopefully we wont have to do that for her for another two weeks as we got quite a bit of stuff for her. You be safe too Judy!
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@jstory07 (142120)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 We are staying home today watching the two little cousins.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
20 Mar 20
@jstory07 Good stay in the warm it is still quite chilly here. I sat in the study for a while not realising the window was wide open and all of a sudden I felt quite cold. I came out into the main house which is quite warm. The window is now firmly shut!
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
20 Mar 20
I think if I were you I would be very reticent about returning to work. I can understand the desire to try to help if you have the necessary expertise but it has to be a huge risk.
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@vandana7 (101396)
• India
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 Oh my...this is exactly what I ended up suggesting. Calling on phone.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
I have had people getting in touch with me this evening regarding going back to work it is roughly 50/50 saying don't and some saying come back. I have decided not to go back. I can offer advice on the phone if they need it but that will be about it. You are right I think the risk is far too high. You look after yourself too you do not want to muck up your retirement!
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 I think you've made the right decision. We're just pottering about in the hills with the dog and making the occasional trip to the shops so we're definitely minimising contact. Hopefully, with a bit of common sense we will all get through this. Stay safe.
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@cacay1 (84309)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
21 Mar 20
Coronavirus disables the world and humanity.
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@vandana7 (101396)
• India
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 Medical fraternity should have stood firm asking for quarantine of everybody coming into the country, giving schools off, and using school premises for quarantining. Really serious issue on hand.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
Sadly you are correct. It was only a matter of time before this happened!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
@vandana7 Hindsight is a wonderful thing! I think they had approached the government suggesting this but it fell on deaf ears. The chief medical advisor advised that by infecting the public it would build up an immunity in the general population. In this instance they were markedly wrong. So we are a few days behind France and Germany in the fighting of the disease. I think they were rather hoping that it will give a bit more time to ensure there was adequate equipment available when the virus peaks!
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@arunima25 (89209)
• Bangalore, India
20 Mar 20
We all have seen this slow down in this crisis. And many positives have also come out in this crisis...less pollution, less traffic, less rush, cleaner environment.... We have time to with family and do things that we forgot in rush... Maybe the lessons learnt should not be forgotten after the crisis is over.
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@vandana7 (101396)
• India
21 Mar 20
Somebody was saying less population too... LOL
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
20 Mar 20
Absolutely they even showed a photo of the canals in Venice which look incredibly clean! I hope you and all your family can keep well in this. It is giving us more time to do things rather than our usual rushing about. It is quite nice. I don't know if we will be saying that in three weeks time being stuck in the house!
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@arunima25 (89209)
• Bangalore, India
22 Mar 20
@vandana7 Social distancing
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@vandana7 (101396)
• India
21 Mar 20
There are different types of assignments possible for retired medical staff, which is what you should be willing to undertake, without moving out. For example, you can manage a call center where queries relating to symptoms can be addressed to you. You can collate data on various medications administered to various covid patients, with different complications, age, gender, blood group, and come to conclusion as which will be more effective option ..this can can be done for the medical professionals. I don't think you should go. You have done your bit. It is your time with such assignments, not taking risks. You can also help to keep track about how many tests have been done, relating to persons in which locality, how many people have traveled etc. from that locality in the last four months... so that it becomes easier to track the likely hotspot. I mean, you are better equipped to understand such analytics ..people do buy groceries near their stores. So more likely that infections will be around too.
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@vandana7 (101396)
• India
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 They have no business to ask vulnerable folks to come on front line.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
Good ideas much of this can be collated by computers which we are currently doing. I think what they want is that staff return to go on the front line and that is a risk I am not prepared to do now being in such a vulnerable group according the medical recommendations and guidance from the government!!
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@rebelann (113332)
• El Paso, Texas
21 Mar 20
It's the same here. So far in the city I reside there have only been 6 confirmed cases so far but that's not to say more might crop up so the city has more or less shut down for now and people here are urged to stay home especially if they have a cough and fever. I think parents could take this time to teach their children some life lessons that will benefit them in the future.
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@rebelann (113332)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Mar 20
I hope they respond favorably to all that you have to teach them @garymarsh6
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
25 Mar 20
@rebelann Well we have had two sessions so far. The younger one was a fidget the first day the second day tried to keep out of view of the camera! He made me laugh when he told me I was very harsh! I told him well perhaps he will appreciate how lovely his teacher really is!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
Yes I think my daughter has planned out some activities for next week. She is going to teach her daughter some baking! My daughter is an incredible cook. I encouraged her when she was younger to help us in the kitchen. As my wife and I worked opposite shifts it worked out quite well so she has quite a repertoire of dishes she can cook! I am going to do some online lessons for my grandchildren. My plans for them include English, French, Geography and History. I am useless at Maths they could probably teach me!
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Mar 20
Let's just stay at home as much as we can and keep a positive mind!
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 some of us are quarantined and behaving well (mostly people bellow 40/50). The elder people, curiously, are the ones with more difficulty to follow the rules!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
@fufurinha I don't think they have quite grasped the seriousness of this virus. Here because they believe they survived world war 2 they are invincible. Sadly that is not how it is going to be. Good luck my thoughts and prayers are with you!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
Yes you are right. How are things in Portugal?
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@Tampa_girl7 (51741)
• United States
20 Mar 20
I can understand your daughters concern.
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@Tampa_girl7 (51741)
• United States
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 that’s a great idea.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
I am going to do some online teaching with the grandchildren which should be interesting. Maybe half an hour at a time! Over the weekend I will put some lessons together.
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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
21 Mar 20
You have the right attitude. Please keep yourself and your family safe, too.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
Absolutely Dianne and you too.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
21 Mar 20
We've been closed for a week with more things closing daily. I hope it won't be mandatory for you to return.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
I don't think I could put up with the daily five hour commute again that is what made me retire in the end anyway. What a waste of time eh. I loved my job once I got there but when I think back on how we used to work on our feet all day no breaks and constantly on the go. It is wrong!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
25 Mar 20
@just4him OH yes it is against the law but when you are in the thick of it it is a completely different world. I remember going on some study course for managers and them telling us to say no. It is ok for people working in a classroom to tell you that but when you are one the coal face classroom politics go out of the window. For example would you go and have a coffee whilst knowing someone was critical and their life was in the balance. Law or no law your instincts go out of the window and you do what you have to do.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 I agree. A five-hour commute is terrible. No breaks? Isn't that against your law?
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@JohnRoberts (109846)
• Los Angeles, California
20 Mar 20
Amazed the UK was behind us in a lockdown.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
I think they were rather hoping that exposure would build up some immunity if only a few got sick each time but I think it has passed that stage. I still feel they should have gone straight for lockdown!
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@vandana7 (101396)
• India
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 I hope our leaders take the cue.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
20 Mar 20
You keep safe as well. Things are so unsettled right now. Take care.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
20 Mar 20
Do not fret I see this as a great opportunity to spend time with our little community on mylot and support each other!
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
20 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 You are right, trying to keep it positive.
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@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
20 Mar 20
Is there anyway you could do some work remotely, and give advice without putting yourself at risk? That might be the ideal solution!
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@snowy22315 (185905)
• United States
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 It just seemed like a. Logical solution that would make everyone somewhat happy..and Thanks!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
You are a star. That is what I have decided to do that way at least I can be at least making a positive difference and of course offering support to my former colleagues! At least that will ease my guilt a bit I think. Plus I am going to help my daughter by doing some on line lessons to my grand children which should be fun!
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@May2k8 (18469)
• Indonesia
21 Mar 20
Staying at home is safer, from tomorrow no one can go out and go to Jakarta if nothing important because in all of Indonesia there are already 450 cases in just 3 days.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
It is worrying for the whole world. I hope you manage to keep safe and well!
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@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
21 Mar 20
I am in a self imposed quarantine and having a lot of fun. I´m cleaning when I want and not feeling any rush to do anything. What did you do before you retired?
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@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 You have to be very compassionate to work on that field. I don´t think that your field of work will be specially needed now. The older people in danger are more people my age. But you have to take care of yourself too. Leave the work in the field for the younger.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
I was a clinical nurse specialist for the elderly.The majority of the patients I saw were 80+ 90 and 100. I did also see people 65 and over but they appeared extremely young and fit in comparison!
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@RebeccasFarm (92511)
• United States
21 Mar 20
Hi Gary. I think the shut downs should have happened weeks ago. Stay in Gary xo
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• United States
21 Mar 20
@garymarsh6 Aw I took everyone by surprise and fooled them
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
I agree they definitely should I think they were trying to get a big majority to build up some immunity to it as recommended by Chief medical officer and scientists. IT seems they got it wrong!
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@Shiva49 (26944)
• Singapore
21 Mar 20
I retired completely about a couple of years ago. I am a finance and accounts guy and that means I am not one to be recalled for emergency services. Yes, it is a conflicting situation to decide whether to go back. The heart may say one thing while the reality could be different - siva
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
Absolutely. You are spot on Shiva!
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@thelme55 (77378)
• Germany
21 Mar 20
Don´t go back to work. I would be crying and begging you to stay at home if you were my father. Stay safe at home. Take care.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
21 Mar 20
Oh bless you Thelma. Don't worry I have found a solution and I will support and advise them by phone!
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