A parable about fear.

Love is all that exists unless you attach your own door of fear to it.
@innertalks (21639)
March 28, 2020 12:04am CST
The creator was alive in love, and he created his creation, likewise, alive in love too. Then fear entered the house, through a rear door. Where did it come from, not from God, but from within you, his creation, because they feared God, even as a son fears their father. This happens irregardless of the father's great love, because the created at first do not understand why love is acting in the way it is towards them, so they fear it. Love grows you in ways you can never understand, until you are actually grown. Do accept love and God as your father, and allow that love to grow you in itself, and only in this way can your fears be overcome. Love enters through the front door of your house, fear through the rear. Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, pixabay.com Love is all that exists, unless you attach your own door of fear to it.
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4 responses
• Agra, India
28 Mar 20
Very true. It is all about how we portray it.
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@innertalks (21639)
• Australia
28 Mar 20
Yes, our mind labels love in ways that are not true, whereas our hearts, carry within them, no such labels.
• Agra, India
28 Mar 20
@innertalks yes.. true. And I always believe the words it is all in the mind
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@innertalks (21639)
• Australia
28 Mar 20
@amitkokiladitya Yes, all the fear is in our minds; none of it exists in our hearts of only love.
@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
29 Mar 20
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (KJV)
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@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
29 Mar 20
@innertalks That's a good one too.
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@innertalks (21639)
• Australia
29 Mar 20
Thanks. There are a lot of great verses in the Bible about love, and fear, and God. Perhaps my favourite verse is this one: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." From 1 John, chapter 4, verse 18.
@Shiva49 (26474)
• Singapore
28 Mar 20
When we live by love, then there is no room for fear. We should always be prepared to call it quits, depart, at a moment's notice with nary a glance back and that is only possible by leading a life oiled and driven by love. Fear is more of a guilty feeling due to pursuing a path that is not our calling - siva
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@innertalks (21639)
• Australia
28 Mar 20
Thanks, siva. You put that very well. I think also that some of us fear that we have not the strength and knowhow yet to fully live from love alone. We are afraid of what others would think of us if we do this. They might think that we are nutters, living off of another planet, high on some substance, or something. I am like that myself. In my real life, I do not have the guts yet, to live the things that I say here. This is my best self speaking here, or trying to speak, as if love was God, and how we should live from that premise down. In real life, I have my doubts, and misgivings, and do not always do what I would like to do, as I am saying here. But, this platform of speaking here, gives me the chance to obtain self-understanding, of myself, by writing here, and with such understanding accruing slowly, change is possible.
@Shiva49 (26474)
• Singapore
29 Mar 20
@innertalks Yes Steve, I have heard right from young age one has to be practical. To fully live from love is taken as being naive. However, I do my best not to compromise with my inner guidance and do what is right. The greatest blessing thereby is to keep out those who are hypocrites from my life! Now I am easing into a life of detachment from this worldly desires and thinking of and thanking for all the blessings. I too consider as a blessing to interact with you, understand the inner workings of someone who is at the end of the day just another human being - siva
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@innertalks (21639)
• Australia
5 Apr 20
@Shiva49 Sometimes naivety is different from maintaining a simple, Christlike approach, as with a child. children are not naive, but just closer to God, without so many self-constructed barriers to love as yet. Love is not easy to live fully from because it is not in our outer nature to do so. We must reach inwardly to live from love entirely, and when we do this, our outer self changes, and this is the only way for it to change, but, living in the world, we must realise too, that this inner changing changes us. It is not meant so much to change others too, unless they see the change in us, and it changes or helps them to change too. We should not force ourselves onto others but live as amiably as we can with them and our interactions with them, but without compromising ourselves by our doing of this too.
@yoalldudes (35037)
• Philippines
28 Mar 20
Love is the most wonderful feeling.
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@innertalks (21639)
• Australia
28 Mar 20
Yes, l agree, love is the best of all feelings.
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