Is it time to re-open the states and nation?

Thousand Rally Olympia WA April 19, 2020 Open up now
@Liberti (264)
Mead, Washington
April 21, 2020 6:40pm CST
First President Trump is leaving it up to Governor's ultimately. However we do have some rouge states that are refusing to re-open and stop the shut down, wanting to keep things open ended until there is a vaccine or some even a cure. Some illnesses have never found a cure like Cancer and HIV nor even vaccines for others. Also it has been an unconstitutional act and violation of these governors oaths of office. To be shut longer than 30 days. Many small businesses are being destroyed and will never recover if they cannot open in less than 2 weeks and as it is might still go under. Several of the states have had no more or extremely few cases of Covid-19 new case and no deaths now. The order is destroying crops being plowed under and milk and eggs being dumped and buried creating soon shortages and famine. These Governor's know this and do not care. Some refuse people to buy seed or plant gardens or go fishing or hunting. These are acts of treason by the very elected officials who took and oath to uphold the constitution of the state and nation. People are rebelling in many states with Rallys and meetings. No one so far has become sick from them. More people going out and doing things and not getting sick. Also it was found that scientists and studies found that Covid actually began back in September and during that time thousands of people traveled internationally everywhere for 3 months before it was announced China had a pandemic. T.V footage of hospitals has proven tht they were of India not Seattle or New York and some found many hospital beds empty and some nurses now saying they can't get work as there is no need. Also medical seen in much footage the nurses and doctors are much closer than 6 feet often shoulder to shoulder and some rubbing yes and faces. I have seen it for one. Media is putting out a lot of false reports. It was also ordered by CDC and others to count Any and all deaths as Covid-19 related the past two weeks even murders, auto accidents and heart attacks keep the number of deaths inflated. If people don't get back they will lose homes, occupation, business and many more will be come homeless, ruined and no place to go. Stimulus barely helped families in many states and the business loans ran out and Congress piddling around with maybe another but taking too long. I say get out go to work open business. Because millions already had this virus and got well and are likely immune as they also admit is likely. It is wrong to pull business licenses but a business can operate without one pioneers and forefathers did it for over 200 years before they wanted a license. Fining big deal courts are closed and likely when done a good attorney. Can get the fines thrown out as unconstitutional as well. I speak from first hand knowledge having two attorneys in the family and also a good friend who is a state representative of Washington state. It is proving more and more the virus is an excuse to bring the country down and force new world order on USA and people and to destroy freedom. But now across the nation many thousands are fighting back and many are ready to initiate legal state militia's to do it as the 9th and 10th amendments call for in our constitution. What is your thoughts. While lying media claims 2000-2500 rallied in Washigton state I have family and friends there said it was over 5000 and more will rally in Yakima, Vancouver and Spokane soon as well.
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3 responses
@cherriefic (10399)
• Philippines
23 Apr 20
It's a tough decision. Our president needs to sleep on it to decide what to do about the quarantine.
@pjmurphy (2499)
• United States
22 Apr 20
I think we need to open back up when, and only when, the doctors and other experts say it is safe. I call those protestors dangerous whiners. And that's my diplomatic label. Sure it's hard, and a sacrifice for ali of us. But not as hard as not controlling this pandemic. Cancer and HIV are transmitted in totally different ways than this disease so that comparison just doesn't hold water, like most of your arguments here.
@FourWalls (72320)
• United States
22 Apr 20
Personally, I think it’s long past time. A virus doesn’t have a brain, so it cannot knowingly stay away from you if you’re in a Wal-Mart, six feet away from everyone else, but knowingly attack you if you’re six feet away from everyone else in Best Buy. Listen, I’ve been suspicious about this ever since the “15 days to stop the spread” in mid-March has now turned into 45 days with no end in sight in some states (including mine).