
@iniaku (2157)
May 8, 2020 9:43am CST
Tempeh is a traditional Indonesian soy product, that is made from fermented soybeans. It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form (picture no 1). It is have higher content of protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins. if the preparation is Fried Tempeh (pictuere no 2), usually it served with "sambal ulek" chili paste. yesterday my sister cook it as stir-fried tempeh (picture no.3). Stir-fried tempeh with vegetables such as green bean, basil, or onion, with spices.it's very delicious if eaten with hot rice i give the explanation here, since some friend here in MyLot never theard about it before actually many kinds of food that can be made from tempeh. i love tempeh :)
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6 responses
@1creekgirl (40950)
• United States
8 May 20
Is it similar to tofu? Those peanut bars look yummy.
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@iniaku (2157)
• Indonesia
8 May 20
no, it different kind from tofu. Tofu, which is more widespread, is made from coagulated soy milk pressed into solid white blocks. Tempeh is chewy and bears a nutty, while tofu is more neutral and tends to absorb the flavors of the foods it’s cooked with. actually in the picture no 3, sometimes people in here also make a stir-fried tempeh combine with tofu .
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@1creekgirl (40950)
• United States
8 May 20
@iniaku Very interesting! I'd like to try it if it's cooked by someone who knows how to fix it well.
@iniaku (2157)
• Indonesia
8 May 20
@1creekgirl yes and very delicious. maybe if there are some Indonesian restaurant in your country, you can ask about this food. maybe they have in their menus. *of course you can freely visit after the virus gone :( how about the situation in your country during this Covid-19?
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@Aik_taj (65)
• Purwokerto, Indonesia
13 May 20
I like tempe,even more it cooked become a mendoan,so yummy
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@iniaku (2157)
• Indonesia
13 May 20
yes. i think every tempeh variant are tasty. even the chips allso
@iniaku (2157)
• Indonesia
13 May 20
@Aik_taj yep me too my favourite food since uni life...hahaha
• Purwokerto, Indonesia
13 May 20
@iniaku i really like mendoan and the tempeh chips
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@mnglsp (3614)
• Philippines
9 May 20
Wow. It is like tofu. What is the difference between tofu and tempeh? Btw. I love tofu so much so maybe I will love tempeh too once I tasted it.
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@mnglsp (3614)
• Philippines
11 May 20
@iniaku I will. And I'll let you know if I already tasted it.
@iniaku (2157)
• Indonesia
9 May 20
yes both are very delicious when you mix the ingredient well. Tofu, is made from coagulated soy milk pressed into solid white blocks. Tempeh is chewy and bears a nutty, while tofu is more neutral and tends to absorb the flavors of the foods it’s cooked with. both are good source of protein. you must try to taste tempeh someday. i'm sure you'll like it
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@iniaku (2157)
• Indonesia
11 May 20
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@yoalldudes (35040)
• Philippines
8 May 20
I wish I can have those for some probiotics.
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@iniaku (2157)
• Indonesia
8 May 20
yes. its good for those whose on diet also or for vegetarian person
@nawala123 (20859)
• Indonesia
21 May 20
i prefer tempeh to tofu. it is more nutrious (high protein) and has very good fibre
• Semarang, Indonesia
12 May 20
I sometimes introduce it to my kids with "beancake".. so they understand that is comes from bean which processing becomes some cake hehe
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@iniaku (2157)
• Indonesia
13 May 20
hhah good idea to explain to your kids. i believe they love your cake
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@iniaku (2157)
• Indonesia
13 May 20
@HannahKusKus hehehe the important it the taste and they like it
• Semarang, Indonesia
13 May 20
@iniaku cheapest cake... hehe
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