I am finally debt free!!!!

Perth, Australia
May 22, 2020 4:40am CST
Earlier this month I made a Discussion explaining that I dropped my debt down with my dad to a bit over $500. I have been owing him money for quite a long time. It was a bit over $3000 and I paid off what I could here and there over time. Due to these stimulus payments, I have been using that money to help with paying off my debts. I was explaining to my dad a few days ago that every time I started saving money for myself, I still felt like it wasn't mine because I've had this debt over my head. So I was never really satisfied with "my savings." So when I realised that these stimulus payments will be going on for some months, I decided to just grab that money as well as what I have been saving and just give it all to my dad. And since then, I've been paid again as well as earning it elsewhere (selling things) and I am so over the moon to report that I am finally out of debt. I'm so happy because any dollar I make / earn / find etc, it's officially mine to keep! To save! I can finally put money away that is mine and mine only. I will be saving for a place of my own one day, more driving lessons, a car, random things I need / want, putting some away for emergencies and as well as some stashed away for "going away." I plan to go off somewhere for a day or two with a friend for relaxation when this virus has become less severe. I hope everyone is well! I have been on here but not a lot due to being tired and busy. But I think by now you know I always come back but as always, I apologise for late replies! They WILL get done I can promise you that.
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28 responses
@Starkinds (32713)
• India
22 May 20
I'm very happy for you my dear . You can do it
3 people like this
• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@Starkinds Thank you so very much!
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@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
22 May 20
Congrats! This might be a daft question, but what's stimulus money? Something to do with COVID-19? Right now it's hard imagening things that don't have anything to do with COVID-19
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@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
30 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 It's at the university, more or less the same job I've been subsituting in for two years but better title, fixed posistion and higher salary. So once next week's done (grading, grading and grading) I'll celebrate by getting that burger I've planning to get for ages. There's lot of talk about the stimulus money for shops and buisnesses here. Not enough control with who's getting it, but for persons who need it, it's a lot of control and it's really slow.
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• Perth, Australia
30 May 20
@Torunn Oh my goodness! CONGRATULATIONS! Sorry you are stressed! I'm happy that you are happy though! May I please know what new job this is? Only if you wish to share. And no worries at all. And that's exactly right. This money is needed by so many right now.
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• Perth, Australia
1 Jun 20
@Torunn oh I see! Thank you very much for explaining. Again, congratulations! Funny enough, I was wondering a few days ago if you had that burger yet! I got myself a burger that I REALLY love so much and you came to mind. I hope you can get it! I do hope things can get in more control of who is getting it and if needed, gets it quicker as I can only imagine how financially tough it is right now for many.
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@LadyDuck (472505)
• Switzerland
22 May 20
Are you receiving stimulus money for several months in your country? This is really great. Congratulations Dani, I am so glad that you are now debt free. From now on you can forget about how much you have to put aside to pay your debt. Everything you get is YOURS!!!
2 people like this
• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@LadyDuck We are and though I sad that this money is due to something terrible, I'm so grateful about it. It has helped me so so much! And thank you so much!
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@LadyDuck (472505)
• Switzerland
27 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 Now you are finally free, that money surely helped.
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• Perth, Australia
28 May 20
@LadyDuck oh it most certainly did.
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
22 May 20
You are lucky to have a stimulus check there. That greatly helped your finances.
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@Alexandoy I feel very lucky and grateful as it really has helped so much.
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
26 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 if there would be another stimulus check then you will be financially ahead.
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• Perth, Australia
28 May 20
@Alexandoy That's correct and thankfully there will be some more coming.
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@mrki444 (15149)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
22 May 20
So far I don't have it but when I got I will pay it for 10 years.
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@mrki444 I am so sorry, but could you please explain what you mean as I would really love to know. I apologise I do not understand.
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• Perth, Australia
28 May 20
@mrki444 ah ok I see! Thank you very much for explaining. I wish you all the very best!
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@mrki444 (15149)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
26 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 I will take a loan for apartment.
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@cool83 (4467)
• Sri Lanka
23 May 20
Ohh that is good .. after long time see you ...
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@cool83 Hey! Yes, quite a long time! How are you?
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• Perth, Australia
28 May 20
@cool83 I'm glad you're doing good! Things aren't too bad here at the moment regarding the virus. Places are opening up again slowly and there's been no new cases in the state I live in. What about where you are?
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@cool83 (4467)
• Sri Lanka
26 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 Yeah doing good ... after a long time i have seen you ... How the COVID-19 effect ??
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
23 May 20
Feels good to pay off debt. How you explained it hanging over your head is perfect.
2 people like this
• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@GardenGerty Thank you very much. It feels great.
@hereandthere (45638)
• Philippines
23 May 20
congratulations! there are people who can't forget their debt while there others who can't remember at all!
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@hereandthere Thank you kindly. And yeah, I know what you mean!
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
22 May 20
That's an awesome feeling. I know what it's like to be debt-free. Congratulations.
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@just4him (318846)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
26 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 You're welcome.
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@just4him I'm glad you've experienced this amazing feeling and thank you very much.
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@thelme55 (77378)
• Germany
22 May 20
That is great. Congratulations.. I am happy for you.
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@thelme55 aw thank you so much!
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@thelme55 (77378)
• Germany
26 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 You are very welcome. It is nice to enjoy life debt-free,
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@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
22 May 20
That is great! What a wonderful feeling for you to have that debt gone!
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@Happy2BeMe Thank you! It sure is amazing! I hope you are well.
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• Perth, Australia
27 May 20
@Happy2BeMe I'm happy to know that.
@Happy2BeMe (99380)
• Canada
26 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 Thanks things are good with me.
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@oahuwriter (26777)
• United States
23 May 20
Very good! Now, I hope you can save money. It's like a tin off isn't it? Me too I like being debt free. Aside of my monthly expenses I've only one credit card payment I pay in full every month. I don't care to have much debt.
2 people like this
• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@oahuwriter Thank you kindly and yes it sure is amazing! I'm glad you do whatever you can to keep yourself out of debt too! That's great.
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@oahuwriter (26777)
• United States
26 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 Will do! Thanks.
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@arunima25 (89421)
• Bangalore, India
22 May 20
Congratulations! I am sure it must be a big relief ..a burden off your shoulders. Now you can actually enjoy your savings.
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@arunima25 You said it well! And thank you very kindly.
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@arunima25 (89421)
• Bangalore, India
27 May 20
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
22 May 20
Congrats!! I'm glad for you, I know the feeling
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@LowRiderX Thank you kindly! I'm glad you know this wonderful feeling!
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@LowRiderX (22903)
• Serbia
26 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 You are welcome!
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
22 May 20
That's amazing!! You must be so happy to have it all paid off.
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@dodo19 I am very happy, thank you so much!
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@maggs224 (2320)
• Alicante, Spain
22 May 20
I am so glad that you are now debt free, it is a really nice feeling being debt free and one that I hope you will enjoy for a long time to come.
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@maggs224 Thank you so very much!
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@birjudanak (14320)
• India
22 May 20
Its a great relief when debt finished as we took it for needed work and it always in our mind that when it will finish and i will save for myself and its a great feeling in last debt period.
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@birjudanak That's exactly right!
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@JudyEv (349050)
• Rockingham, Australia
23 May 20
I can really understand how thrilled you must be that any money you get in future is well and truly yours. Well done.
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@JudyEv Thank you very kindly Judy!
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
22 May 20
Happy dance for you!!
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@CarolDM YAY Thank you Carol.
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@jayanth_77 (7180)
• India
23 May 20
@VivaLaDani13 yes being debt free is important. you are doing the right thing by paying off your debts
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• Perth, Australia
26 May 20
@jayanth_77 I completely agree with you and thank you kindly.
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