If we had superpowers

Caracas, Venezuela
June 17, 2020 2:47pm CST
This is a fun but interesting theme hehe, we always admire movies of superheroes or people with special powers, it makes us want and dream, what could we do if we could fly? Or read minds? Or move things with the mind? It is fascinating, imagine a world if we all had a different power, something like X-Men, we will not know but if you had the possibility to choose a power, what would it be? And because? I would choose to be very fast, Quicksilver style, the X-Men character, also if I had a second ability it would be flying, I would have no problem getting anywhere hahaha, but what about you? Which one would you like?
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3 responses
@Adie04 (17360)
18 Jun 20
For me if I have superpower, I would want to be invisible and mind reader.
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• India
18 Jun 20
I would like to have the invisibility cloak from Harry Potter and Doraemon's anywhere door !
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@SHOHANA (16093)
• Bangladesh
18 Jun 20
Well 1st of all I would loved to ruin corona virus via my super power and launch a successful business of mine.
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