Effect of COVID-19 on Kids?

Delhi, India
July 6, 2020 8:00am CST
How do you think parent going to manage it? There is a lot of restrictions that we are placing on our kids which is not going to be good for then in the long run. I’ve seen some wired reactions being given by kids. I can’t accuse them because they are not assumed to live like that. Although we are also not but being an adult we can manage but how are kids going to deal with It? I sometimes fear that the world might give the name of COVID generation which will hurt the rest of their life. They are suffering from present and also they might suffer due to it in future. I don’t know who is accountable for it but still, all of are paying for this. Does anyone have any idea how can we minimise COVID impact on our Kids?
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3 responses
@vladislav (411)
• Indonesia
6 Jul 20
ehm do you mean the impact of their psychology ? ehm i think those regulations that made about the health protocol is made for everyone's good. i think this is where the parents take part (and also other adults too). they have to get used with washing hand and making washing hands fun (not something that forced) like singing or put the soap they choose in supermarket etc. Wearing mask is a new habit too and making funny mask for them also considered. about the physical distancing, we all have responsible to make children understand the reason but not with force. maybe we can explain it using telling stories or anything else. children is going by their instinct mostly. that's why the adults guide them.
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• Delhi, India
7 Jul 20
Thank you for your comment, This makes much more sense. Still, I do not know how they(Kids) will cope up with when all gets over. I mean, Will not they suffer psychologically in future for this incident?
• Indonesia
8 Jul 20
@PBHATP7 there is possibility about it, needs a further investigation about it, but so far, some has happened
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• Delhi, India
9 Jul 20
@vladislav , yea, I hope they would deal with it soon.
@Adie04 (17360)
6 Jul 20
One way I heard is that avoid bringing small kids to mall or places that has many people.
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@Adie04 (17360)
9 Jul 20
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• Delhi, India
9 Jul 20
yea, that is true still it does not heal them psychologically . Don't you think ?
• India
6 Jul 20
I think we better wait for things to improve and that's why schools are closed
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• Delhi, India
9 Jul 20
yea, not a bad option but we do not know when it going to be over ?
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