Question For Today- Should Wearing A Mask Be Mandatory?
@dgobucks226 (36238)
July 23, 2020 2:04pm CST
To mask or not to mask... That is the question. It seems (at least in the United States) there are enough people who are either not following proper social distancing or not wearing masks in public areas. This has caused a dramatic spike in the number of cases of the corona-virus.
I personally have noticed a disregard for mask wearing in the surrounding area where I live. I've seen first hand a great portion of people not wearing masks when I take my strolls on the boardwalk. Not only that, but people walking two or three across the boardwalk, leaving those (like me), who want to social distance, no place to avoid them.
In addition, going to the beach is also a potential health hazard waiting to happen. The only requirement at our beaches is to wear a mask when entering a rest room. But you also come in close contact with others upon entering the beach access points. I've seen beach employees and summer police hires not wearing masks. What kind of example does this set for others?
Why are the numbers continuing to rise? Is it just people who don't want to wear a mask in public when in close contact with others? Why are people resisting wearing a mask?
How can we stop the spread if people won't voluntarily wear a mask and avoid congregating?
Maybe it's time for a mandatory order requiring all to wear a mask out in public? What do you think?

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21 responses
@moffittjc (123000)
• Gainesville, Florida
24 Jul 20
Wearing a mask has been mandatory in the county I live in since May. Nobody can go outside without a mask on. Most people are compliant, a few want to be rebellious. Interestingly, even with our mandatory mask requirement, our number of cases is skyrocketing just like everywhere else. So obviously, wearing a mask alone is not the answer.
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@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
24 Jul 20
I would think there are a lot of people though that come into the state that don't were masks. Then you have those that refuse to wear a mask and still want to crawd around.Plus these places were large crawds gather opening back up are not helping.
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@moffittjc (123000)
• Gainesville, Florida
24 Jul 20
@sweetashoney That's true, all of those scenarios are probably contributing to our increase in cases.
@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
You make a valid point. The asymptomatic carriers, people refusing to obey the 6ft distance, touching objects carrying the virus, opening indoor establishments/beaches too soon, and the recent protests all contributed to the recent rise in cases.

@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
24 Jul 20
Those are very good questions you ask. I also ask them about the why people do not want to keep the infections down by wear masks. They do tell us that we have to wear a mask here when we go out, but, people do want they want and do not care and then when you feel they are too close they get snotty or laugh.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
26 Jul 20
That could be that the young ones do not think it is cool to wear one and maybe their friends aren't either. They will be sorry if they get it. I heard it is rather horrible to get it. I think it is very sad that they do not care or do not get it why we have to take precautions so we do not get it or that it will go away.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
27 Jul 20
@Hannihar Totally agree. Those who recover go through much suffering.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Yes, some are just clueless or believe they can't get the disease. Especially the young adults seem to have this attitude. Maybe they don't think it "cool" to have to wear a mask?
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@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
20 Sep 20
I sincerely believe that it should be mandatory. There are scientific evidences proving that wearing a mask can limit the spread of CoViD-19.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
24 Sep 20
Yes, I've heard the same. Mask wearing is not a new phenomena. I recently saw a doc on WWI showing people wearing masks during the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1917.
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@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
24 Jul 20
I really don't care if a person wears a mark or not, the trouble is, people that are not wearing masks, like you said are not staying 6 feet away from others. Some of the things they are doing are crazy to me. I read today about airlines are have people wear masks all the time they are flying except when they are eating or drinking. Just think about it. you have to protect your self during the flight, but it's ok to be unsafe during meals! .
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Yes, There are always issues like not wearing a mask for meals which will arise. I guess that's where the social distancing comes in or protective shields businesses now use to protect employees and customers. I think any way we can limit the ability of the virus to spread needs enforcement. Someone wearing a mask not only helps them but protects you. Perhaps enforcement through fines (like not wearing a seat belt) when in public settings might have a positive effect.
@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
25 Jul 20
@dgobucks226 I really think sometimes the only way some people start wearing a mask is after they lose a loved one because of the virus. I hope one day people will wise up.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
26 Jul 20
@sweetashoney That definitely would be a hard way to learn a lesson... It's a shame there are always a few who are uncooperative 

@dgobucks226 (36238)
19 Aug 20
That sounds pretty unusual?
I just heard yesterday that states that now have mandatory wearing of masks have stopped having a rise in cases and are even declining. Misinformation abounds! 

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@dgobucks226 (36238)
22 Aug 20
@porwest I also heard Florida and Texas 2 states with very lax restrictions on mask wearing were right up there with NY for most cases/deaths. Very confusing?
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@porwest (97120)
• United States
25 Aug 20
@dgobucks226 The whole thing is extremely confusing. I really think there is a LOT of number fudging going on. Keep in mind who most of the crunchers are...liberal bureaucrats. Hmmm... 

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@Miracle_Maya (2244)
• India
24 Jul 20
It's one thing if rules are imposed and people are being careless enough not to follow them but laying these rules will certainly make majority of the people become more serious about following if religiously. So yes, I think it's a good idea to make some precautionary steps mandatory to combat this disease.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Stricter enforcement through fines might help. Establishments should be monitored more closely by authorities responsible for health safety. Not perfect scenario but at least more effective.
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@Miracle_Maya (2244)
• India
26 Jul 20
@dgobucks226 Exactly. If majority of the population starts following the precautions, it'll be easier to curtail the spread of this virus and also to identify and take action against those who aren't following the safety rules.
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@Deepizzaguy (107633)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
2 Aug 20
I only wear a mask when I have to visit my doctor's office and shopping since it is the rules of the medical building and Wal Mart. I do not wear a mask when I take a walk to pick up the mail around the corner. Neither do my neighbors.
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@Deepizzaguy (107633)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
3 Aug 20
@dgobucks226 I agree with you about social distancing.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
2 Aug 20
Yes, I think that's ok. As long as people maintain the proper distance from each other.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Yes, we are finally understanding how dangerous it is not to wear masks and social distance.
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@LindaOHio (184346)
• United States
23 Jul 20
OH is now under a mandatory mask ruling. All states should follow suit. People MUST wear their masks.
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@LindaOHio (184346)
• United States
26 Jul 20
@dgobucks226 Some people just don't get it and attend crowded parties, etc. with no masks or social distancing.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Yes, skeptical initially but numbers don't lie. Cases are increasing and if mask wearing can help reduce them, then that's one way to slow down it's spread.
Stricter enforcement through fines might help.
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@misunderstood_zombie (8142)
• United States
24 Jul 20
It's mandatory in Texas or at least in my area. We can't go anywhere without one, but I'm not sure if that should be a law or not.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Yes, maybe not a law but a temporary requirement until a vaccine is found.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Exactly. I find it inconvenient but necessary until we get control of this virus spread. The mask can protect us from airborne particles from others.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
25 Jul 20
@dgobucks226 And why not is what I always say. Better safe than sorry.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
I agree. I hope more people realize the importance of mask wearing. Slowing the viruses spread is a must.
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@JohnKu (2552)
25 Jul 20
@dgobucks226 Sadly a lot of people ignore the fact that the virus is dangerous. 

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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Exactly! With so many dying from the virus it is the wise thing to do.
@Syukriyanto (230)
• Indonesia
26 Jul 20
Many people don't care about health protocols, like not using a mask. maybe because they are tired for so long at home, so when there is an opportunity to relax, they are very happy and forget to do the health protocol.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
26 Jul 20
That's an interesting viewpoint @Syukriyanto. It has been no fun being cooped up indoors. I do think if people were all following these health guidelines this virus would have no one to spread to and we could get more control of it. Hopefully a vaccine is found and the mask wearing and distancing will be a thing of the past.
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@Syukriyanto (230)
• Indonesia
26 Jul 20
@dgobucks226 Yes, of course. We pray that the vaccine will be found soon and people can still do their activities without leaving the health protocol
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@FourWalls (72320)
• United States
24 Jul 20
"They" have told us that if we'd all wear a mask for three weeks, this would be over.
Therefore, I wish everyone would wear a mask, starting tomorrow, until August 15.
On August 16, take it off.
The virus is either gone, as they claim, or they're lying to us.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
I'm not sure the virus will be gone until a vaccine is available but mask wearing can at least limit the number of cases. The virus needs a host to survive and spread, so limiting the number of infectible people could speed up the process of getting rid of it. Businesses who did not monitor social distancing properly or require masks, protesters, and beach goers certainly caused problems in combating the virus.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Exactly! With so many dying from the virus it is the wise thing to do.
@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Yes, definitely prevention through mask wearing is a step in the right direction. If they refuse to wear a mask or a business is not properly monitoring the situation perhaps a fine is necessary.
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@mynameiskate (2574)
23 Jul 20
It seems the two things you mentioned go hand in hand.
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Yes, seems like a reasonable thing to do to curb the virus spread. I think a lot of early misinformation regarding masks caused some to not take this disease seriously. Also, some thought due to being young they were immune to being infected.
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@Butterfingers (66607)
• India
24 Jul 20
Yes it should be mandatory without delay
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@dgobucks226 (36238)
25 Jul 20
Exactly! With so many dying from the virus it is the wise thing to do.
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