What about Open Communication??

United States
September 12, 2006 9:11pm CST
I have seen soooooooo many posts about people cheating on their spouses on how it can be justified or they dont care blah blah blah! What on god's green earth ever happened to not only trust, love, respect but also communication?? IF your unhappy with an aspect of your relationship/marriage..why not talk to your spouse/partner?? Why intentionally hurt people?? because your not only hurt your spouse/partner, but your also going to be hurting yourself in the end. DON'T ever think you will not be caught or your spouse wont find out...they will!!
2 responses
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
23 Sep 06
It is really not good to bring such things to open forums like this. But then this is a free site one can say what they want to say. The following could be the reasons: 1. Probably they could not think of good subjects to discuss 2. Probably the problem (personal) is always irritating in their minds that they want to discuss with others, and found forum as solace to their feeling 3. Secondly the social set up (family-bondage) is so poor, that their eleders are not in a position to advice them or they do not care for elders. 4. They do not have good friends and relatives who could help them solving their problems. These could be some of the problems why people bring their personal problems to the open forum.
• United States
23 Sep 06
Yes it is very sad but true, I wish there was no pain, but with pain comes knowledge