Hi to my mylot friends.
By Gary Marsh
@garymarsh6 (23410)
United Kingdom
September 13, 2020 9:09am CST
Today is my first venture back to mylot and l would like to say thank you to all of you who sent me messages and kind wishes. l was really touched to read so many positive comments and messages of support it really meant so much to me and was very encouraging.
So for those of you who were not aware unfortunately at the end of July l had a stroke which resulted in my admission to hospital. l was in the acute hospital for one week and then transferred to a rehab hospital in my own town. The hardest part for me was being unable to be with my family but each day they would traipse down to the hospital and wave to me from the car park.
I had no pain at all during the actual stroke but it resulted in me having left sided weakness. When l first arrived at the rehab unit they told me l would be there for 6 weeks. I was mortified l told them no it is impossible l will be going home next Friday we have 2 weeks to get me going as safely as possible but come what may l will be going home on Friday.
The first week l pushed myself so hard thanks to all the tips from the physio and Occupational therapist (OT). They told me that l could not go home without a couple of adaptations to the house for example bannisters on the stairs and some grab handles here and there. l had already drawn up plans of what l thought l needed and what l wanted to achieve before l spoke to the physio and OT which they said helped them plan my therapy. I guess my background helped with that as l would often be asked to see stroke patients My son in law fitted the aids for me.
friday dawned and l came home. A miracle had happened now devil child loves me. When l got to the door she ran and pushed everyone out of the way kissed and cuddled me. Everyone's jaw hit the floor. When she comes here now she ignores my wife and comes to look for me! Big cuddles and kisses are in abundance but l ask her do you love me now she still says no which cracks me up!
It was her 2nd birthday and my daughter wanted a bouncy castle for her but it was too big for her garden so she asked if it could be placed in our garden. Of course how could one say no. The guys put it in and l said before the kids come l want to have a go and have a go l certainly did as you can see in the photo.
So the upshot is l am on the mend but everything is quite an effort. I get incredibly tired easily sleep for three hours then awake for 4-5 hours and this is my current pattern. Please bear with me as l will get around to reading your posts. It will take a bit of time but l am determined to get to you as l am able to.
Boy have l missed you all l am incredibly grateful to have made so many mylot friends you are all stars in my eyes! Thank you all so very much from the bottom of my heart. There is room for you all in it!
Photo is of me acting like an 8 year old!
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80 responses
@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Sep 20
Gary, it is so good to have you back, and see that you have such a positive spirit and zest for life, despite your circumstances! Keep up with the rehab, push harder than you have to, and keep laughing along the way. They're not lying when they say "laughter is the best medicine." Oh, and keep acting like a child as much as you can. It's beautiful.
11 people like this
@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
13 Sep 20
Thanks Jeff. Oh yes l have a few funny events along the way some would find depressing but daft old me found hilarious! One such event involved a power shower but l will save that story for a separate post which should make you howl with laughter! Glad to see you here!
9 people like this
@moffittjc (123204)
• Gainesville, Florida
13 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 Glad to see YOU here Gary! Can't wait to see your power shower post. haha
8 people like this
@LadyDuck (472516)
• Switzerland
13 Sep 20
I am so glad to see you back Gary and also to know that now the Devil child loves you. Surely your background helped to draw a plan of what you need in your home to be safer. My husband asked to install handrails on the stairs before we moved here, he fears that I fell from the stairs.
Take it easy, if you feel tired rest, you need to adjust little by little, do not rush.
It shows that you are having fun.

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@LadyDuck (472516)
• Switzerland
13 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 I did despite the handrail, I was coming down in the dark one early morning and I missed the steps count.
I only have to blame myself.

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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep 20
@LadyDuck we have all been there Anna you are not alone!
4 people like this
@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
13 Sep 20
Glad your husband thinks about your safety it would quite awful falling on stairs!
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@BarBaraPrz (49104)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Sep 20
That must have been fun... the bouncy castle, not the stroke. I'm glad you're getting better. How is your speech?
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@BarBaraPrz (49104)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 As does most people's when tired. 

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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
13 Sep 20
Thankfully ok no communication deficits but when l tire my speech gets slightly slurred!
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@TheHorse (224900)
• Walnut Creek, California
13 Sep 20
Left side weakness means the stroke was mostly on the right side of the brain. Language comprehenson and production is mostly on the left side of the brain (in most of us). I was actually relieved when he said "left side weakness." But I won't be asking Gary for directions to his house for the next couple of weeks (visual-spatial is largely on the right side of the brain).
6 people like this

@Letranknight2015 (52252)
• Philippines
14 Sep 20
I'm glad that you made it, the important is that you are finally home with your family. It really sucks to have a stroke, be at the hospital and treat ment during this covid crisis. I'm sorry I wasn't much aware of your condition, but I may have pickup a few post from other mylotters but i forgot. My grandma of 92 had a stroke but she never recovered andied after a week. How do you end up having a stroke like that? I don't want to experience that as of now I'm 36, hope you give advice to some one like me.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep 20
Sometimes there is no main reason but watch your diet,blood pressure, salt intake and try to avoid stress! l wish you many years of good health.

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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
30 Oct 20
@garymarsh6 I think another thing to do is keep active. My mom just use to sit in the tv room and watch it all day. She did nothing and then had a stroke that left her in a hospital for many weeks and then in a nursing home until my dad wanted to bring her home. He didn't like being alone.
She lived at home for almost a year and had a big lift that dad would take her in and out of bed. She did have help a few hours everyday to give dad a break but that eventually took its toll on him.
Dad lived a few years after my mom passed. The thing here is dad was always busy in life but mom wasn't. After getting up each day, she sat in front of the tv.
I intend to try and keep busy as long as I can.
@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep 20
Thanks Janet what a shock although l think l know why it happened which followed some horrible news!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep 20
Oh dear well l think you know me so well now and how very un PC l can be. Lovely to be back and see all my lovely friends again.l will catch up with your news soon.

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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 20
@DianneN I guess it is better to see the funny side than be depressed about it. Sorry l have not managed to get to many friends yet but the other day it knocked me for 6. l promise l will catch up as soon as l can!

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@DianneN (247183)
• United States
15 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 Take your time here. You did make me laugh a lot when you were in the hospital. Only you can make things hilarious!

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@snowy22315 (186971)
• United States
13 Sep 20
I am glad you are recovering. My friend had a stroke last summer, and even though it was a mild one..he still seems like he tires easily. I guess maybe some of those residual effects stay around for a good while, maybe forever. Hopefully, you will get as good as new soon.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
13 Sep 20
Yes l believe it is just one of those things well l am sure as the days pass l will get better. Thank you for your kind words.
2 people like this
@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
30 Oct 20
@garymarsh6 I think you will recover nicely as you seem to have a good attitude and that is important.
@ptrikha_2 (47597)
• India
13 Sep 20
Glad to see you back in action here. Take a lot of rest and time. It is vital to be in good health with diet and the recommended exercises.
The picture above looks awesome !
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@ptrikha_2 (47597)
• India
16 Sep 20
You are welcome! How are you feeling today?
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep 20
Thank you all the very best to you too!
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@rebelann (113544)
• El Paso, Texas
13 Sep 20
What a wonderful post to see as I tune in to Mylot. I'm so happy you're ok and mending so well. I love that picture. I think we'll all understand if you only spend a little time here, your family is wanting your attention right now but soon you'll be back to normal.
Thank heavens you're ok.
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@rebelann (113544)
• El Paso, Texas
14 Sep 20
Yes, I am well @garymarsh6 I am glad the stroke didn't deprive you of your mental state, I had an aunt who had one and lost the ability to communicate.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep 20
Thank you so much l have wanted to get back here for a week or two but knew it would be too much effort as the tiredness is a killer quite unlike me but l will get around to everyone ASAP. l hope you are well.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 20
@rebelann so sorry to hear that and l will get around to everyone soon but the tiredness is overwhelming at the moment! 

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@BelleStarr (61363)
• United States
23 Sep 20
Just hearing you makes me smile, I am just so happy
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
24 Sep 20
I feel so touched by everyone's kind comments you are all very special in my eyes! 

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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
17 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 Apart from the state-enforced house-arrest and a burgeoning belly as a result (the bathroom scales sighed audibly as I walked past them without being tempted to take a peek earlier
), fine. Not on here much, though - the odd peek, to catch up with some familiar names 

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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 20

I can highly recommend the yoghurt diet for three weeks while l was in hospital l would only eat 'Oats so simple' for breakfast and yoghurt for lunch and dinner! I was shocked to discover l had lost 2 stone in hospital when l got home believe it or not.

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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 20
That is the worst thing tiredness is overwhelming and hits you out of the blue! l will get around commenting on posts as soon as l can! l hope you are keeping well?
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 20
Funnily it does feel like coming home!

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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 20
@TheHorse oh yes every day and occupational therapy which is a killer but persevere l must!

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@TheHorse (224900)
• Walnut Creek, California
16 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 Lifeis as it should be. You doing some PT to strengthen your left side?
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep 20
Thank you so much Valerie l knew you would be rooting for me as l have done for you on your fitness programme. You are certainly an inspiration for others. I look forward to reading your updates!

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@just4him (318844)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
14 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 Thank you. I started on new medication leading up to my surgery next week and as warned they cause weight problems, so I'm not recording my weight until I'm off the medication. Otherwise, I still keep track of what I eat and get my daily exercise.
I'm glad you're doing well and got out of the hospital when you wanted. I'm sure it was much sooner than the doctor expected. It was one thing I prayed for, a return to complete health, and I haven't stopped praying for you.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 20
@just4him Thank you so much l am grateful for your kindness. See l have missed out about your news about the operation. Now it is my turn to pray for your recovery! l hope all goes well Valerie and l will get around to commenting on posts ASAP
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@Michellekidwell (29539)
• Sonora, California
15 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 You are welcome! You were missed!
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@changjiangzhibin89 (16887)
• China
14 Sep 20
I am sorry to learn that you had a stroke ! What surprises me is that you make a quick recovery.You typed this post perfectly ,even had a go at playing the bouncy castle.
Hope you get better and better !

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@changjiangzhibin89 (16887)
• China
17 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 Hope it won't be too long before you make a full recovery !
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
17 Sep 20
@changjiangzhibin89 Thank you. I hope you are keeping well.

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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
16 Sep 20
Thank you and at the moment still only typing with one hand but the left hand is learning to do more now!

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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
14 Sep 20
Thank you Carol. I am bushed now so will have to give it a rest!

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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
24 Sep 20
@garymarsh6 Hope you are doing good these days Gary.
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@florelway (23360)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
13 Sep 20
Great news you're doing fine now. I was talking to a friend yesterday and she told me that in order to avoid attacks one must avoid the following: acid, salt, stress and anger.
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