hmm, 't a total loss

United States
October 14, 2020 10:14pm CST
I dunno how many've ya folks here 're bird watchers 'r e'en care 'bout such, but I'd be quite avid. Identifyin' the ones seen this autumn migration 'tis proved a dauntin' task. Nary a clue's to what this blue beauty who came to visit briefly 'd be. A Blue Jay who'd a hard molt 'n's yet to get mature feathers back'n? A Pinon Jay with a white chest? I shall add this to my growin' list 'f 'nknowns, with hopes to find out someday. What I presume to be females 'tis really tough. The net'n all 'ts wisdom 's thus far not proven helpful. So, if'n y'ave a good guess 'r possess great knowledge, could'ja please share with the rest 'f the class? This ol' gal'd be fere'er grateful ~ ** edited 's mr. @myklj999 solved the mystery 'f this beauties species - 'tis a California Scrub Jay! now to read'p some to figure how 't got here all by 'ts lonesome. no others spotted 'n heavens knows I 'twas sure huntin' :)
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13 responses
@Juliaacv (52092)
• Canada
15 Oct 20
That is a pretty looking bird, its too bad that we cannot ask him what kind he is.
3 people like this
• United States
15 Oct 20
@mykjl999 to the rescue! i 'twas most sad this's the best pic i got 'f this beauty. but mr. mike knew where to look. i'm doin' a happy dance!
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• United States
15 Oct 20
@myklj999 bless ya! 'pparently these beauties 're not 'pposed to be anywhere near here, though with the massive loss 'f habitat due to all the fires i reckon anythin' 'tis possible. sure wish i could'a gotten a better shot. i did send'n email to the audobon society (hopefully not a big mistake...) to let 'em know such 'twas here. i've the same here, though 'tis usually the same characters. 've 'd lots 'f diff'rent lil warblers 'n others that 're new this season. i've hopes such went down 'bout 1/2 mile where they've some pinon pines. 't came the feeder a couple 'f times, but didn't see't get any food. 'r maybe someone's an oak tree i'd be 'naware 'f?? the winds're howlin' now 's 'nother front pushes through so i hope 'tis safe somewhere.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
15 Oct 20
I see I am late to the party. Glad you got your answer because I had no idea. What a beautiful bird!
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• United States
15 Oct 20
lol, no worries. i 'twas truly puzzled 's i'd 'nly been lookin' 't birds matchin' a near description 'f those that could be migratin' through this area. ne'er dreamed such to be from california 'n not prone to migratin' anywhere else. no doubt all 'f the wild fires, drought 'n loss 'f habitat. most sad...but 'twas so 'xcited to see this'un! wish i could'a gotten a better pic.
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• United States
16 Oct 20
@CarolDM 'twas a first fer me, too. wish such'd stayed 'round longer. would'a loved to've gotten some better shots. possibly e'en some short video. from what i've read, such's not migratory so dunno how 't wound'p here?
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
15 Oct 20
@crazyhorseladycx I have never seen one of these before either. What a gorgeous bird.
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@shaggin (73751)
• United States
15 Oct 20
That is a pretty bird for sure. Never saw it before. Hope someone can help you figure out what it is.
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@shaggin (73751)
• United States
15 Oct 20
@crazyhorseladycx I must have seen it before it was edited. Awesome to know what it is now. Never heard of a scrub jay. Funny name.
• United States
16 Oct 20
@shaggin no ma'am, such 'twas edited 10 hours prior to yer response. which don't matter i reckon. i'm a tad cranky this week. some critters've peculiar names. such's nonmigratory, so nary a clue's to how 't got here. nor where 't went. 's not been seen since 'n then 'nly briefly.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Oct 20
yes ma'am, purty bird. lil confused coz i edited this hours 'go to give the name 'f the species. which 'twas kindly supplied by mr. @myklj999. e'en went so far's to put 'california scrub jay' 's a tag.
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@wolfgirl569 (111217)
• Marion, Ohio
15 Oct 20
Pretty but cant help ya
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@wolfgirl569 (111217)
• Marion, Ohio
15 Oct 20
@crazyhorseladycx Glad you now know. I would have never thought of something from that far with the weather difference.
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• United States
15 Oct 20
@wolfgirl569 sure shocked me! seems they don't migrate outside 'f the coastline 'f california. i'm out'n the high plains, the 'nly trees man planted. seems they're quite fond 'f pinon pines 'n oak trees (fer the acorns). there's a couple folks out this way with pinon pines, hopefully this jay found 'em. i know 't 'twas comin' to the feeder'n my pine (not a pinon), though i ne'er saw 't land'n such. 'twas here'n then poof! gone.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Oct 20
mr. mike, aka @myklj999 got'im figured. though i've nary a clue how such got out to these parts. very handsome 'n quite the shock to see.
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• Midland, Michigan
15 Oct 20
I'm thinking I may begin watching birds once I retire. I like the idea I've just never done it although I've looked at a few bites books. A customer used to have a yearly visit by a rare duck, literally and she showed us the duck in her book. We never we're there when the duck paid it's visit to have it's ducklings though. I'm glad you got your answer.
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• United States
15 Oct 20
'tis most interestin' to learn 'f 'em, see what 'strangers' ya get durin' the spring 'n autumn. e'ery now'n then e'en durin' winter. huge thrill, sometimes frustratin' tryin' to figure the species. like this lovely jay. i'd ne'er though to've looked all the way to the coastline 'f california fer such. 'd 'xhausted all possibilities. mr. jj rocks! that'd be why i run 'mok with a camera - so i've proof such's been here, lol.
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• Midland, Michigan
15 Oct 20
@crazyhorseladycx I take a lot of pics too but mine are off the food I make our flowers and sometimes weeds.
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@just4him (318962)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Oct 20
I'm glad JJ supplied you with the answer to your puzzle. It is a beauty.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Oct 20
me, too! i'd sure ne'er thought to look way o'er there since they don't migrate outside'f the coast 'f california ('ccordin' to the audobon society's website). mr. jj 'tis a blessin'! 'tis been a most educatin' autumn thus far. 'lways a good day to learn ya somethin' new:)
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Oct 20
@just4him jest the one, a brief 'ncounter. i'd hoped to hear from the 'power that be', aka: audobon society, cornell lab, etc. alas, such's not yet come. 'twas great though, those 2 minutes 'f holy flyin' cow patties! sure got my adrenaline pumpin', lol.
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@just4him (318962)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Oct 20
@crazyhorseladycx Yes, it's always a good day to learn something new. I'm glad they're migrating off the beaten path and bringing joy to your life.
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@much2say (57063)
• Los Angeles, California
15 Oct 20
You really do get the colorful ones! If this is a CA dude, he don't even come to CA (not in our parts anyway) . We see jays, but not quite like this one (I wouldn't know the name either ). When these birds migrate your way, so you see them as solo flyers or do you actually see a group passing by together?
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Oct 20
not 'lways, i've quite a few i've nary a clue that're shades 'f greys, browns 'n blacks. presumin' some'r females, no idea which species. seems folks're more keen to share their pics 'f the males, lol. yepperz, i'll leave ya a link fer such. they seem to be most 'ndangered. ne'er would'a thought such'd make't all the way here though. did some serious travelin', 'twas no other with 't. 't least that came to my lil sanctuary. some come'n lil flocks, others solo. 'tis times when i'll jest see pairs. depends'n the species? some come with others - the white capped sparrow, chirpin' sparrow, rufous-capped sparrow, etc 're usually 'ccompanied by dark-eyed junco's.
@stringer321 (5644)
• Kiryat Ata, Israel
15 Oct 20
This bird just needs a David Shield and it will look like my country's flag. Nice to know this bird is a California Scrub Jay.
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• United States
16 Oct 20
purty danged close, eh? 'twas relieved to find out the species, now to figure how such got here...most perplexin' 's they're not migratory birds.
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@BelleStarr (61155)
• United States
17 Oct 20
Well, I am glad someone knew, I had not a clue I would call it a bluebird!!
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• United States
17 Oct 20
me's well coz i 'twas't a total loss. 'f course, not the clearest pic 'f this beaut. 'ts stay here most brief. 'twas my 1st thought, such bein' more possible than 't bein' a stranger from california. one who doesn't migrate, 't least from all i've read'n 'em.
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@jstory07 (141614)
• Roseburg, Oregon
15 Oct 20
Hopefully some one will know the name of the bird.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Oct 20
mystery solved 'n quickly! per mr. @myklj999 'tis a california scrub jay. dunno what the heck such 'twas doin' out'n these parts, but i'm jest giddy to know the species.
@VickiJW (260)
• Canada
15 Oct 20
Glad you got the answer! Sometimes difficult to keep up with our feathered friends, lol!
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Oct 20
i 'twas most relieved'n 've asked fer his knowledge with others i've nary a clue. he's yet to 'gree to such, lol. 'tis been quite the challenge this autumn, many newcomers.
@JudyEv (345672)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Oct 20
As I was reading I was thinking that someone on here would probably be able to help and I was right. It's nice to have mysteries like this solved, isn't it?
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Oct 20
yes ma'am, mr. myklj999 came through'n mighty quick! i'd been tryin' fer some time to narrow such down, but sure ne'er thought to look'n california. 'twas quite the shock such made't this far, fer a species that doesn't migrate.
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@dgobucks226 (36048)
15 Oct 20
Birds need to rest while migrating. Some travel some distances. Nice you got to see that blue beauty! I'm waiting for the return of the Junco.
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• United States
15 Oct 20
most certainly, but from what i've read, this lovely jay 'tis not a migratory bird outside 'f the coastline 'f california. aw, ya get those, too? i 'twas shocked to find how many varieties 'f dark-eyed junco's there'd be. the come here'n winter, quite oft stayin' the whole time. 'twas out with 'em this morn. e'en got a short video. brilliant pic ya got there!
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@dgobucks226 (36048)
18 Oct 20
@crazyhorseladycx I see. Yes, some birds stay in the area all year but it seems are more prevalent during certain seasons. The juncos are one bird who does not mind snow. They seem to enjoy it actually
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