Are humans product of evolotion?
By moneymind
@moneymind (10510)
46 responses
@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
23 Oct 06
I think that evolution has played a part in humanity. To see our similar characteristics to apes, it makes sense to me that they would be related to us. I wouldn't want to guess how that evolution actually happened, though (ie, who slept with who??)
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@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
26 Oct 06
yeah..... good rating for you here. thanks again. greetings. : )
@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
25 Oct 06
hhhmmmm..... i am thinking of who the very first one to jump out of being ape and becoming human, is it adam or ....... thank you for your input. greetings. : )

@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
24 Oct 06
i just can't imagine myself being the first in line......
@i_agree_but (1183)
• United Arab Emirates
29 Sep 06
The universe is constructed from a multitude of various materials. It is dynamic in form and shape due to a multitude of various processes and interactions between these materials. To the human, however, in his need to establish his place and purpose in the universe, the most important material is biological and the most important process is evolution, far it is only here that the human can learn to understand himself, an understanding that is vital to his survival.
Wise men, psychologists, philosophers and theologians have surmised and conjectured about the human over the centuries, and still do, but the truth about the human may be found only through factual knowledge. That factual knowledge lies in a process called evolution. The human is what evolution made him.
Man has been a tribal animal since he first walked erect, more than four million years ago. With the impediment of being bipedal, he could not out-climb or outrun his predators. Only through tribal cooperation could he hold his predators at bay.
For two million years, the early hominid was a herd/tribal animal, primarily a herd herbivore. During the next two million years the human was a tribal hunter/warrior. He still is. All of the human's social drives developed long before he developed intellectually. They are, therefore, instinctive. Such instincts as mother-love, compassion, cooperation, curiosity, inventiveness and competitiveness are ancient and embedded in the human. They were all necessary for the survival of the human and pre-human. Since human social drives are instinctive (not intellectual), they can not be modified through education (presentation of knowledge for future assimilation and use). As with all other higher order animals, however, proper behavior may be obtained through training (edict and explanation followed by enforcement).
The intellect, the magnitude of which separates the human from all other animals, developed slowly over the entire four million years or more of the human development. The intellect is not unique to the human, it is quite well developed in a number of the other higher animals. The intellect developed as a control over instincts to provide adaptable behavior. The human is designed by nature (evolution) to modify any behavior that would normally be instinctive to one that would provide optimum benefit (survivability). This process is called self-control or self-discipline, and is the major difference between the human and the lower order animals, those that apply only instinct to their behavioral decisions. Self-discipline, therefore, is the measuring stick of the human. The more disciplined behavior (behavior determined by intellect) displayed by the individual, the more human he becomes. The less disciplined behavior (behavior in response to instinct) displayed by an individual, the more he becomes like the lower order animals that are lacking in intellect and are driven by their instincts.
@Lackingstyle (7509)
2 Oct 06
The evidence for human evolution is incontrovertible. It is easy to see how insectivorous rodents simply moved their eye sockets forward to gain binocoluar vision and depth perception to climb up trees and exploit the insect colonies there. It is easy to see the changes in their physiology as some of them adapted to eat fruit. It is simple to trace the development of the great apes as they adapted to life in small communities, the rise of Australopithecus as a grasslands scavenger, and the development of our own genus as we came to rely on hunting. Darwin despaired of a "missing link," a phrase still exploited by creationists. That link is no longer missing--we have an entire fossil continuum clearly outlining the descent of man.
Humans are quite clearly the products of evolution, like every other organism on this planet. Each of us is heir to a genetic heritage stretching back to the dawn of life a billion years ago. We are not gods or kings enthroned by a despotic, short-sighted deity, separated from our domain by the insulation of superiority. We are not damned to an icy tower under the burden of rulership, cut off from all life. We are part of this world, through and through. In a very real sense, everything that lives are siblings to one another, all descended from that first self-propogating protein. We are bound to one another in mutual dependence in complex networks and feedback systems, a system screaming with life. We are not apart from this. We can partake fully in what it means to live--and all it will cost is our illusion of dominion. - I find this an interesting read.
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@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
26 Oct 06
thank you for participating. good rating for you here. greetings. : )
@iggy77 (86)
• United States
26 Oct 06
Heres the deal, "There is absolutly no evidence proving evolution true". "What about lucy?", you say, well actualy they later found out she was just a normal ape, nothing more nothing less. Many Species have been examined for "useless" body parts to "prove" they evovled. Evolutionists claimed the human fetus has gills, a tail, and a yolk sac. The "gill slits" are actualy the canals that become the inner ear. The "tail" is the tailbone attachment point of muscles. The "yolk sac" is a vital source of the embryo's first blood cells. Some even argue that because some scientists have found similar skeliton leg joints in bats, dogs, and humans, it "proves" they evolved from a common ancestor. If this were true, than we could easily say cars evolved from rollerblades. Intelligent design applies good stystems (e.g. a wheel) to various products. Scientists believe evolution happens through millions of years of mutations. Such as infavorable conditions causing a species to mutate, in order for them to survive. Than hopefuly thay pass that mutation to there offspring. But throughout history, all mutations casue a 99.99% lethat or harmful end product. So how could something better/more advanced come from a .01% chance? It can't.
@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
28 Oct 06
very educating post you shared here, a plus rating for you and thank you for responding. greetings. : )
@srinathakarapu (3093)
• India
3 Oct 06
lol...evolution had occured when we dint had such knowgledge to think on...and i dont say tat we evolved frm apes..i say we might have evolved from apes coz we have some genitical structures..we might have evolved as humans jst like apes evolved as apes...
@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
13 Oct 06
well thats true, 97% of apes genetical material is of similar to humans yet it doesnt really prove that we humans evolved from apes. greetings. : )
@srinathakarapu (3093)
• India
13 Oct 06
we cant prove it but sceince and maths have evolved from human hasnt come down frm somewhere else....
do u see any other species with so much evolution of brain?

@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
13 Oct 06
any idea of which specie did it evolved from..... greetings. : )

@eie_1985 (15)
• India
14 Oct 06
Obivously the humans are the product of evolution. I strongly agree to it. Our Ancestors are the monkeys from whom we hav come. The reason i tell this is we still hav our unwanted appendix n coccyx bone in the down part of our body which is very essential for monkeys and still we have it. And in due course it will just be vanished.

@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
23 Oct 06
yeah.... i have to go with bulafi, don't those bones have to undergo changes too...... way to go guys...... greetings. : )
@iggy77 (86)
• United States
2 Nov 06
According to evolutionists we are closily related to the ape because we share some of the same DNA, but if sharing the same DNA means we evolved than we also evolve from bananas because we share 20% of the same DNA as a banana.
Evidence, and common sence, say we did not evolve.
Facts prove we were made by God.
@raffijan (245)
• India
14 Oct 06
no,.......not at all ........u r suggested to visit the followin site to clarify:
@raffijan (245)
• India
15 Oct 06
even recent intelligence theory by americans have disproved evolution it they hav said that there is some power who has made this world,its not d result of evolution but they didnt name this power.......but i being a muslim i know dat power is Allah
@stailgate (2363)
• United States
23 Dec 06
Being a Christian believe that we all came from God, and that we are made in His form, not from being evolved from an ape, or craped on a rock, or whatever other people say that we came from.
@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
27 Oct 06
quite the contrary actually. they raised more questions than answers. thank you for your input. greetings. : )
@harkirat20 (105)
• India
28 Oct 06
no wonder there is not much of response to such an intresting question..........after all,we still have not eveolved from kidding
@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
28 Oct 06
really.... but am sure i certainly did not. thank you for responding. greetings. : )
@ramitemporalis (442)
• United States
28 Oct 06
Humans didn't evolve from Apes. We are all products of the first two humans to walk this earth, Adam and Eve.
@madmax2crazy (1569)
• United States
3 Nov 06
which came first, the chicken or the egg? these are questions we may never have then answer to...