1st Broken Promise?

@porwest (97710)
United States
December 23, 2020 5:47am CST
Politics as usual. For all of the banter from the left, and from Joe Biden specifically on the campaign trail, that the Trump Administration did not lead an effective battle against the onslaught of the Coronavirus, it appears that one thing is clear. Joe Biden does not have a plan to fight it any better than Trump did. His latest commentary suggests that we have a long way to go, and that the vaccines won't stop the death of "tens of thousands of Americans." But didn't Biden stare into the camera and yell, "We are going to SHUT THIS THING DOWN!" Granted, Biden is not yet in the White House, and he does not currently have the ability to employ any plan he might have to combat the virus. But if he DID have a plan, would he not now be assuring the American people that once he takes office he can get this thing under control rather than instead suggesting it is going to perhaps even get worse? Because that is what he kind of suggested when he was campaigning. That he could fix it. That he could shut it down. Of course, when Biden said this on the campaign trail no one asked him what his plan actually was to "shut this thing down." And lucky for Biden they didn't ask him... Because he never had one.
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10 responses
@marguicha (225706)
• Chile
23 Dec 20
The only way to fight the covid is through a vaccine. There can´t be any "plans".
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@vandana7 (101590)
• India
23 Dec 20
I agree Marguicha.
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
23 Dec 20
As per the usual the point is being sadly missed here. The left said Trump did not have a plan. The left lambasted Trump for not having a plan. The left said they DID have a plan. The left never said what that plan was, just that they would "shut it down." Now that it is clear that there is no plan from the left, the left is okay with this. And when Biden said "tens of thousands will die," he said "even with the vaccines." So, looks like the vaccines aren't the solution either... According to the left. It never ceases to amaze me how different the conversation goes depending on who we are talking about. And by the way, if what you say is true, and the vaccines ARE the solution, then shouldn't Trump be praised for getting them here? Because he is the one who fast tracked the processes to GET them here.
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@vandana7 (101590)
• India
23 Dec 20
@porwest I think Trump should have explained and appealed to people. This is how many hospital beds we have. This is how many doctors and other medical staff. Now, if you are not taking care of yourself, you can be one of those unlucky few who will be left without bed and I would be extremely sorry to lose you. Whoever you are, you are still an American, and even if you didn't vote for me the last time, I am hopeful that you will the next time. We will all get through it, let us wear the masks, wash hands, and not dismiss this as nothing. I made the mistake and I paid the price. Learn from my mistakes. Every day rephrase and speak to Americans. It would help.
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@NJChicaa (122015)
• United States
23 Dec 20
It is going to get worse due to the Christmas and New Year's holidays and people not staying apart.
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
23 Dec 20
That is not why. And your response skirts around Biden's statement. Biden does not have a plan, and he never had a plan, despite what he accused Trump of, and despite what he told the American people. But Biden supporters will give him a pass. Of that I am sure.
@NJChicaa (122015)
• United States
23 Dec 20
@porwest I never said he had a plan. I just said that it was going to get worse due to the holidays.
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
23 Dec 20
@NJChicaa It does not matter if YOU said he had a plan. HE said he had a plan. And YOU did say Trump did not have a plan, and you lambasted Trump for not having a plan, but have nothing to say about BIDEN not having a plan. As you often do, you are dismissing the point here.
@TheHorse (224688)
• Walnut Creek, California
24 Dec 20
I hope he urges the American people to be cautious, unlike his predecessor. I did read some articles that suggested "95% effectiveness" means we'll still have struggles. We'll have to see what happens.
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@TheHorse (224688)
• Walnut Creek, California
24 Dec 20
@porwest Worn a mask when he appeared in public. Do you disagree?
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
24 Dec 20
Trump actually did encourage people to be cautious. The media just didn't report any of that. And of course, while the other side was simply trying to encourage the idea that Trump was doing nothing, he was busy implementing all sorts of things that are actually useful to us now. He fast tracked the vaccines. If anyone can tell me what else he should have done that he did not already do, I am all ears.
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
25 Dec 20
@TheHorse The mask is a farce and everybody knows it. We have been wearing masks in public for better than six months and cases are surging. The mask thing (and the assertion Trump did not wear one and therefore was complacent) is just semantics. It has nothing to do with anything. It is the POLICY he implemented that matters, and the fact that people focus on the mask is very telling that they don't give a damn about what he did, but what they say mattered... The mask never mattered, because if it did, we would not be talking about surges. One man, the PRESIDENT, did not surge the virus because HE did not wear a mask. But we have ALL been wearing masks and the cases still surged. So, the mask is not working. And Trump putting on a mask would not change that reality. Masks, social distancing, shut downs...we have done all of that, and it has not stopped the spread. So what sane mind is going to say the lack of Trump wearing a mask is the problem?
@lovebuglena (45851)
• Staten Island, New York
23 Dec 20
He doesn't have a plan to combat covid, except to enforce mask wearing for 100 days and potentially shut the country down again, which did nothing. And this vaccine thing will not get rid of covid either, especially since many will not take it. And if some take it but some don't what's the point? People will still potentially get it and/or infect others. And no one can make people get the vaccine. Unless, they say you can't attend school unless you get the vaccine. Or if you don't get the vaccine you are fired... But that's not right. Regardless, vaccine or not, covid won't be disappearing any time soon.
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@TheHorse (224688)
• Walnut Creek, California
25 Dec 20
I worry that you may be right. We shall see.
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@lovebuglena (45851)
• Staten Island, New York
26 Dec 20
@porwest The media definitely hyped it up and made it seem like this is the worst thing ever when it is not by a long shot. And the media scared people. Made them afraid to go to the store for groceries or even outside for fresh air. And other things that people did made me shake my head. They left groceries outside or in the garage for hours before bringing them into the house. They sanitized everything, including groceries. Washed hands way too much and overused hand sanitizer. They discarded all the clothes they wore into dirty laundry after they went shopping, etc. They wore masks when driving in a car alone or walking with no one around them. And I think people still do some of these things. Was all that really necessary? I never did that... And I am fine. I don't think it's because I just got lucky.
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@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
23 Dec 20
Talking points but no points of action. With Biden America will sink back into a false sense of security while our country, resources and people are sold down river. What hasn't already been sold that is.
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@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
23 Dec 20
@porwest Don't give up hope. Their narrative is falling apart it's just spread so deep and wide it's taking a lot more tugging than expected. All we really can do is keep unraveling the edges as more and more people SEE.
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
23 Dec 20
@Namelesss Ultimately I have faith in America. We are in a very bad time right now. I keep thinking maybe this will be the ultimate test to see what direction we REALLY want to go as a country. I think our side will ultimately prevail once we know the answer.
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
23 Dec 20
@Nameless I really do fear for America at this point. Part of it is how it is becoming more and clear no one really knows what Biden ran on. The only reason Biden won is because it wasn't Trump. Ugh. Very frustrating.
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@Deepizzaguy (107899)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
23 Dec 20
Please Lord I do not want to be under a Biden and Harris presidency since our nation will be in deep trouble.
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@Deepizzaguy (107899)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
24 Dec 20
@porwest There are some You Tube channels like Dr. Steve Turley stating the election results will be decided on January 6, 2021 when the delegates of all states will cast their votes for Trump since our President has a plan to stay in power by use of the Constitution rules.
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
25 Dec 20
@Deepizzaguy I do not see this happening but I have heard about the possibility in some circles. And it IS possible. But I think not likely. But we will wait and see. And by the way, the thing occurring on January 6th is the Senate certifying the electoral votes. The electoral college has already cast their votes and determined Biden to be the winner.
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
24 Dec 20
Unfortunately I think it is already too late. But I agree with you. It is going to be one hell of a tough ride the next four years.
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@vandana7 (101590)
• India
23 Dec 20
It is an unprecedented issue, sort of. Difficult to plan for.
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
23 Dec 20
And yet, Trump took swift action very early on, none of which he got credit for. Trump had a plan. That plan was implemented. That plan was mostly successful EXCEPT in wiping out the virus (which NOBODY could have done). None of it was reported. But it's all out there for people to see if they want to see it. All the while Biden never once said what he would do differently. He only said he would not do it the way Trump did. Biden never said what he would do. He never stated why he thought what Trump did was not enough, or wrong. Biden only ever said he could do it better and "shut it down." He never had any idea what he would do, and because the media wasn't going to ask him, he never had to provide an answer. And to this day Biden does not HAVE a response. He does not HAVE an answer. He does not HAVE a plan. And I think he knows FULL WELL as well that what Trump did, what Trump's response was, was not the abject failure he has tried to say it was. This was just something to boost a campaign. Look, let me be clear. I am a fair guy. If Biden does something right I will say it. I am not afraid to give praise or credit to the other side. I am also not afraid to offer criticism to my OWN side, and I have done it MANY times. But when I engage in these debates, what I am looking for more than anything is everyone being equally fair, and being at least SOMEWHAT honest in their analysis. If Biden's win was calculated LARGELY on the Covid response, and it WAS, then the KEY issue here was that those who voted for Biden did so agreeing there was no plan, only to turn around now and say "there can be no plan," and "we accept that Biden does not have a plan." It makes no sense. Just like we now have to sit and listen to the left say we on the right should just shut up and accept Trump's loss without question even though we had to sit and listen to the left cry foul for four entire years! This is also NOT an unprecedented issue. We have had viruses of many forms and varieties for hundreds of years. The Spanish Flu, bubonic plague, polio and countless others. There is nothing unprecedented here, and so far Covid has been NOTHING compared to any of these other viruses we have faced in the past, including AIDS.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
23 Dec 20
Biden and Fauci are “all talks”! Well, still too early to judge a senile president! I am sure Putin and Xi are shaking their heads and giggling! Am not giggling .. am laughing!
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
23 Dec 20
It might not be too early to make at least some judgements on Biden. He has been in politics for 50 years for one, and anybody willing to look can see his voting record over the years... It is abysmal by the way. We also have tons and tons of audio and video of Biden, so we know how he will conduct himself and we have a good idea how he thinks and what he thinks. For example, there is a ton of information out there that clearly points to Biden being a racist. And, since being "elected," he is basically reinstalling cabinet members from the abysmal Obama administration. So he's not going to present anything new really. He's just going to copy and extend THAT. Much of Biden's leadership (if you want to call it that) is almost entirely predictable. And none of it is good.
25 Dec 20
It's so bad to hear that
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
26 Dec 20
If only more people were paying attention before the election, the story we are having to tell right now might be very different.
• India
23 Dec 20
Someone with a bigger wallet would not let him in
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@porwest (97710)
• United States
23 Dec 20
I mean, Trump's wallet is way bigger than Biden's. lol
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