Who Incited Yesterday's Violence?
By Jim Bauer
@porwest (96826)
United States
January 7, 2021 6:57am CST
The left. The democrats. The MEDIA.
Before you simply turn and leave. Hear me out. I am not in any way supporting what happened in our nation's capitol yesterday. It was appalling. It was disgusting. And frankly I think it was unAmerican.
It should NEVER have happened.
But, while the media has said time and time again that it was Trump who incited the violence, I call that into serious question regardless whether or not I agree with or support the violence.
For four years we (Trump supporters) were called deplorable. For four years our president was discounted, disparaged, condemned, investigated, downplayed, ignored, wrongfully impeached, attacked, berated, and any other word you can find to use.
People were attacked in the streets for wearing MAGA hats. Trump supporting signs and flags were vandalized and destroyed. Trump supporters were called racists. And the list goes on.
At some point isn't there only so much anyone can take? It does not JUSTIFY the ends. But it CAN explain the final straw. Or, at least it can help to.
Had the left and the media reported the president differently, and PORTRAYED the president differently, I do not think this event would have occurred EVEN IF we still wound up in the end calling the election stolen.
In not one single speech Trump ever made did he call for violence. Not once did he call for insurrection. Not once did he advocate unrest. Trump rallies were VERY pro-America and uplifting. He did not declare gloom and doom. He praised American greatness, and said many times that we were ONE America.
I do not think Trump can be blamed for the events that occurred in our nation's capitol. And in no way do I believe for a minute that Trump is or was happy with what happened, or would have encouraged it.
I think we all need to step back from ALL that has happened in the last four years, and take a good, hard look at what the MEDIA is doing. THEY are directing the behavior of ALL of us, and trying to shape our minds into something THEY want to be the truth.
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12 responses
@kaylachan (75686)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Jan 21
While it took me a while to piece together what happened yesterday, I have to admit, I agree. The Republicans and demecrats have been at war with each other for as long as I can remember. I don't know when it started, but it seems when we have a republician in office, their dirty laundry gets hung on the clothes line so-to-speak. Someone tries (and usually fails) to impeach them at least, once. It seems, that since Trump was a business man and former reality t.v. star, he was never taken as seriously as someone who served in the military or held a public position.
Sure, he didn't want to accept that he lost the election. Yes, he tried to have votes over turned. But, history shows he wasn't the first to want to do this.
I also agree what happened yesterday was completely uncalled for and didn't need to happen. If Trump had been taken seriously as a president, then yesterday never would never have happened and the woman who got killed, would still be here. However, the past is the past and America needs to learn to own up to their actions and learn from their mistakes.
Will that happen? I can hope, right?
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
8 Jan 21
We have gotten to a point where there is sooo much division between the two parties, if that continues I am not sure we will EVER get anything done. I think what these politicians are forgetting is that they are not working for their PARTY. They are working for the PEOPLE. And I don't think either side is really listening, either, to the PEOPLE.
As for Trump's presidency, I have to say I have never seen anything like it in the way the media treated him and reported him. Sure, the media leans left. It has for years. It's going to be harder on republicans and scrutinize republicans more. And they have done that in the past. BUT, there was also more middle ground.
During Trump's time in office there was no middle ground at all. According to the media it was all bad, no matter what good happened. And a lot of goof DID happen. But none of that got reported.
In some ways I do blame Trump for some of the lack of reporting of the good stuff. Why? Because when he spoke he left too much ELSE for the media to hang onto to report instead of reporting the good that was happening.
But like you said. The past is the past. All we can do now is move forward and hope for the best. Biden will be president, and that's that. I oppose much of Biden's agenda, but at the same time my plan is to be FAIR in my analysis of anything he tries to do. I do not want to be one of those guys who opposes good things just because he's not "my" guy.
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@lovebuglena (45798)
• Staten Island, New York
8 Jan 21
@porwest The mass media are so against Trump that I think even when he did something great they always spun it to be that it was bad. I wonder if they ever reported the real news... They gave him hell for four years.
As I am sure many in Congress did as well. Why? Because he didn't come from politics? Why were they saw against him? Did they feel threatened?

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@lovebuglena (45798)
• Staten Island, New York
27 Feb 21
@porwest They are fools if they think they can get rid of Trump altogether.
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@pjmurphy (2499)
• United States
7 Jan 21
I understand, or at least would like to, what you are feeling. No one likes to be demeaned. I have tried to understand Trump supporters for four years. I live in a deep red part of the south, so most of my neighbors are probably Trump supporters. None of my family are, though. But you're looking for someone to blame it on, and I believe you might do better to look inward.
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@pjmurphy (2499)
• United States
12 Jan 21
@porwest I am basing my view on Trump supporters on the Trump supporters I have personally known for years. It's mainly racist. I've said based on what I know personally about the Trump supporters I know personally and have known for all of my adult life.
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@lovebuglena (45798)
• Staten Island, New York
12 Jan 21
@porwest The main stream media will always hide the real truth. And they will spin it in their favor. We cannot trust the main stream media anymore. Not if we wanna know the truth and what really happens in our country.
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
7 Jan 21
No need to look inward at all. You are basing your view of Trump and Trump supporters on what the media has told you. Not anything based in reality. The view of Trump and Trump supporters has been a narrative, lead by the media, driven by the media, and perpetuated by the media.
Granted, I have not cared for some of Trump's manner of messaging.
But his policies being effective and in the best interests of America and the American people cannot be denied. And a president does not have to be a good person to be an effective president. Many great presidents were not good people inside.
As for what you are wanting, you are wanting this false narrative to be true. So has the media. And so every chance they get they try to point to something and scream, "See? Right there. THAT'S what I am talking about."
Frankly it's childish.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
7 Jan 21
You are right! Trump-haters, especially the media people, just don’t like the president’s fighter attitude. But this president should be lauded, appreciated, and thanked by all American citizens for his America First policy. He cares for the real American citizens; while most politicians, especially democrats, don’t care .. all they care is VOTES to give them power and money.. that is why they want millions of illegal immigrants to become American citizens and want an open border to let millions more illegal immigrants come in..I predict white Americans will be minority and Spanish will be the national language of the USA! China and Russia will rule the world!
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
2 Mar 21
@porwest Not only the end of America . . the beginning of the end of White Americans!
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@HazySue (39267)
• Gouverneur, New York
7 Jan 21
@porwest I have to agree with @kaylachan to a good extent. I think Trump was never really taken seriously. However, I believe he tried to do what was needed to be done in a business stance. I think that the arrival of the coronavirus had a lot to do with the total unrest that has come down upon us. Looking back I seen everything he has done and not done has been put under the microscope and the worst possible light has been put on it. One can ony hope that the country will settle down before we have an all out war amongst us.
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
8 Jan 21
@HazySue Now that the REAL inciters have gotten their way and won maybe we CAN finally move ahead. The events at the capitol are an anomaly for republicans and conservatives, and is more in tune with how liberals act. So, this should quiet the crybaby left and we can just get something done. MAYBE.
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
8 Jan 21
I think Coronavirus really was THE final coffin nail here. Had the virus not happened, I believe we would be having a VERY different discussion. But again, going back to the media, even the virus and all of the fear and panic about it was perpetuated by the media.
We have a virus that is very contagious, but has a 99.1% survivability rate. That means most people who get it will be just fine. But that's not the way that the media was reporting it of course. And rarely, if ever, would you ever hear about the 99.1% survivability rate. You'd only hear about cases and deaths. And the reporting of the cases and deaths was done in such a way as to strongly suggest we were dealing with something far more serious than we were.
But I also agree with Kaylachan that what we need to do as a country is set our differences aside and move forward. We had four years of absolute opposition under Trump. America cannot afford another four years of that under Biden.
I think we (and I mean everyone on both sides of the aisle) need to be fair in our analysis of whatever Biden does, and not oppose everything simply because I did not vote for him or do not agree MOSTLY with him.
With Trump, most people opposed anything Trump did or wanted to do simply because it was Trump. When Obama was president I only opposed him when I thought an idea was bad, dangerous, or not in the best interests of America. I APPLAUDED Obama on the rare occassion he did get something right.
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
7 Jan 21
Marching to the capitol and breaching it are entirely different things. MANY people in our history have marched to the capitol in honor of something, or in protest of something. Marching does not mean what happened yesterday and to suggest that's what he meant is a really long stretch of the imagination.
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@everwonderwhy (7385)
29 Jan 21
@porwest Of course, for 4 years, these Biden fawners (in-love with him with his outstretched arms) have been exhausting all their imagination to the moon making up things.
Condolences to patriot veteran, Ashlee Babbette, and the police officers the murderers targeted.
. And then, blame it on PresidentTrump.

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@porwest (96826)
• United States
30 Jan 21
@everwonderwhy The imagination of the left these past four years, and the imagination over what the next four years will look like, is some pretty deep stuff. Let me tell you.
As for the imaginary inciting of this riot...
A stretch of stretches. The left will never surprise me with their ignorance.
@arunima25 (89309)
• Bangalore, India
7 Jan 21
Not sure who incited it and who supported it. But it came as a shock. It was uncalled for and could be avoided. It was a dark day in the history of strongest democracy. Hopefully truth comes out. But politics is a dirty game. There are always more skeleton in closets than what is shown in public.
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
7 Jan 21
I do think in order for us to avoid things like this though, we HAVE to dig a little deeper into who is doing what and for what purpose? If we don't ask questions, we can become too easily lead and controlled. Think of all of the bad regimes in history where people did not ask questions, and very bad things happened. We cannot allow that in our country, and I am sure you would not want that to happen in your own country as well.
Who is leading the charge? What's the agenda? What is the desired outcome? What is the purpose? These are all important questions that need to be asked and answered. Because too many people have a LOT of power, be it through position or money, and if we are blind to what they are doing or what their objective is, and if we do not ask questions about that...
It could have the greatest consequence to alter life as we know it.
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
8 Jan 21
@arunima25 Propaganda is a good word to describe today's media. And interestingly enough, we have seen in the past how effective propaganda can be to take hold of people's minds, and shape them. Few people actually take the time to dig deeper into stories and try to find out what's true and what's made up. And so, the power that the media has is as much power, really, that ANYONE can have.
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@arunima25 (89309)
• Bangalore, India
8 Jan 21
@porwest We live in a vulnerable era. SO much exposure to media, social media, half-cooked, fake stories, headline management, fake news peddling, polarisation, twisting of facts...the list is endless. How people influence and play with the mind of people?? I just hope people retain their common sense and sense of judgement and save themselves from falling prey to these traps of words and propagandas.
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@wolfgirl569 (112468)
• Marion, Ohio
8 Jan 21
When he told them to march down to the capitol and putting all those not backing him down as being weak he started it. That was his order to go.
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
8 Jan 21
We respectfully disagree. But stand by. I will be posting soon about many, many calls by democrats that actually incited violence.
I just want to be clear that if we want to go there, BOTH sides need to be appalled at BOTH sides for whatever it is they want to accuse BOTH sides of.

@lovebuglena (45798)
• Staten Island, New York
8 Jan 21
In not one single speech Trump ever made did he call for violence...
I agree with that entire paragraph. He did not encourage any of his supporters to break into the Capitol and commit any act of violence and yet everyone blames him.... Well not his true supporters. They don't. And it was not the Trump supporters who did this. Hubby went to the rally in DC and he was by the Capitol. He told me it was antifa's doing... Whether that is actually 100% true or not I don't know but Trump's true supporters would not do such a thing.
What surprises me is how unprepared they were at the Capitol. How in the world were people allowed to break into the building and do what they did? Where was all that tight security? They had to have known or at least anticipated that something may go down there. And yet they weren't prepared.
At any rate, what went down, no matter how terrible it is, was not Trump's fault. And instead of trying to again impeach the president or get him out of the oval office by invoking the 25th Amendment they should be focusing on running the country and developing a real plan for the next 4 years...
The media is controlling our lives. They are feeding us lies. They are dividing this nation more and more. As is the LEFT. And now that Dems have total control we are screwed...
@rz3300 (201)
• United States
8 Jan 21
I think he did incite it, but I also agree with your larger point in that it was a culmination of a lot of other people's behavior as well, and yes the media has a lot to do with it. People have a lot to do with it too and what they choose to view and read and watch. It's all just so frustrating, and for the most part probably avoidable. It is amazing to me how we seem so divided, when in reality the average person down the street is no different and we all just want similar things. I don't even know anymore.
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
27 Feb 21
No. He clearly did NOT incite it. I think people need to listen to his words and put their thinking caps on. His words did not even come CLOSE to suggesting what happened. People just want to put the onus on him. It fits their narrative even if it is so far removed from the truth as to be utterly ridiculous.
It is really borderline insanity to suggest this is what Trump's words meant, let alone what he hoped would happen.
People have absolutely and completely lost their minds.
@everwonderwhy (7385)
8 Jan 21
These liberal Democrats and left-licking media, and now the Rino mongrels, can't help themselves. They crap all over the grounds and in the House of America. Their TDS is geting worst by the day. They stink.
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@everwonderwhy (7385)
19 Jan 21
@porwest Latest: The 10 Republicans that voted with Democrats to impeach Trump, have
allowed themselves to the base level of Hillary Clinton's 'deplorables'. They've just ended their political career. They have failed American patriotism. Unless they humble themselves and do what is riighf-- rooted from the 2020 Election.
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@porwest (96826)
• United States
20 Jan 21
@everwonderwhy Yep. I agree with you. THIS impeachment was even more bogus than the first one. Patriots are watching.

@Butterfingers (66607)
• India
7 Jan 21
Bad elements of society did that and they shouldn't be linked with any political party or religion or community
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