Why Do People Think 'Reading a Person's Comments' means you have to "Agree with Them"?

Candace defends her brother, tho she doesn't quite "agree" with him. https://perezhilton.com/candace-cameron-kirk-cameron-christmas-caroling-party-coronavirus-twitter/
@mythociate (21437)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
January 23, 2021 11:37am CST
MSN News reports on Candace (Kirk "Growing Pains" Cameron's sister, star of Full House and now -of Fuller House) Bure, how she's confused about 'why people stop following her on Twitter because she follows people with a wide range of opinions (some she agrees-with, some she doesn't).' https://twitter.com/candacecbure/following I agree that it's good to know 'what all sides are thinking.' But I guess a) some people want to see their Twitter news-feed as a kind of 'what I should think about the world today' (and don't want to risk being "wrong" about it) & b) they're concerned that--like 'hanging around with bad people' in real life is said to "make people think you ARE such a person"--'spending time with bad people's real thoughts' might make people think YOU have such thoughts too!
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1 response
• United States
23 Jan 21
I would think the sinple reason would be, it's becouse a lot of people are narrow minded. They think their views on any subject is right, no matter what it is. I see this happen on Youtube with people all the time, they act like the person that makes the channel suppose to agree with them, if they don't ,they leave nasty comments and then unsubsribe.
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@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Jan 21
Well, The Bible says 'everyone is right to themselves'---i.e. if I have an opinion about something, I'm not going to change my mind about it unless I'm shown 'a stronger reason for feeling differently about it' (e.g. Maybe I believe Jesus has a plan for world-peace, a plan He gives His Living Disciples when it's time for them to make 'crucial choice' (War or Peace, Moderna or Pfizer, Right or Left, etc.); that's a Biblically-based opinion, confirmed with some 'reasoning' and a little 'experience'---and I'm gonna think it's right unless some opposing 'Scripture backed by reason & experience' counters it.)
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• United States
23 Jan 21
@mythociate I can see what your saying when it comes to the scipture of the Bible. The trouble with the type of person I'm talking about though, is the one that are not even open minded enough to be willing to listen to someone elses opinion or take the time to research things.
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