Painting the Wrong Room
@Jackalyn (7558)
Oxford, England
January 31, 2021 8:44am CST
<h1>Painting the Wrong Room
For Christians who sometimes feel they have two spiritual left feet and don't always manage to get it right.
Painting the Wrong RoomThis is a thought that has been going round in my head - a wisdom thought I guess......We all have souls with rooms in. Jesus wants to help us redecorate every room and heal the past and make all things new.....Ever had this kind of conversation with God?"OK Lord I am gonna paint this room"God looks at room and says; "no not now - can you just have a look at THIS room."You say:"Yeah God I know you know all things and that room I want to repaint is the most important."God says:"Well I gave you free will. If you insist. But you do it alone, OK?"You think....."God is so great He won't leave me. He will get interested in the project."You start to pull the paint off of the walls and it all starts to look messy. You pick up the paintbrush and no matter what you do there are tears of paint running down the wall.You get friends in to help and they pick up the brush and take a look and put it down again in despair telling you: "I cannot sort this one with you; you better call in God."Only God suddenly seems to be out to lunch.You walk back into the room and kick over the paint bucket, fall off the ladder, bruise your back and still you are getting up again and picking up the brush.Nothing goes right.You ring your friends and they say:" I can't help you but I will pray."Some friends. You needed them to listen and give you advice and better still come on over. The more you ask the more they seem to have something else to do. And why do they all sound so very busy and so very BORED?After all they usually help you with redecoration and usually it is a bit of a mess but you get by.Finally, when the plaster falls off the ceiling and all the aromatherapy candles in the world will not get rid of the smell of whatever it is that was under the wall paper you pick up the phone.I don't mean the the phone in the hall. I mean the hotline to God phone. "Ring, Ring, Ring"God sure seems to be taking a long lunch break.Looking at the mess you have to admit. God had a point. It was not such a good idea to redecorate that room and you start to look at other rooms in your spiritual house.Faith room looks a little messy.The one you call Forgiveness has plaster hanging off of the wall.Yeah God was right. You started in the wrong room.Actually God did try to tell you...........Hotline to God, "Ring Ring."Thinking to self: I went my own way and now I REALLY messed up. Actually if you are really honest you will remember the words 'He who he loves He also disciplines.""Ring, Ring"Is God EVER gonna get back from lunch?Finally, just as you wonder if you are alone for ever. God picks up the receiver."Hang on," says God. "I will be right there."There is a knock at the door.God in white overalls carrying a step ladder.Jesus right beside carrying brushes and a paint bucket.They walk right past you. Tell you. "You stay there till we are ready."You are just sitting there hoping they do the messiest room first.They don't.They spend ages in the room you call Faith and then invite you in. It is all done for you and all you can do is sit in it.OK so NOW they are surely going to redecorate the room you messed up?They take you by the hand but not where you want to go.Now you are standing in the room of Forgiveness and Jesus is handing you the paintbrush.Either you are going to work for God and Son and paint that room or they are on a walk out.The room gets painted.It looks a lot better.Now they take you, finally to look at that room you were trying to sort all along.It looks bad. It makes you feel bad.Now God and Jesus seem to have a lot of work to do with a paint scraper. This looks like it will take AGES and you are still employed by God and Son and really you would rather just close the door of that room and forget. You can't. You seem to have become part of the company. You are and employee of 'God and Son, Soul Redecorators.'The paint peels off easy. It is not so bad. You have had practice now in the room of Faith and the room of Forgiveness. The spills wipe up because now you have learnt exactly what God uses for the job. Actually you finally know what the right tools for the job are. You feel a little foolish as you realise that you chose all the wrong equipment.Finally you realise that if you had only done what God said in the beginning it would all have been a lot easier first timeYou turn to thank God and Jesus for what they have done. They grin at you and you just know that the second time around if you can just ask God first what has to be done it will all go right.copyright Jacky Hughes
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