Do you think young children should have a myspace?
United States
20 responses
@Priceless (1277)
2 Dec 06
No not really,
I would prefer if they had bebo,
Or something less popular..
Bebos can be easly watched,
All sorts of creeps are on myspace.
@misskatonic (3723)
• United States
2 Dec 06
I don't agree with it. There are too many creeps, and too many ways around monitoring systems. There's no fool proof way to keep the pervs away from the kids. It's awful and it's sad but it's true. It's too high a risk, especially a site like myspace.
I don't think kids should be online until they're fourteen, anyway.
@JessieMae (345)
• United States
1 Dec 06
I think that it would be alright for young children to have a myspace as long as they don't become friends with the wrong people. They need to be monitored. I know that there is no 100% way to find out if the people who get online are who they say they are or not. I know that I am careful as to who I accept on my friend list.
• United States
1 Dec 06
I am careful as well, you just never know who these people are sometimes! Thank you for your response: )
@munchkin76 (637)
• United States
1 Dec 06
i would allow my daughter to have a myspace only if i was able to approve who wants to chat and who wants to be her friend.
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
30 Nov 06
Yes i think children from a certain age up like 13 and up should be able to have a myspace just the parents should moniter the children while online and make sure there not adding any of there home info to the profile there.
@ginals (28)
• United States
30 Nov 06
My daughter does have a myspace, but she is 15, and it's private, AND I have complete control over it. I visit it daily, she can't add anyone who I don't know via school, I completely monitor everything she does online. When she is older, and not living here, then I will not do that, but while she is here, it's done by our rules or else you don't get to do it. I'm very very strict when it comes to my kids using the internet. As more parents should be.
• United States
1 Dec 06
I totally understand and That is a great idea. And I would do the same if my child was that age! Thanks so much for your response! :)
@stellarjade (1238)
• United States
1 Dec 06
Really young kids shouldnt. There are just to many creepy people on there. And even older kids that have one, should be monitored.
@mandrin823 (386)
• United States
1 Dec 06
many of my friends have paged for their kids and i refuse to let my son have one, i dont care if hes well monitored or not i dont think kids should be aloud to get on site like that or chat room there to many people out there that like to hurt little kids
@wwjdn2007 (231)
• United States
1 Dec 06
No way. I believe myspace is a good place for networking but young children isn't on there for that.
@angel_manders (912)
• Canada
30 Nov 06
no i dont think young children should have a my space account because there are to many perverts going after young children now a days
@starr4all (2863)
30 Nov 06
I don't have a problem with kids on their to talk to their other friends. But they need to be monitored very closely so they are not taken advantage of.
@starr4all (2863)
30 Nov 06
I don't have a problem with kids on their to talk to their other friends. But they need to be monitored very closely so they are not taken advantage of.
@fotychic (318)
• United States
30 Nov 06
I'm not sure. I think that it really depends on the kid. If the parent feels that they are mature enough to not let out any information, then they should be allowed. MySpace has a filter for younger kids that will allow them to have a blocked account. Only people in the kids friend list will be able to see any of thier information. So, that is a good protective measure that you can use for your kid.
• United States
30 Nov 06
thank you for your response :) My little sister has a account and some people have a issue with it so thats why I was wondering!
• United States
30 Nov 06
thank you for your response :) I love myspace! I was just wondering what everyone thought about this! There are def creeps everywhere believe me I know, i'm not targeting myspace..sorry
@Emo_kid (12)
30 Nov 06
okay i know about myspace because i go on it, what you do is you add freinds, the ones you know an talk to them, you can accept or deny people who want to add you, an they cant talk to you unless you add them, an to be extra safe you can not show where you live or put a fake age like 99 so they dont know how old you are, myspace has privacy settings to, you can put your profile on private, or m you can turn it to any1 under 18 can look at it, but yeah myspace is safe =] take it from a kid