Porch Sittin’

February 19, 2021 2:06pm CST
I suppose I could just as easily named this “Life on My Street” because that’s about what Porch Sittin’ amounts to. It’s like sitting on a park bench but I do it on my porch. Just about any time when I’m not doing something else between 4 A.M. and 10 P.M., everyone on my street knows I’ll be sitting on my porch no matter what the weather may be. Oh yeah, the porch in the picture doesn’t have a roof but it does now. Sometimes I’m writing like I am now or maybe fixing something, reading something or just daydreaming. The cool thing is that I see everything that goes on in front of the house. I mean, I recognize the hookers and dealers whilst they walk slowly up and down the street and also know which cars will speed up to hit the ramp type of speed bump just to get a little air time. I cheer on a couple of ladies who have taken up walking to lose weight and the derned guy with the loud speakers on his boom box tucked next to his ear is a frequent walker and very aggravating. I really should offer the guy a pair of ear phones. A few weeks ago I watched a huge Hawk grab a squirrel out of one of my trees. I wish he’d grab that boom box.....and maybe the guy with it. Yeah, that’s pretty much what Porch Sittin’ amounts to,. Saying howdy to the folks I know and watching the antics of others just to see if anything different happens. Well, here comes the brother of the guy with the boom box. Maybe I should offer him some ear plugs.?
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12 responses
@much2say (57377)
• Los Angeles, California
19 Feb 21
I think you should get an extra big boom box for your porch . . . blast it like no one's business when that guy passes by .
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@CarolDM (203410)
• Nashville, Tennessee
19 Feb 21
I watch mostly from my deck at the birds.
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@GardenGerty (162836)
• United States
20 Feb 21
Porch sittin can be very entertaining. In my neck of the woods we have a lot more hawks and a lot fewer boom boxes.
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@kaylachan (76381)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Feb 21
People watching from the comfort of home. Sounds like a lot of fun. On a decent day, I'll spend a little time out on mine, but not very often. But thanks to the large windows in my living room I can do the same from the couch. Enjoy sitting outside.
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@rebelann (113559)
• El Paso, Texas
19 Feb 21
Sounds like an interesting place to live but I think I like my quiet street better. At least here no kids with boom boxes walk the street.
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@JudyEv (349379)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 Feb 21
That's a great looking porch. It sounds like a very entertaining place to sit even if you have to put up with the boom box. :) Thanks @hereandthere for suggesting this discussion.
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20 Feb 21
It looks a lot better now that I finished it and have a little walkway in front of the fountain and real grass in the yard. But yes my goodness yes, I am fully entertained. The one item that keeps me that way are the cell phone conversations that go on by the people walking by. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older but why do people have to yell when they are talking on the phone? I mean, I’ve heard just about everything a person would want, or not want, to know. I know about upcoming babies, marriages, divorces and even how many times one gal slept with Sammy, the local throwback from the 60’s hippy who lives a dozen or so houses down the street. Yeah, I’m entertained and sometimes it’s just TMI for these old ears but maybe I should start keeping a log about who did what to whom, where and how many times and sell the thing to the highest bidder.
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@JudyEv (349379)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 Feb 21
@BobbyCole You might be called on as a witness one day to testify to what you heard. But yes, it seems people have to yell when they're on the phone. They can't all be talking to deaf people.
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@jstory07 (142775)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Feb 21
Maybe you should offer both brothers ear plugs.
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@LeaPea2417 (37687)
• Toccoa, Georgia
21 Feb 21
I watch a few neighborhood things from my window.
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@LeaPea2417 (37687)
• Toccoa, Georgia
21 Feb 21
@BobbyCole Yes , the 506th Regiment was here. Downtown they have a Museum about that created by the Historical Society. That flood that happened in 1977, affected Toccoa Falls College. That was before I came here. I came here from Atlanta to attend College at Toccoa Falls College in 1985. That is where my husband and I met. After we got married we stayed here. So, I have lived here 35 years.
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@jaboUK (64350)
• United Kingdom
20 Feb 21
You're there from 4am??? I often don't got to bed until then. Sounds quite interesting on your porch but I wouldn't want to live where there are hookers and dealers about.
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@jaboUK (64350)
• United Kingdom
21 Feb 21
@BobbyCole Wow, you live in a different world from me.
21 Feb 21
My goodness, in my travels I even cooked one night at a cat house (as a favor to the owner of half a town) in Nevada for 20+ girls. The girls were actually very nice and even asked me to say the blessing before they ate.
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@1creekgirl (43124)
• United States
20 Feb 21
I like your porch. We live in the country, no sidewalks or foot traffic, just cars, pickups, and log trucks.
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@akalinus (44221)
• United States
21 Feb 21
There are a lot of porch sitters around here too. They just sit out no matter what watching boring stuff going on around here.
@arunima25 (89404)
• Bangalore, India
20 Feb 21
That's a nice spot to sit and get entertainedI would have offered some ear plugs to him by now
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